showing 101 - 109 of 109 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeargame typetagsdescriptionplatform
Transformers: War for Cybertron Activision (High Moon Studios)2010action/reflex adventure Science Fiction 3ormoreplayers achillesheelfoes aircontrol alternatingprotagonist ammowarning autosavepoints bossbattles chapters chargingweapons civilwar cloakednpcs colossi crystals cybertron darkisevil deathpits difficulty elevators energyweapons eviloverlord extraterrestrial fanservice-tech giantrobots grenades guidedweapons healthpickups jumping lostequipment machinecivilization machineworld meleeweapons midairjumping minibosses mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-survival multipleperspectives mutagen nofalldamage nohumans nplayers openended otherworld perspectiveflip physx precisionrifles predefinedcontrols premadecharacters prison proprietarynetwork rating-esrb-t reload-auto reload-manual resuscitation robotprotagonist robots rockets sentientmachines shotguns singledout spacestation stupidevil subway technology-theme transformers unrealengine3 unwieldyweapons uselessallies uvl-tiein walking war Windowslabelimageminimize
Trine 2 Frozenbyte2011action/reflex platformer Fantasy 3ormoreplayers actionadventure aircontrol autosavepoints bludgeons bows boxed castle collectibles commercial deadlydecor debian desura download elasticsurfaces fedora femaleprotagonist forest ghosts giantmonsters gog humblebundle inventory lethalobjects license-proprietary lutris magic maleprotagonist meleeweapons mp-cooperative newgameplus nodrm physics rating-pegi-12 saveanywhere scenic secrets sorcery steampowered subterranean suse swimming swords telekinesis trine-series trineverse ubuntu undead walking Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Twin Sector Headup Games (DnS Development)2009action/reflex adventure Science Fiction aircontrol amnesia autosavepoints deathfakers defenseless demo difficulty doors download dvd elevators envcombat explosiveobjects falldamage femaleprotagonist future havokphysics healthregen interactivetriggers itemglow jumping keys knockback mutablescenery-small nohealthdisplay physics postapocalypse powerthrow repulsion robots sentientmachines shadermodel2 shadermodel3 subterranean tutorial tutorial-integrated undefinedelements voiceovers walking widescreen youngadultprotagonist [b]undefined elements[/b] - the gloves. although they provide the basic object manipulation functions, they also allow you to push [i]yourself[/i] away and towards things. Dampens falls and can be used to initiate something akin to a superjump.***EU 2009-09-16 on Steam, by Headup Games (lang: eng*, fre, ger*, ita, spa)
INT 2009-12-07 on Steam

* including voice overs, others are as subtitles only
Valzar author2014platformer Fantasy 1life aircontrol bossbattles chickens damageovertime elimination energyregen keyboard knockback magic monsters nofalldamage roguelite roombased screenshake short singlecontroller sorcery statuseffects unexplainedelements x360pad Windowslabelminimizeminimize
VVVVVV Distractionware2010platformer aircontrol deadlydecor deathpits demo disappearingplatforms gravitycontrol humblebundle instantdeath movingplatforms music-chiptune precisionplatformer retro retrypoints retrypoints-rollback Un plataformas bastante rompecabezas, que desafía al jugador con comprender cómo solucionar cada pantalla cambiando el sentido de la gravedad.
8 de 10***A puzzle platformer from Terry Cavanagh.
VVVVVV Distractionware2010platformer aircontrol deadlydecor deathpits demo disappearingplatforms gravitycontrol humblebundle instantdeath movingplatforms music-chiptune precisionplatformer retro retrypoints retrypoints-rollback Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
VVVVVV Distractionware2011platformer aircontrol commercial customengine deadlydecor deathpits demo desura disappearingplatforms download gameolith gog gravitycontrol humblebundle instantdeath license-crossplatform movingplatforms music-chiptune nodrm precisionplatformer retro retrypoints retrypoints-rollback ubuntu x86 x86-64 Play Captain Viridian who during evacuation of his ship, became separated from the crew and was zapped it the VVVVVVth dimension. Captain Viridian can reverse gravity of the environment at will to navigate the gameworld and avoid hazards. Help him rescue his crew and return to normal space. Linuxlabelimagesubject
VVVVVV ??platformer aircontrol customengine deadlydecor deathpits disappearingplatforms download gravitycontrol instantdeath movingplatforms music-chiptune precisionplatformer retro retrypoints retrypoints-rollback Pandoralabelminimizeminimize
Wimp: Who Stole My Pants? Flexile Studio2013platformer aircontrol amoeboidprotagonist bossbattles commercial download jumping license-proprietary midairjumping physics teleport ubuntu walking wallclinging walljumping Meet Wimp - a cute little blob!
Wimp sees wonderful dreams... dreams full of adventure.
In his dreams life has been quiet and peaceful, but in
a sad twist of the story, Wimp's panties have been stolen!
This is where the journey begins. Travel across unique and amazing worlds chasing the thief. Every level is packed to the brim with fun, challenges and new game mechanics. The detailed environments, tricky puzzles and Wimp himself will do their best to keep you from getting bored of the game. And we can guarantee that we will continue to strive for the highest level of polish possible - it has been one of our main goals since the first day of our development process.
Join this enthralling story and travel through astounding worlds helping Wimp to catch the despicable panty pilferer!
As every good puzzle-platformer, Wimp offers you tons of challenging puzzles, different character mechanics including air-control, wall-jumps, double jumps, sticking to surfaces, teleportation and much, much more (not all available at once though, that would be too easy!).
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