- Catch or pop balloon on head or kick balloon.
- Try to catch falling objects on clown head.
- If you miss kick the object back up and try again. To kick press button on panel.
- Pacman must be caught or kicked. When Pacman is caught it eats balloons on the cyclist head awarding 5 times the balloon value. When Pacman is kicked it will return to the rack. A Pacman bonus is awarded for each Pacman caught. A 1600 Super Pacman Bonus is awarded when all the Pacman in a rack are on the cyclist head at the end of the rack.
- Never catch a bomb
- New cycle earned at 10000 points and at every 10000 points after that.
- Score multipliers are awarded in higher racks and extra bonus is given for kicking in first rack

source: mameinfo.dat