showing 20 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdisplayplatform
Barnyard THQ (Blue Tongue Entertainment)2006 nicktoons rating-acb-g rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-3 uvl-tiein textured polygonsGameCubelabelimageminimize
Barnyard THQ (Blue Tongue Entertainment)2006 movie nicktoons rating-acb-g rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-3 textured polygonsPS2labelimageminimize
Barnyard  THQ (Blue Tongue)2006 movie Wiilabelimageminimize
de Blob THQ (Blue Tongue Entertainment)2008 amoeboidprotagonist amoeboids textured polygonsWiilabelimagesubject
de Blob 2 THQ (Blue Tongue)2011 PS3minimizeminimizeminimize
de Blob 2 THQ (Blue Tongue)2011 textured polygonsX360minimizeimageminimize
de Blob 2 THQ Nordic (Blue Tongue Entertainment)2018 PS4minimizeimagesubject
de Blob 2 THQ Nordic (Blue Tongue Entertainment;Blitworks)2018 Xbox Oneminimizeimagesubject
de Blob 2  THQ (Blue Tongue)2011 textured polygonsWiiminimizeimagesubject
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis  VU Games;Konami (Blue Tongue Entertainment)2003 2000s 21stcentury amusementpark book cmsgame dinosaurs disease dynamicweather earth hunger island jurassicpark latemodernperiod mapgenerator movie needs npcanxiety present pseudocheats rain ramparts terraindeformation tropic weathereffects zoo textured polygonsPS2labelimagesubject
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis  Vivendi Universal;Sierra Entertainment (Blue Tongue Entertainment)2003 2000s 21stcentury amusementpark book cdrom cmsgame dinosaurs directx8 disease dynamicweather earth fmod hunger island jurassicpark latemodernperiod mapgenerator mediaindrive movie needs npcanxiety present pseudocheats rain ramparts serious subtropic terraindeformation tropic vorbis weathereffects zoo textured polygonsWindowslabelimageminimize
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis  VU Games;Konami (Blue Tongue Entertainment)2003 2000s 21stcentury amusementpark book cmsgame criware dinosaurs disease dynamicweather earth hunger island jurassicpark latemodernperiod mapgenerator movie needs npcanxiety present pseudocheats rain ramparts subtropic terraindeformation tropic weathereffects zoo textured polygonsXboxlabelimagesubject
Nicktoons - Battle for Volcano Island THQ (Blue Tongue Entertainment)2006 crossover nicktoons rating-esrb-e textured polygonsGameCubelabelimageminimize
Nicktoons - Battle for Volcano Island THQ (Blue Tongue Entertainment)2006 crossover nicktoons rating-esrb-e textured polygonsNintendo DSlabelimagesubject
Nicktoons Unite! THQ (Blue Tongue)2003 Xboxminimizeminimizeminimize
Nicktoons Unite!  THQ (Blue Tongue Entertainment)2005 animateobjects anthropomorphism cartoon crossover nicktoons spongebob textured polygonsGameCubelabelimageminimize
Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots  THQ (Blue Tongue Entertainment)2007 cartoon crossover nicktoons textured polygonsWiilabelimageminimize
Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots  THQ (Blue Tongue Entertainment)2007 cartoon crossover nicktoons PS2labelimageminimize
Starship Troopers  Hasbro Interactive (Blue Tongue Software)2000 achillesheelfoes alieninvasion alienmenace aliens aspectratio-4-3 assaultrifles beamweapons book cdrom control-groups directx7 earth energyweapons exterminationwar extraterrestrial firearms fmod formations future genderchoice grenadelaunchers grouping groupmind indeovideo infantry insectoidmenace insectoids intermissions interspecificconflict invasion leaderparticipation mediaindrive militantprotagonist militaryfiction missionbased movie norecruiting noreinforcements npcgenerators powerarmor powerreg protagonistnaming reimagining rockets savepoints serious spacefaringage splatter starshiptroopers supervisorprotagonist supplies tutorial unitstances uvl-confusable veterancy voiceovers war wargame wasteland waypoints textured polygonsWindowslabelimageminimize
The Polar Express THQ (Blue Tongue Entertainment)2004 movie rating-esrb-e rating-pegi-3 textured polygonsGameCubelabelimageminimize