showing 1 - 50 of 52 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartags
10-20-30 author1999 basic cards display-1024x768 download fullscreen installer mouse solitaire visualbasic win95 windowed labelminimizeminimize
Adventsquiz author2000 catholic download free license-proprietary mouse religion-catholic windowed labelminimizeminimize
Aladdin  Virgin;Disney1997 aladdin antiquity arabianfantasy arabiannights disney movie nofalldamage oldarabian-theme semiteprotagonist windowed labelimagesubject
Areena 4 author? aging areena-series bloodsports calendrictime grid grid-square group licensechange magic mystics sportsmanagement visualbasic windowed labelimageminimize
Areena 5 author2000 aging areena-series bloodsports calendrictime grid grid-square group licensechange magic mystics noports shopping sportsmanagement unseenprotagonist visualbasic windowed labelimageminimize
BedTris Bedsoft1996 fallingblocks score windowed labelimageminimize
BeeTris for Windows 95 author1996 fallingblocks score windowed labelimageminimize
Cartel's Dollars 2000 Creatiel199? windowed labelimageminimize
ColorCode author1999 download mastermind mouse visualbasic win95 windowed labelminimizeminimize
Computer EastFront Columbia Games1999 1940s 20thcentury 2ndmillennium cdrom commercial directx5 grid grid-hex license-proprietary mouse win95 windowed worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
Creeper World Knuckle Cracker2009 adobeair apocalyptic autosavepoints beamweapons creeperworld-series demo destructiblestructures difficulty-single distantfuture download elevation endlessopposition energyweapons extraterrestrial flash future grid grid-square hillland leveleditor license-crossplatform liquidphysics logistics mortars multipleworlds netranking openfield resourcegeneration score serialkey serious spacefaringage stockpiles towerdefense tutorial tutorial-noninteractive undefinedelements visionaryplan windowed winvista winxp labelimageminimize
Daikōkai Jidai Gaiden  Koei1998 ageofsail cdrom color-8bit cpu-486 display-640x400 earth keyboard mouse unchartedwaters-series win95 windowed labelminimizeminimize
Demonstar Mountain King Studios1998 directx5 leveleditor verticalscreen windowed labelimagesubject
Desktop Dungeons  QCF Design2010 adv-static amoeboids animals colorcodednpcs dungeon dungeoncrawler energyitems energypickups faith goblinoids goblins grid grid-square healingitems healthpickups instantkillers leveluprestoration magic mapgenerator meleeweapons mystics naga newgameplus opponentpowerdisplay passivenpcs playerprofiles powerups roguelike shopping short singlelevel sorcery specieschoice tutorial undead uvl-confusable windowed xp-kills zombies labelimagesubject
Desktop Dungeons: Enhanced Edition  QCF Design2014 achievements adv-static amoeboids animals colorcodednpcs commercial download dungeon dungeoncrawler energyitems energypickups faith goblinoids goblins grid grid-square healingitems healthpickups instantkillers leveluprestoration license-proprietary magic mapgenerator meleeweapons mouse mystics naga newgameplus opponentpowerdisplay passivenpcs playerprofiles powerups roguelike shopping short singlelevel sorcery specieschoice steampowered tutorial ubuntu undead windowed xp-kills zombies labelminimizeminimize
Devil May Cry 3  Ubisoft (Capcom Production Studio 1)2006 actionadventure aerialattacksuspension aspectratio-4-3 autoaim dashing demons devilmaycry dvd giantmyriapods hackandslash handguns jumping meleeweapons overthetop prerenderedingamecinematics projectileimmunity rating-pegi-16 sentientartefact sevendeadlysins simulacrums spectaclebrawler steampowered swords unlimitedammo unusualprotagonist walking windowed labelimageminimize
Dope Wars Beermat Software1998 outlawprotagonist trading windowed labelimageminimize
Fructus for Windows 95 author1996 fallingblocks score visualmatching windowed labelimageminimize
Gélules for Windows 95  author1996 fallingblocks score windowed labelimageminimize
Hacker author2000 hacking windowed labelimageminimize
Klingon Honor Guard  Microprose1998 alienprotagonist cdrom commercial cpu-586 display-1024x768 display-640x480 dolbysurround extraterrestrial firstpersonshooter fullscreen future glide3d humanoidprotagonist humanoids joystick keyboard license-proprietary militantprotagonist mmx mouse mp-ffa mp-teams mp-versus spacefaringage startrek unrealengine unrealengine1 uvl-tiein win95 windowed x86 labelimageminimize
Legacy Redshift2004 commercial display-480x320 download keyboard license-proprietary mouse win98 windowed labelminimizeminimize
MahJongg Game of Four Winds  eGames1998 cdrom color-8bit commercial directx5 directx6 directx7 earth keyboard license-proprietary mahjong mouse naturalistic serious traditional win95 windowed labelimagesubject
MahJongg Master eGames1998 shanghai windowed labelimagesubject
Manic Miner Retrospec1998 claiming disappearingplatforms falldamage free2play harmfultouch instantdeath keyboard license-proprietary lives timelimit uvl-confusable walking willyminer win95 windowed labelminimizeminimize
Maxi Jongg  Girosoft1998 shanghai windowed labelimageminimize
MegaMek author2004 4thmillennium battletech control-individuals extraterrestrial future grid grid-hex java license-gpl mecha otherworld traditional walker walkers windowed labelimageminimize
Minesweeper  Microsoft (Microsoft;Oberon Media;I-Play)1995 blackbox instantdeath logicpuzzle minesweeper packin singlechallenge windowed labelimageminimize
Mordor II: Darkness Awakening  VB Designs1996 adv-intermediary adv-undefined amoeboids antimagiczones automap basic charactercreation classbased conversion creatureidentification dejenol doors dwarves elves femaleprotagonist genderchoice giantanimals gianthumanoids gridmove guild indoors inventory magic maleprotagonist minimap minions monsters multiclassing ogres opengl playerprofiles prototype safezone serious shopping skeletons sorcery specieschoice subterranean subterraneanrealm superclass taxonomy teleport trolls undead visualbasic weefolk windowed xp-kills labelimageminimize
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Paragon Bridge  TELLIS Software2002 bridgecardgame cdrom commercial earth license-proprietary mouse naturalistic pentium voiceovers win95 windowed labelminimizeminimize
Passions- und Osterquiz author? catholic download free license-proprietary mouse religion-catholic windowed labelminimizeminimize
Pocket UFO SMK Software2006 1990s 20thcentury absoluterulership aliens ammomagazines amoeboids assaultrifles basebuilding circadiancycle dawnofanewage destructibleitems energyweapons explosiveobjects fictionalelement globalorganization grenades greys grid grid-square grid-volume group handguns humanoids infantry inventory investors laserweapons layers militantprotagonist militaryfiction minionpermadeath multiphased naga neutralnpcs nonlethalelimination noreinforcements npcanxiety obsoletedassets overworld persistentminions plasmaweapons psychics researching rockets rotaryguns rural scavenging shopping starfishaliens strayfire stunprods supervisorprotagonist tactical thermalweapons timecompression turnbasedcombat uniqueminions universaltheatre unseenprotagonist uvl-imagequality verticalscreen veterancy weaponsplatforms windowed xcom-original xcom-series labelimageminimize
PROgressive Tetris Outline for Windows 95  author1997 fallingblocks score windowed labelimageminimize
Protector author2001 lives score space windowed labelimageminimize
Quink  TC Consulting1997 download mouse windowed labelminimizeminimize
Raiden III  Cyberfront (MOSS)2006 beamweapons bossbattles cdrom directx9 energyweapons homingmissiles lives mediaindrive raiden shadermodel2 smartbomb verticalscreen windowed labelimageminimize
Romance of the Three Kingdoms  Koei1998 2ndcentury 3plusfactions 3rdcentury asia asia-east cdrom china chineseimperialera color-8bit combatmode commercial grid grid-hex grid-irregular license-proprietary mouse sanguoyanyi uvl-tiein win95 win98 windowed winnt4 winxp x86 labelminimizeminimize
Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII  Koei2000 2ndcentury 3plusfactions 3rdcentury asia asia-east cdrom china chineseimperialera color-16bit combatmode commercial cpu-586 display-800x600 fullscreen grid grid-hex grid-irregular license-proprietary mouse sanguoyanyi uvl-tiein win95 windowed x86 labelminimizeminimize
Spout -2002 clanguage destructibleenvironment instantdeath physics sdl timelimit windowed labelimageminimize
Star Wars: Yoda Stories LucasArts1997 aliens energyweapons grenades grid grid-square healingitems inventory jungle lightsabers mapgenerator meleeweapons starwars taskgenerator uvl-missingimages uvl-tiein wasteland wetland windowed labelminimizeminimize
Stone Master  JC Research1997 gomoku igo ninemensmorris reversi traditional windowed labelimageminimize
Stranded author2014 bioluminescence clickadventure display-640x480 humblestore humblewidget instantstart isolatedlocale nohud steampowered stonecreatures stranded uvl-confusable wasteland windowed winxp labelimageminimize
Super Sanctum TD Coffee Stain Studios2013 activeabilityset difficulty indie levelselection opponentpreview paidkilling predefinedcontrols priorities respec retro sanctum-series staticresolution steampowered supportpowers towerdefense tutorial upgradesystem waves windowed labelimageminimize
The Jungle Book  Virgin Interactive (East Point Software)1995 cdrom cpu-486 disney uvl-missingimages uvl-tiein win95 windowed labelminimizeminimize
The Lion King Virgin Interactive (East Point Software)1996 animalprotagonist bonusstages cdrom commercial cpu-486 disney felidprotagonist growingprotagonist highbornprotagonist keyboard license-proprietary lighthearted lives mouse movie nohumans orphanprotagonist thelionking timeskip titularcharacter win95 windowed wingapi labelminimizeminimize
Tic-Tac-Toe author1999 download grid grid-volume mastermind mouse nplayers tictactoe visualbasic win95 windowed labelminimizeminimize
Tinker Microsoft (Fuel Games)2009 achievements achievements-public download falldamage grid grid-square instantdeath robotprotagonist teleporters tutorial windowed windowslive labelimageminimize
ToME  DarkGod2002 forethoughtrequired genderchoice lua magic mapgenerator meleeweapons physfs roguelike town windowed labelimageminimize
Weihnachtsquiz author2000 catholic download free license-proprietary mouse religion-catholic window windowed labelminimizeminimize
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