showing 47 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsplayer optsplatform
Areena 4 author? aging areena-series bloodsports calendrictime grid grid-square group licensechange magic mystics sportsmanagement visualbasic windowed single playerWindowslabelimageminimize
Areena 5 author2000 aging areena-series bloodsports calendrictime grid grid-square group licensechange magic mystics noports shopping sportsmanagement unseenprotagonist visualbasic windowed single playerWindowslabelimageminimize
Areena III  author1996 aging areena-series bloodsports calendrictime grid grid-square group licensechange magic mystics sportsmanagement visualbasic windowed x86-16 single playerWin3.1labelimageminimize
Arena II - The Final Fight For Freedom  author1995 aging areena-series bloodsports calendrictime grid grid-square group licensechange multiwindow sportsmanagement visualbasic windowed x86-16 single playerWin3.1labelimageminimize
Black & White 2  Electronic Arts (Lionhead Studios)2005 absoluterulership actionstrategy aging alternatesolutions antagonistawareness appearanceshifting basebuilding blacknwhite-series bodymorphing breeding builders catapults cdrom challenges children circadiancycle cruelty depthoffield difficulty-single directx9 dominion doors drm dualism dvd dynamicweather excretion gamecoda gesturing giantmonsters godgame godlingprotagonist goodvsevil hybridgame infinitezoom island karma learningai lightbloom lighthearted magic mediaindrive missionbased naming-companions needs noglobalresources nontolkienian noports nudity nudity-featureless optionaltasks playerprofiles playerstats prophecy quake ramparts rating-pegi-12 reflecteddeeds renderwareengine resourceharvesting safedisc screenshake serialkey shadermodel1 siegeweapons silviculture sorcery spreadingvegetation stockpiles structurefacing tasktracker teaching terraindeformation thoroughfareconstruction timechange titularconcept transformingpresence tutorial tutorial-interactive undertaking unrestrictedviolence veterancy virtualpets vorbis win2k winxp workers xml xp-literal zoom single playerWindowslabelimagesubject
Carcassonne Sierra Online2007 13thcentury aging asia-east boardgametiein france mongolia neareast rating-esrb-e scotland traditional single playerNintendo DSlabelimageminimize
Chronos: Before the Ashes THQ Nordic (Gunfire Games)2020 actionadventure aging single playerWindowslabelminimizeminimize
Crusader Kings II  Paradox Interactive2012 11thcentury 12thcentury 13thcentury 14thcentury 15thcentury achievements aging aristocrats bloodlines clausewitz-engine commercial crusaderkings-series currency death dedicatedclient difficulty diplomacy download dynasty earth europe generational grandstrategy grid grid-irregular highbornprotagonist humanprotagonist marriage medieval middleages playerprofiling rating-pegi-12 religion religion-christian religion-islamic steampowered succession successiveprotagonists tutorial vorbis zip single player, InternetWindowslabelimagesubject
Cute Knight  iWin;Hanako Games (Hanako Games)2006 aging calendrictime casual cdrom cuteknight-series demo directx8 download femaleprotagonist gridmove growingprotagonist karma magic mapgenerator medieval meleeweapons obsoletedassets orphanprotagonist raisersim shopping sorcery teenprotagonist timelimit tooltips vorbis win2k win98 winvista winxp youngadultprotagonist single playerWindowslabelimagesubject
Cute Knight  Hanako Games2006 aging calendrictime casual cuteknight-series demo download femaleprotagonist gridmove growingprotagonist karma magic medieval meleeweapons obsoletedassets orphanprotagonist osx raisersim shopping sorcery teenprotagonist timelimit tooltips youngadultprotagonist single playerMac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Cute Knight  Hanako Games2006 aging calendrictime casual cuteknight-series demo download femaleprotagonist gridmove growingprotagonist karma magic medieval meleeweapons obsoletedassets orphanprotagonist raisersim shopping sorcery teenprotagonist timelimit tooltips youngadultprotagonist single playerLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
Destiny Destiny1985 5.25disk aging bribing dragons gold monsters shopping skeletons undead single playerApple II Elabelminimizeminimize
Dungeons of the Unforgiven  MoraffWare1993 aging automap difficulty digging download dungeoncrawler genderchoice gridmove magic mapgenerator meleeweapons monsters noenergyregen playerprofiles quitsave singlesave sorcery unarmedfighting single playerMS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Fable  Microsoft (Lionhead Studios;Big Blue Box Studios)2004 aaa actionadventure aging amphitheatre arena ballistics bloodlines bodymorphing bossbattles bows caninoids cave chickens classless emotes evilisugly fable-series fishing forest glowingveins growingprotagonist hero-theme heroes heroprotagonist highfantasy homosexuals lesbians lostequipment magic marriage meleeweapons outlaws packin reflecteddeeds roses roses-black roses-red shopping sorcery swords tattoos town trophies uvl-workingtitle voiceovers werewolves single playerXboxlabelimagesubject
Fable Anniversary Microsoft (Lionhead Studios)2014 1life aaa achievements actionadventure aging amphitheatre arena ballistics bloodlines bodymorphing bossbattles bows caninoids cave chickens classless dualism emotes evilisugly fable-series fishing forest glowingveins growingprotagonist hero-theme heroes heroprotagonist heroschool highfantasy lostequipment magic marriage medieval meleeweapons moralchoices multipleendings outlaws premadeprotagonist rating-esrb-m reflecteddeeds remaster roses roses-black roses-red shopping sorcery speakingstones steampowered swords tattoos timeskip titles town trophies unlimitedammo voiceovers werewolves xbydifferentname single playerWindowslabelminimizeminimize
Fable Anniversary Microsoft (Lionhead Studios)2014 1life aaa achievements actionadventure aging amphitheatre arena ballistics bloodlines bodymorphing bossbattles bows caninoids cave chickens classless dualism emotes evilisugly fable-series fishing forest glowingveins growingprotagonist hero-theme heroes heroprotagonist heroschool highfantasy lostequipment magic marriage medieval meleeweapons moralchoices multipleendings outlaws premadeprotagonist rating-esrb-m reflecteddeeds roses roses-black roses-red shopping sorcery steampowered swords tattoos timeskip titles town trophies unlimitedammo voiceovers werewolves xbydifferentname single playerX360labelimageminimize
Fable: The Lost Chapter Microsoft (Lionhead Studios)2005 1life aaa actionadventure aging amphitheatre arena ballistics bloodlines bodymorphing bossbattles bows caninoids cave chickens classless directx9 dualism emotes evilisugly fable-series fishing forest glowingveins growingprotagonist hero-theme heroes heroprotagonist heroschool highfantasy lostequipment magic marriage mediaindrive medieval meleeweapons moralchoices multipleendings outlaws premadeprotagonist reflecteddeeds roses roses-black roses-red serialkey shopping sorcery speakingstones swords tattoos timeskip titles town trophies unlimitedammo voiceovers vorbis werewolves xbydifferentname single playerWindowslabelimagesubject
Fable: The Lost Chapters Microsoft (Lionhead Studios;Big Blue Box Studios)2005 aaa actionadventure aging amphitheatre arena ballistics bloodlines bodymorphing bossbattles bows caninoids cave chickens classless dualism emotes evilisugly fable-series fishing forest glowingveins growingprotagonist hero-theme heroes heroprotagonist heroschool highfantasy lostequipment magic marriage medieval meleeweapons multipleendings outlaws premadeprotagonist reflecteddeeds roses roses-black roses-red shopping sorcery speakingstones swords tattoos timeskip titles town trophies voiceovers werewolves xbydifferentname single playerXboxlabelimageminimize
Faery Tale Online Flysoft2009 aging animals backgroundprogress bodyarmor browser clothing crafting dynamicweather excessivewaiting fantasyworld fictionaluniverse free growingprotagonist highfantasy inventory magic marriage meleeweapons moderationbenefit permadeath playergoverned procreation pve pvp roleplay rp-enforced sorcery weathereffects wildlife xp-literal InternetInternet Onlylabelminimizeminimize
Hero Generations Heart Shaped Games2015 aging breeding citybuilding commercial death dirigibles download forest generational grid grid-square island jungle license-proprietary mapgenerator marriage nodrm plains procreation prophecy romance scarring ubuntu volcano wasteland wetland single playerLinuxlabelminimizesubject
Hero Generations Heart Shaped Games2015 aging breeding citybuilding death dirigibles download forest generational grid grid-square humblestore humblewidget island jungle mapgenerator marriage plains procreation prophecy randomchance romance scarring steampowered successiveprotagonists volcano wasteland wetland winxp single playerWindowslabelimagesubject
Hero Generations Heart Shaped Games2015 aging breeding citybuilding death dirigibles download forest generational grid grid-square humblestore humblewidget island jungle mapgenerator marriage osx osx-6 plains procreation prophecy romance scarring steampowered successiveprotagonists volcano wasteland wetland single playerMac OS Xlabelminimizesubject
Hero Generations: ReGen Heart Shaped Games2016 4xstrategy aging breeding citybuilding commercial death dirigibles download forest generational grid grid-square island jungle langbrazil-port langchinesesimpl langhungarian langportuguese license-proprietary mapgenerator marriage plains procreation prophecy romance scarring ubuntu volcano wasteland wetland single playerLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
King's Quest  Sierra (The Odd Gentlemen)2015 achievements aging clickadventure columnarjointing death humanprotagonist inventory maleprotagonist moralchoices rating-pegi-12 steampowered walking single playerWindowslabelminimizeminimize
Life in Bunker Flox Studios2016 activepause aging asphyxiation builders bunker children cleaning colonysim contagions digging disease energydistribution eventlog excretion foundations humblewidget hunger hygiene layers molemen nodrm nonworkingage postapocalypse quake randomevents steampowered subterranean timecompression waterdistribution workers single playerWindowslabelminimizeminimize
Life in Bunker Flox Studios2016 activepause aging asphyxiation builders bunker children cleaning colonysim contagions digging disease energydistribution eventlog excretion foundations humblewidget hunger hygiene layers molemen nodrm nonworkingage postapocalypse quake randomevents steampowered subterranean timecompression waterdistribution workers single playerMac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Life in Bunker Flox Studios2016 activepause aging asphyxiation builders bunker children cleaning colonysim commercial contagions digging disease download energydistribution eventlog excretion foundations humblewidget hunger hygiene layers license-proprietary molemen nodrm nonworkingage postapocalypse quake randomevents steampowered subterranean timecompression ubuntu uvl-confusable waterdistribution workers single playerLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
Massive Chalice Double Fine Productions2015 actionsystem aging bloodlines breeding buddhaengine download epic femaleprotagonist fxaa genderchoice generational gog grid grid-square hitchance homosexuals humblestore immortalprotagonist lowpoly maleprotagonist nodrm ssaa ssao steampowered stylized timespan-centuries tutorial single playerWindowslabelimageminimize
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World  New World Computing1988 5.25disk aging automap calendrictime charactercreation circadiancycle datedevents display-560x192 dungeoncrawler gridmove group hires magic medieval mightandmagic monsters sheltem single playerApple II Elabelimageminimize
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World  Starcraft1988 aging automap calendrictime charactercreation circadiancycle datedevents dungeoncrawler gridmove group magic medieval mightandmagic monsters sheltem single playerNEC PC9801labelimageminimize
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World  New World Computing1989 aging automap calendrictime charactercreation circadiancycle datedevents dungeoncrawler gridmove group magic medieval mightandmagic monsters sheltem single playerC64labelimageminimize
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World  New World Computing1988 aging automap calendrictime charactercreation circadiancycle datedevents display-cga display-ega display-hgc display-mcga display-tga dungeoncrawler gridmove group magic medieval mightandmagic monsters sheltem single playerMS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World  New World Computing (Inside Out Software)1990 aging automap calendrictime charactercreation circadiancycle datedevents dungeoncrawler gridmove group magic medieval mightandmagic monsters sheltem single playerAmigalabelimageminimize
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World  New World Computing (Binary One)1990 68k aging automap binarycolor calendrictime charactercreation circadiancycle color-8bit datedevents dungeoncrawler gridmove group magic medieval mightandmagic monsters osclassic sheltem uvl-imagequality single playerMac OS Classiclabelimageminimize
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World  Starcraft1989 aging automap calendrictime charactercreation circadiancycle datedevents dungeoncrawler gridmove group magic medieval mightandmagic monsters sheltem single playerMICRO 7 - FM7labelminimizeminimize
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World  Starcraft1989 aging automap calendrictime charactercreation circadiancycle datedevents dungeoncrawler gridmove group magic medieval mightandmagic monsters sheltem single playerMSX2labelimageminimize
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World  Starcraft1988 aging automap calendrictime charactercreation circadiancycle datedevents dungeoncrawler gridmove group magic medieval mightandmagic monsters sheltem single playerNEC PC8801labelimageminimize
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World  Starcraft1989 aging automap calendrictime charactercreation circadiancycle datedevents dungeoncrawler gridmove group magic medieval mightandmagic monsters sheltem single playerSharp X1labelminimizeminimize
Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World  Starcraft1989 aging automap calendrictime charactercreation circadiancycle datedevents dungeoncrawler gridmove group magic medieval mightandmagic monsters sheltem single playerX68000labelminimizeminimize
Passage HC Software2007 1990s 1life 2000s 2010s 20thcentury 21stcentury 3rdmillennium aging arthouse death descriptivedeaths earth future gameplayinn group langinsignificant marriage nosaves past permadeath pixelated present realitykill romance widescreen single playerLinuxlabelimagesubject
Passage HC Software? 1990s 1life 2000s 2010s 20thcentury 21stcentury 3rdmillennium aging arthouse death descriptivedeaths earth future gameplayinn group langinsignificant marriage nosaves past permadeath pixelated present realitykill romance widescreen single playerLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
Peragro Tempus author? aerostat aging alcohol amphibians bartering bizarrecreatures bodypiercing castle caterpillars circadiancycle city crystalspaceengine death dirigibles forest gianthumanoids giantinsects home horses humans hunger indevelopment insectoids inventory jewelry jumping karma landcephalopods license-cc license-gpl license-mixed lifesimulation magic meleeweapons mmog nudity permadeath riding seamlessworld slavery summery swimming swords tentaclecreatures timetravel town war warfare-land watercraft weather wintery InternetLinuxlabelminimizeminimize
SimAnimals Electronic Arts2009 acorns aging aloeplants americanrobins animals apples appletrees arid autumnal badgers beavers birds blackberries blackberrybushes bloodless bluejays brewersblackbird buttercups cardinals carrots cervids cherries cherrytrees chestnuts chickadees cliff clovers coots crows cuckoos daisy dogs domesticcats doves ducks earth farm fictionallocation flood flowers forest foxes fungus-agaric fungus-chanterelle fungus-mushrooms fungus-panthercap fungus-pholiota fungus-pineconeamanita fungus-porcini fungus-purplefairyclub fungus-stinkhorn fungus-velvetfoot geese group hands hedgehogs herons humid inventory juniperberries lagomorphs lettuce lilypads magical mapletrees marshmallowplant marsupials mice mii mint mp-cooperative mp-dropin nature-theme nightingales northamerica nuts oaktrees opossums orchard outdoors owls pandas plains porcupines pumpkin raccoons radishes railway rapid rats redpanda river rodents rosebushes roses ruins rural saguaro scrapyard seeds shallowwater shore skunks summery swans temperate thickvegetation trees tutorial undefinedsetting ursines valley vernal walnuts walnuttrees wasteland weasels weepingwillows wetland widgeons wiinunchuk wildboars wilderness willowtrees wolves single player, shared-screenWiilabelimageminimize
SimAnimals Electronic Arts2009 acorns aging aloeplants americanrobins apples appletrees arid autumnal badgers beavers birds blackberries blackberrybushes bloodless bluejays brewersblackbird buttercups cardinals carrots cervids cherries cherrytrees chestnuts chickadees cliff clovers coots crows cuckoos daisy dogs domesticcats doves ducks earth farm fictionallocation flood flowers forest foxes fungus-agaric fungus-chanterelle fungus-mushrooms fungus-panthercap fungus-pholiota fungus-pineconeamanita fungus-porcini fungus-purplefairyclub fungus-stinkhorn fungus-velvetfoot geese group hands hedgehogs herons humid inventory juniperberries lagomorphs lettuce lilypads magical mapletrees marshmallowplant marsupials mice mii mint mp-cooperative mp-dropin nature-theme nightingales northamerica nuts oaktrees opossums orchard outdoors owls pandas plains porcupines pumpkin raccoons radishes railway rapid rats redpanda river rodents rosebushes roses ruins rural saguaro scrapyard seeds shallowwater shore skunks snakes summery swans temperate thickvegetation trees tutorial undefinedsetting ursines valley vernal walnuts walnuttrees wasteland weasels weepingwillows wetland widgeons wiinunchuk wildboars wilderness willowtrees wolves single player, shared-screenNintendo DSlabelimagesubject
The Sims 3 Electronic Arts (EA Redwood Shores)2009 aaa activepause adoption aging buildingdesigning children city clothdyeing construction-instant cpplanguage difficulty-single drm drm-login drm-online dvd ea-origin excretion facebookconnect fatigue femaleprotagonist freelancing furnishing gardengnomes genderchoice generational grid grid-micro grid-square hammerspace home homosexuals humblebundle hunger hygiene hyperalimentation launcher lesbians leveleditor lifesimulation loadingnonsense lutris maleprotagonist marriage microtransactions needs nonworkingage npcschedules perchararelations procreation protagonistdesigning protagonistdesigning-face rating-pegi-12 resting romance rotting selfcensorship selfupdate serialkey sex shopping sims sliceoflife socialsimulation speech-gibberish steampowered stupidevil taskgenerator taskqueuing timecompression timemanagement tips tutorial twitter undirected unfixedbugs vernal single playerWindowslabelimagesubject
Tokyo Jungle  Sony Computer Entertainment (Crispy's;PlayStation C.A.M.P.;SCE Japan Studio)2012 21stcentury aging animalprotagonist animals biologicalsimulation bodydragging challenges circadiancycle city-tokyo-jp counterattacks dark-limited dodging dynamicweather earth finishingmoves foraging ghosttown healthregen hiding hunger hunting indicator-threat invisiblewalls japan jumping killingblow lifesimulation lives map naturalistic nohumans overgrowth permadeath procreation psstore radar randomevents rating-cero-c resting rooftops ruins score selfluminance sex-inhuman splatter stamina stealth stealth-sight survival toxins tutorial tutorial-interactive unarmedfighting unlockable-characters unlockable-costumes walking wildernesssurvival single player, shared-screenPS3labelimageminimize
Tzar: The Burden of the Crown Take 2 Interactive;FX Interactive (Haemimont Games;Infinite Loop)2000 aging demo leveleditor medieval rating-esrb-t realtimestrategy unseenprotagonist veterancy single playerWindowslabelimageminimize