About Final Fantasy

2007-01-01 (updated 2013-05-31)
Yeah sure, it looks like crap by today's standards, the story is almost non-existant, there is zero character development, the music is... well... it's an NES for god's sake! But this was my first Japanese RPG (you have no idea how long I had to save my allowance for this) and nothing you say can make me hate it. NOTHING!

There is a really good Final Fantasy One hack called Final Fantasy ++ and its sequel Final Fantasy ++ World of Chaos. If you're a fan of the game, it's definately worth checking out.

It features:

* Redone graphics. (Mostly ripped from later games in the series.)
* Redone enemies. (Many are new; some are returning enemies with new properties.)
* Redone magic spells. (Magic is now divided into White, Black, and Time Magic.)
* Redone weapons and armor. (Some armors now increase evasion rather than lowering it!)
* Redone maps. (Most are similar to the original game’s; some are totally new.)
* Redone character class system. (See Read Me.txt for details.)
* Two new pieces of music. (Adapted from Final Fantasy 4.)
* Some other relatively minor stuff.

Get more info at Romhacking.net or Grond's Hacks