showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdescription
Magicka Paradox Interactive (Arrowhead Game Studios)2011 4thwallbroken achievements achievements-public achillesheelfoes angelofdeath axes bitsquid blankprotagonist bludgeons bossbattles burning capturedresources castle chargedabilities chargers cheapdeath classicwizards combinedeffort comboactions combomoves conductivewater controlloss cryokinesis csharplanguage damageinfo deadends deadlywater deathpits demo demons demons-other difficulty-single dragons druids dwarves electrokinesis elements encounters-set enforcedproximity facelessprotagonist falldamage flyingislands forcefields forest freezing friendlyfire gianthumanoids giants giantspiders gibs goblins gore hapticfeedback hazardouspowers healing healingdevice hydrokinesis instantkillers knockback knockdown limitlessenergy magic magic-precast magicka-series magicstaves meleeweapons mergedactions midastouch mine mode-survival monsters mountain mp-campaign mp-cooperative mysticprotagonist mystics mythmagnet namelessprotagonist netframework netranking norsemythology npcfriendlyfire overkill parody playablecredits plethoraofreferences plotimmortality pyrokinesis rating-esrb-t recurringopponent repulsion resuscitation ricochetingattacks ruins rural satire screenshake secrets shallowwater silentprotagonist skeletons sorcery spectres speech-gibberish splatter steampowered steamworks swords systemsdriven teleport timetravel toxins treants trolls undead unhealthyundead unrestrictedviolence vampires volcanic walking waterweapons weathercontrol weathereffects weefolk wetland wetting worldedge wyrms xnaframework xrayelectrocution zombies Juegazo para jugar en multijugador y reírse un rato.

Nunca matar a tus amigos fue tan gratificante y útil como en este juego.

Y recuerda: 100% libre de vampiros.

8 de 10***[b]DLC packs:[/b]
* Magicka: Vietnam (2011-04-12)
* Magicka: Marshlands (2011-04-26) - adds 2 new challenge (survival) maps.
* Magicka: Final Frontier (2011-06-21)
* Magicka: Frozen Lake (2011-06-21)
* Magicka: Nippon (2011-06-01)
* Magicka: Party Robes (2011-06-21)
* Magicka: The Watchtower (2011-06-21)
* Magicka: Gamer Bundle (2011-09-18)
* Magicka: The Stars Are Left (2011-09-30)
* Magicka: Wizard's Survival Kit (2011-03-08)
* Magicka: Holiday Spirit Item Pack (2011-11-30)
* Magicka: Horror Props Item Pack (2011-11-30)

Vietnam and The Stars Are Left DLCs are larger extra campaigns, the others are smaller packs with few (PvP or survival) maps and items.***"Fake" Magicka infomercial
[media=youtube]ZnqMnuO2crg[/media]***Magicka is a satirical action-adventure game set in a rich fantasy world based on Norse mythology. The player assumes the role of a wizard from a sacred order tasked with stopping an evil sorcerer who has thrown the world into turmoil, his foul creations besieging the forces of good.

Players will be able to combine the elements to cast spells, wreaking havoc and devastation on the minions of darkness. They will also be able to team up with friends and fight their way through the campaign, or test their skills in the magickal arts through other challenging modes.

In Magicka, up to four players take on a grand adventure to save their world from certain doom using a fully dynamic spell system. The adventure mode takes the players across three different levels, ranging from the lush forests of mountain valleys to the frozen halls of the Mountain King where wits and creative thinking are the keys to victory.

In the unlockable hardcore challenge mode, players fight off waves of enemies to earn their place on local and online leaderboards.

Main Features:
* Innovative and dynamic spell casting system
* Up to four-player co-op in all game modes, as well as a single-player option
* Fight your way through 13 different campaign levels
* Explore an expansive realm of adventure to defeat the evil wizard
* Find and unlock challenges, items, and powerful Magicks
* Experience the parody and satire of a clichéd fantasy world