showing 5 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagsdescription
Shadowrun Compile (Group SNE)1996 21stcentury asia asia-east city-tokyo-jp cyberpunk cyborgs dicemechanics dystopian earth elves fantasticearth future futureearth group humans investigation japan lastgame magic mystery sciencefantasy shadowrun ttrpgtiein uvl-tiein virtualreality I just bought this in Japan. Does anyone want to start a translation/distribution project?
Detonator Orgun  Hot-B;Darts1992 anime asia asia-east earth japan labelimageminimize
Rise of the Phoenix  Koei? asia asia-east bc3rdcentury china chineseimperialera earth realprotagonist Christian Schiller of Eidolon's Inn owns this game. It has not been found (by him) to run on any emulators. labelminimizeminimize
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 3: Dragon of Destiny  Koei1993 asia asia-east china chineseimperialera sanguoyanyi uvl-missingimages uvl-tiein labelimageminimize
Robo Aleste  Tengen (Compile)1992 6buttonarcadepad aleste-series asia asia-east feudaljapan japan mecha rating-vrc-ga Robo Aleste is like MUSHA on the genesis, except far less intense, with too strong enemies and too weak weapons. But it does have CD music.
[ufoDave]***Best in the series. Hardly no flaws, this a wonderful vertical shooter for the Mega CD. Probably the best on the system with a studio quality soundtrack (which is a bit cheesy though), lots of anime cutscenes and killer graphics and gameplay. This game was released worldwide, and isn't that expensive. So there's no reason to skip it!