2023-04-16 (updated 2023-07-25)
Wipeout is one of six Odyssey add-on games released in 1972, and the first home videogame with a car racing theme. It works with game card #5 originally supplied with the system.

The race takes place on the included game board, on which players move their car tokens. How many spaces they can move is not decided by throwing dice though, but by an on-screen race using the Odyssey console.

While one player tries to maneuver his spot along the race track shown on the screen overlay, the other one counts how many times he can make the ball spot oscillate on the screen, deducting a point from the racer every time it does so. Colliding with the ball spot or leaving the race track costs points too, further reducing the number of spaces the racer can move his token on the game board after he finishes.