showing 6 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_upwardtags
The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age  EA Games (Griptonite Games)2004 archaicearth arda consoleclassix dwarves earth elves highfantasy humans incarnateddivines lotr mystics saveram tactical uchronia uvl-originaltitlemissing uvl-tiein weefolk labelimageminimize
The Hobbit Sierra (Saffire)2003 archaicearth arda consoleclassix dwarves earth humans incarnateddivines lotr mystics uchronia unusualprotagonist weefolk labelimagesubject
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King  Electronic Arts (Griptonite Games)2003 archaicearth arda consoleclassix earth gcgbacable hackandslash halflings highfantasy incarnateddivines inventory lotr movie mystics saveram subterranean uchronia weefolk labelimagesubject
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers  EA (Griptonite)2002 archaicearth arda consoleclassix dwarves earth elves halflings highfantasy incarnateddivines lotr movie mystics saveram uchronia weefolk labelimagesubject
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Universal Interactive;Sierra Entertainment (Pocket Studios;Black Label Games)2002 archaicearth arda consoleclassix earth highfantasy incarnateddivines lotr movie mystics plantcreatures rating-esrb-e subterranean uchronia willowtrees labelimagesubject
Mo Jie Qibing Vast Fame? lotr runandgun unlicenced labelimageminimize