showing 18 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeardescriptionplatform
Breach Omnitrend Software;Artronic Products (Omnitrend Software)1987WE WANT YOU...


Moving my squad through enemy infested jungle. Suddenly Darrow’s detector picks up life forms 50 metres out.

"Nothing but a couple of BRACHIATORS" he says to me.

Just then Darrow takes it through the chest. We all hit the dirt trying to figure where the shot came from. And there it is... a BATTLE ROBOT. Hsiang shoots its sensory grid but it doesn’t do much good. It starts tracking him with its dual guns and suddenly he takes some hot plasma. Now it’s just me and the Kid Roki.

"Roki" I said, "Direct fire at its lifters so it can’t move." So like a vet of 20 drops he rises on one knee and hits the thing right in the lifters.

"That’s one less Battle Robot", he says.

I toss an energy grenade at the hulk to make sure. Then we turned to start the long job of carrying the boys north to our landing craft.

Sgt Sherwood FWS Seryachi Campaign. * Smooth animated movement and combat. * Amiga/Macintosh version includes digitized sound. * A campaign of several scenarios included in the game. * Up to 40 scenarios [should be "enemies" - Editor] per game – ranging from beasts to marines. Six different classes of opponents in all. * Equip your marines with 20 different objects – including rocket launchers, demolition charges and cracking units. * Build up your squad leader for special advanced training – all of his combat experience is saved! * Scenarios can have several different victory conditions which can be mixed together to form complex battles. * Additional scenario disks available.

BREACH - A single player tactical-level combat game.***
Breach Omnitrend Software;Artronic Products (Omnitrend Software)1987WE WANT YOU...


Moving my squad through enemy infested jungle. Suddenly Darrow’s detector picks up life forms 50 metres out.

"Nothing but a couple of BRACHIATORS" he says to me.

Just then Darrow takes it through the chest. We all hit the dirt trying to figure where the shot came from. And there it is... a BATTLE ROBOT. Hsiang shoots its sensory grid but it doesn’t do much good. It starts tracking him with its dual guns and suddenly he takes some hot plasma. Now it’s just me and the Kid Roki.

"Roki" I said, "Direct fire at its lifters so it can’t move." So like a vet of 20 drops he rises on one knee and hits the thing right in the lifters.

"That’s one less Battle Robot", he says.

I toss an energy grenade at the hulk to make sure. Then we turned to start the long job of carrying the boys north to our landing craft.

Sgt Sherwood FWS Seryachi Campaign. * Smooth animated movement and combat. * Amiga/Macintosh version includes digitized sound. * A campaign of several scenarios included in the game. * Up to 40 scenarios [should be "enemies" - Editor] per game – ranging from beasts to marines. Six different classes of opponents in all. * Equip your marines with 20 different objects – including rocket launchers, demolition charges and cracking units. * Build up your squad leader for special advanced training – all of his combat experience is saved! * Scenarios can have several different victory conditions which can be mixed together to form complex battles. * Additional scenario disks available.

BREACH - A single player tactical-level combat game.***
Atari STlabelimagesubject
Breach Omnitrend Software;Artronic Products (Omnitrend Software)1987WE WANT YOU...


Moving my squad through enemy infested jungle. Suddenly Darrow’s detector picks up life forms 50 metres out.

"Nothing but a couple of BRACHIATORS" he says to me.

Just then Darrow takes it through the chest. We all hit the dirt trying to figure where the shot came from. And there it is... a BATTLE ROBOT. Hsiang shoots its sensory grid but it doesn’t do much good. It starts tracking him with its dual guns and suddenly he takes some hot plasma. Now it’s just me and the Kid Roki.

"Roki" I said, "Direct fire at its lifters so it can’t move." So like a vet of 20 drops he rises on one knee and hits the thing right in the lifters.

"That’s one less Battle Robot", he says.

I toss an energy grenade at the hulk to make sure. Then we turned to start the long job of carrying the boys north to our landing craft.

Sgt Sherwood FWS Seryachi Campaign. * Smooth animated movement and combat. * Amiga/Macintosh version includes digitized sound. * A campaign of several scenarios included in the game. * Up to 40 scenarios [should be "enemies" - Editor] per game – ranging from beasts to marines. Six different classes of opponents in all. * Equip your marines with 20 different objects – including rocket launchers, demolition charges and cracking units. * Build up your squad leader for special advanced training – all of his combat experience is saved! * Scenarios can have several different victory conditions which can be mixed together to form complex battles. * Additional scenario disks available.

BREACH - A single player tactical-level combat game.
D.N.A. Warrior  Artronic Products (Data Design)1989 ZX Spectrumlabelimageminimize
D.N.A. Warrior  Artronic Products1989 C64labelimageminimize
D.N.A. Warrior  Artronic Products1989 Amigalabelimageminimize
Fast Lane!: The Spice Engineering Challenge  Artronic Products1989 Atari STlabelimageminimize
Fast Lane!: The Spice Engineering Challenge  Artronic Products (The Attic)1989 Amigalabelimageminimize
Paladin Omnitrend Software;Artronic Products (Omnitrend Software)1988Addons:
- Paladin Quest Disk: The Scrolls Of Talmouth***
Paladin Omnitrend Software;Artronic Products (Omnitrend Software)1988 Atari STlabelimageminimize
Paladin Omnitrend Software;Artronic Products (Omnitrend Software)1988Addons:
- Paladin: The Scrolls Of Talmouth
- Paladin: The Secret of Anforra
- Paladin: Warmaster
- Paladin: The Game Master***
Penalty Soccer  Artronic Products (ClockWize)1990 Amstrad CPClabelimageminimize
Pogotron Artronic Products;Gamebusters1989 C64labelimageminimize
Pogotron  Red Rat;Artronic Products;Bignose Software (Bignose Software)1985 Atari 400/800labelimageminimize
Soldier 2000 Artronic Products1989 Atari STlabelimageminimize
Soldier 2000 Artronic Products1990 Amigalabelimageminimize
Take 'em Out Artronic Products (Saicon)1989 Amigalabelimageminimize
Thunder Wing  Cascade Games (Artronic)1989 Atari STlabelimageminimize