showing 20 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsplatform
Assassin's Creed Gameloft2009 1190s 12thcentury alternatetimeline assassinprotagonist assassinscreed clandestine download drm earth past stealth uvl-tiein virtualreality Androidlabelminimizeminimize
Crown of Might  BMT Micro1999 1190s 12thcentury bludgeons earth europe firstbaronswar grid grid-irregular hastilude horses knights medieval middleages militantprotagonist os2-dive riding swords OS/2labelimageminimize
Defender of the Crown Ultra Games;Palcom Software (Beam Software)1989 1140s 1150s 1160s 1170s 1180s 1190s 12thcentury adbc britain consoleclassix earth europe grid grid-irregular group-subset hastilude historicallyinaccurate medieval middleages naturalistic notnintendocontentguid robinhood taxes NESlabelimagesubject
Defender of the Crown The Cat1989 1140s 1150s 1160s 1170s 1180s 1190s 12thcentury britain earth europe firstbaronswar grid grid-irregular group-subset hastilude medieval middleages naturalistic robinhood taxes ZX Spectrumlabelimageminimize
Defender of the Crown Mirrorsoft;Cinemaware (Master Designer Software)1986 1140s 1150s 1160s 1170s 1180s 1190s 12thcentury britain europe firstbaronswar grid grid-irregular group-subset hastilude medieval middleages naturalistic robinhood taxes Amigalabelimageminimize
Defender of the Crown Cinemaware;Mirrorsoft (Master Designer Software)1987 1140s 1150s 1160s 1170s 1180s 1190s 12thcentury britain earth england europe firstbaronswar grid grid-irregular group-subset hastilude medieval middleages naturalistic robinhood taxes C64labelimageminimize
Defender of the Crown Cinemaware;Mirrorsoft1987 1140s 1150s 1160s 1170s 1180s 1190s 12thcentury britain earth europe firstbaronswar grid grid-irregular group-subset hastilude medieval middleages naturalistic robinhood taxes Atari STlabelimageminimize
Defender of the Crown Cinemaware1987 1190s 12thcentury 3.5disk 5.25disk britain commercial cpu-8086 cpu-8088 display-cga display-ega display-tga display-vga dos2 earth england europe firstbaronswar grid grid-irregular group-subset hastilude joystick keyboard license-proprietary medieval middleages mouse naturalistic robinhood spu-pcspeaker taxes MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Defender of the Crown author1991 1140s 1150s 1160s 1170s 1180s 1190s 12thcentury britain earth europe firstbaronswar grid grid-irregular group-subset hastilude medieval middleages naturalistic robinhood taxes C16/Plus4labelimageminimize
Defender of the Crown Ubi Soft1989 1140s 1150s 1160s 1170s 1180s 1190s 12thcentury britain earth europe firstbaronswar grid grid-irregular group-subset hastilude medieval middleages naturalistic robinhood taxes Amstrad CPClabelimageminimize
Defender of the Crown Cinemaware1988 1140s 1150s 1160s 1170s 1180s 1190s 12thcentury britain earth europe firstbaronswar grid grid-irregular group-subset hastilude medieval middleages naturalistic robinhood taxes Apple IIGSlabelimageminimize
Defender of the Crown Metro3D2002 1140s 1150s 1160s 1170s 1180s 1190s 12thcentury earth europe firstbaronswar grid grid-irregular hastilude medieval middleages naturalistic robinhood taxes GBAlabelimagesubject
Defender of the Crown Philips Media1992 1140s 1150s 1160s 1170s 1180s 1190s 12thcentury earth europe firstbaronswar grid grid-irregular group-subset hastilude medieval middleages naturalistic robinhood taxes CD-Ilabelimagesubject
Defender of the Crown Cinemaware (Master Designer Software)1987 1140s 1150s 1160s 1170s 1180s 1190s 12thcentury 68k britain cpu-68000 earth europe firstbaronswar grid grid-irregular group-subset hastilude macos3 macos4 macos5 macos6 macos7 medieval middleages naturalistic osclassic robinhood taxes Mac OS Classiclabelimageminimize
Defender of the Crown - Remastered Blackstar Interactive (Cinemaware)2002 1140s 1150s 1160s 1170s 1180s 1190s 12thcentury earth europe firstbaronswar hastilude macos8 macos9 medieval middleages naturalistic osclassic ppc robinhood Mac OS Classiclabelminimizeminimize
Defender of the Crown II  Cinemaware1994 1140s 1150s 1160s 1170s 1180s 1190s 12thcentury britain cdtv europe firstbaronswar grid grid-irregular group-subset hastilude medieval middleages naturalistic robinhood taxes Amiga CD32labelimagesubject
Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves Virgin (B.I.T.S.)1992 1190s 12thcentury robinhood GBlabelimageminimize
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood Strategy First;Wanadoo Edition (Spellbound Entertainment)2002 1190s 12thcentury britain earth gog medieval robinhood steampowered tactical Windowslabelimageminimize
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood ? (Spellbound Entertainment)2004 1190s 12thcentury acrobatics alarmers alcohol apples axes ballistics beggars bludgeons bodydragging bossbattles bows carts castle circadiancycle city combatnets commercial corpselooting crafting demo difficulty earth england espionage europe forest gesturing group healing healingitems insects jumping langbrazil-port langslovak license-proprietary lockpicking medieval meleeweapons middleages minions missionbased naturalistic neutralnpcs optionaltasks outlawprotagonist pegasos ppc premadecharacters protect recruiting rescue robinhood scavenging shields shopping slings staves stealing stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound strangling suppression swords tactical taxes temple town train-location trapping traps unarmedfighting upgrades-abilities walking wallclimbing weather x86 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood  e.p.i.c. interactive entertainment (Spellbound Entertainment)2004 1190s 12thcentury aaa acrobatics alarmers alcohol apples axes ballistics beggars bludgeons bodydragging bossbattles bows castle circadiancycle city combatnets commercial corpselooting crafting demo desura difficulty download earth england espionage europe forest gesturing group healing healingitems insects jumping langbrazil-port langslovak license-proprietary lockpicking medieval meleeweapons middleages minions missionbased naturalistic neutralnpcs optionaltasks outlawprotagonist pegasos ppc premadecharacters protect recruiting rescue robinhood scavenging shields shopping slings staves stealing stealth stealth-sight stealth-sound strangling suppression swords tactical taxes temple town train-location trapping traps ubuntu unarmedfighting upgrades-abilities usc-paid wagons walking wallclimbing weather x86 Linuxlabelminimizesubject