Santa Paravia and Fiumaccio

created and published by Instant Software in 1979, running on Apple II E
type: strategy, manag./econ.
genre: The Sumer Game-like
perspective: other
player options: single player, hotseat
languages: eng


Very interesting game, may be seen as the forerunner of Civilization and the like. You're the governor of an Italian city-state in the 15th century and must manage it through 3 different phases:

1) Crop/land management and distribution. Your grain reserve is key to how to increase the population and thus get more tax revenues. But if you don't meet the demand you'll get the opposite result. This screen also shows how much a hectar of land costs. The bigger the land, the better the crops - provided you have enough people to work of course.

2) Taxes. Very self descriptive, you just need to work out what the right balance is. A very heavy taxation will result in serfs fleeing your city.

3) Buildings. In order to achieve a better status and alternate sources of income, you can build marketplaces, mills, palaces and cathedrals. You can also convert 20 serfs into soldiers for the sake of security - when you get robbed basically.

There's a high random component in this game. Sometimes you'll just find all your hard work is gone out of the window due to arsonists, which is completely out of your control. Same goes for the weather, which determines how good your crop is gonna be, and the rats, which will eat a varying percentage of your crops every year.

It's basically a multi-player game, but can be single-played as well. There's eight titles to be achieved - Sir, Baron, Count, Marquis, Duke, Grand Duke, Prince and King. The game ends when you become King or when you die - around the 50th reign year roughly. There's four level of difficulty too - Apprentice, Journeyman, Master and Grand Master

(Retro-Maniac) - # 2007-04-16 00:05:49

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Santa Paravia and Fiumaccio in-game screen.
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