About Mr. Driller A: Fushigi na Pacteria

Game description from [[link:http://www.romhacking.net Romhacking.net]]:

<i>Ha hey, a Mr. Driller game. If you've played Mr. Driller before, you know what's up: drill multi-colored blocks in order to go further down, and when you reach the end you win. Whee. Mr. Driller Ace is a little different in that there's no timer. Your air supply doesn't slowly tick away; it only depletes when you drill through a block. Or when you get hit; then you lose a LOT of air. So, if you just drill down mindlessly like in the original game, you're going to die very quickly and get frustrated easily. So the point is to go about it slowly, and to think about what you do next. If thinking games make you start grunting and screaming and throwing things, this is not your game. Before you start the game, there's this weird little creature-raising Tamagotchi kind of game that you have to play for a bit. Pretty damn crazy.</i>

Incomplete unofficial English translation available:
[[link:http://www.romhacking.net/ http://www.romhacking.net/]]