Ashan characters list

These are the characters related to "Ashan". Click on the caracter name to view more pictures and details.
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Arantirhumanoid maleA powerful necromancer.0
ArkathThe Dragon of Fire0
AshafemaleThe Primordial Dragon of Order, also worshipped as a spider goddess by the Necromancers.0
Biarademon female0
ElrathThe Dragon of Light0
Isabel Greyhoundhumanoid female0
Kha Belethdemon maleA Demon Lord0
Leannahumanoid femaleNiece and pupil of Menelag.0
MalassaThe Dragon of Darkness0
Sar-Elamhumanoid maleAn ancient wizard who imprisoned Urgash with the aid of Asha at the cost of his own life. The current calendar of Ashan is counted from the day of his death and is called the Year of the Seventh Dragon (YSD). He's an honorary Dragon, so to speak.0
Sarethhumanoid maleApprentice of the wizard Phenrig. Protagonist of Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.0
ShalassaThe Dragon of Water0
SylannaThe Dragon of Earth0
SylathThe Dragon of Air0
UrgashmaleThe Primordial Dragon of Chaos. Different from the other Dragon Gods that he was worshipped by demons rather than mortals.0
Xanademon female0
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