About The Dungeon

The Dungeon
United States
Independently developed in 1975 on the PLATO mainframe at the University of Illinois
PLATO lesson name pedit5 is sometimes given as the name of the game
Date Started: 28 December 2011
Date Ended: 4 January 2019
Total Hours: 11
Difficulty: Moderate-Hard (3.5/5)
Final Rating: 14
Ranking at Time of Posting: 28/316 (9%)

Well, it's no longer a source of shame to me that I failed to win the first extant role-playing game. A few more hours invested in The Dungeon, also known by its lesson name, pedit5, produced a winning screen and an entry in the "Hall of Fame."

source: crpgaddict.blogspot.com/2019/01/revisiting-dungeon-1975.html