About Return to Castle Wolfenstein

One of those game that you play with the feeling of "I remember it as awesome cuz' nostalgia and such"
BUT NO, this game is still epic.

-A brutal and unforgiving AI, who knows to delude you and how to flank you, kick back grenades, use covers and retreats in a clever way, and even how to use the environment to kill you.

-Variety: from run and gun missions, to incredible monsters and bosses, stealth missions and defend point situations.

-Superb level design: maps with many routes to take and even some secrets.

-A very unique blend of classical and modern FPS (weaponry from old with aiming from contemporary times)

-Zombies nazis and nazi zombies (the first ones have less meat)

-And last, an objective-based multiplayer mode (not great, but kind of unique).


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