About Super Mario 64

Super Mario 64 was the first games for Nintendo 64. Since the company came out with the original Nintendo, with it's first game Mario Bros, it's only logical that the company would come out with a Mario Bros game for their new system. You may have noticed that everytime Nintendo came out with a new system/platform, they came out with a Mario game to go with it. Well, Mario 64 is Nintendo's N64 game.
This game works good on the UltraHLE emu, if you have a decent processor and a Graphics accelerator (or just an EXTREMELY fast processor, but even then, it's still good to have a graphics accelorator). But of course, it works better on the real Nintendo 64. At least, I thought it looked better on mine, as my opinion.

Super Mario 64 revolutionized 3D gaming with its expansive environments, colorful graphics, fluid play control, and myriad puzzles. Although many 3D platformers have come and gone, few have lived up to the standards set by Super Mario 64.