showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagsdescription
Bug Blasters: The Exterminators Good Deal Games (Stargate Films)2001 digitizedvideo giantinsects insectoid-theme insectoidmenace liveactors labelimageminimize
Night Trap Sega;Tec Toy;Digital Pictures (Digital Pictures)1992 digitizedvideo launchtitle liveactors offscreenaction rating-esrb-m unattendedevents You're the character in your own intrigue movie. The mystery surrounds five teenagers who are missing. You're a special agent with Commander Simms' SWAT team responsible for making sure it doesn't happen again. You work with an undercover agent named Kelly Meda (Dana's platoon) to keep the peace that doesn't last. Using real actors rather than computer-generated characters; you can control hidden cameras in eight different rooms of this mansion. Life is at stake if you screw up, but you also have control over a series of trap doors that you can grab anyone who tries to get in and threatens the safety of others. DigiChrome and InstaSwitch combine the virtual reality of real actors with instant response.***US version
[20]***Published in the US by SEGA in 1992. by Tec Toy in Brazil 1993.

Apparently the first game to use FMV with live actors and [i]supposedly[/i] among the first games to have mature content.