showing 11 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downward
Empire: Wargame of the Century ??labelminimizeminimize
Kriegspiel TRS-80 Software Exchange;SoftSide1979labelimageminimize
The Battle of Shiloh SSI (Tactical Design Group)1981labelimageminimize
The Battle of the Bulge: Tigers in the Snow SSI1981labelimageminimize
Battlefield Softside1981labelminimizeminimize
Leyte SoftSide1981labelminimizeminimize
Battle for Normandy SSI (Tactical Design Group)1982labelimageminimize
Dnieper River Line Avalon Hill1982labelimageminimize
VC (V.C.;Viet Cong) Avalon Hill (Microcomputer Games)1982labelimageminimize
Empire Shards Software1983labelminimizeminimize
Knights of the Desert: The North African Campaign of 1941-1943 SSI (Tactical Design Group)1983labelminimizeminimize