Groups comparison

Multiplayer: Asymmetric - 1977 to 2017
Includes one or more asymmetric multiplayer modes, where one team of players is equipped significantly differently than the other, that don't have a more specific tag available.

Multiplayer: Assault (Siege) - 1999 to 2017
Includes a multiplayer mode where one team defends something and another team tries to attack it, either to destroy or capture.

Multiplayer: Juggernaut(Mutant) - 2002 to 2014
Includes a multiplayer mode where one player is alone against everyone else, usually selected at random at match start. Commonly armed with some gimmick that makes them capable of outperforming the others in most 1v1 situations.

Multiplayer: Infection(Infected) - 2007 to 2012
Includes a variant of tag where one player is selected at start of a round and they must hunt down the rest of the players. Tagged players join the hunter's side. Usually with either time limit or requirement for either team to be eliminated.

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