showing 4 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescriptionplatform
10-20-30 author1999 basic cards display-1024x768 download fullscreen installer mouse solitaire visualbasic win95 windowed Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Bayonetta  Sega (PlatinumGames;Sega)2009 aircontrol amnesia angels attackwarning attractmode avianoids bayonetta-series bonusstages bookends bullettime chapterreplay combatstilettos combomoves contemporaryfantasy criware difficulty dodging dolbydigital earth europe fanservice fantasticearth femaleprotagonist fictionalcity firearms hackandslash hammerspace handguns installer jumping magic meleeweapons midairjumping mysticprotagonist prehensilehair present rage rating-acb-ma15 rating-bbfc-15 rating-esrb-m rating-usk-18 savecopylock score sequence-timed shopping slowmotion sorcery spectaclebrawler spindlycharacters splatter swords transformingpresence tutorial unarmedfighting unlimitedammo unnoticedbynormals upgradesystem whips Sega handled porting of this, not the original developers.***Bayonetta is a stylish and cinematic action game directed by creator Hideki Kamiya. A member of an ancient witch clan and possessing powers beyond the comprehension of mere mortals, Bayonetta faces-off against countless ethereal enemies, many reaching epic proportions, in a game of 100% pure, unadulterated all-out action. Outlandish finishing moves are performed with balletic grace as Bayonetta flows from one fight to another. With over-the-top action taking place in stages that are a veritable theme park of exciting attractions, Bayonetta pushes the limits of the action genre, bringing to life its fast-paced, dynamic climax combat. PS3labelimagesubject
Bayonetta  SEGA (PlatinumGames;Sega)2017 aircontrol amnesia angels attackwarning attractmode avianoids bayonetta-series bonusstages bookends bullettime chapterreplay combatstilettos combomoves contemporaryfantasy criware difficulty directx9 dodging dolbydigital earth europe fanservice fantasticearth femaleprotagonist fictionalcity firearms hackandslash hammerspace handguns installer jumping magic meleeweapons midairjumping mysticprotagonist prehensilehair present rage rating-acb-ma15 rating-bbfc-15 rating-esrb-m rating-usk-18 savecopylock score sequence-timed shopping slowmotion sorcery spectaclebrawler spindlycharacters splatter steampowered swords transformingpresence tutorial unarmedfighting unlimitedammo unnoticedbynormals upgradesystem whips Windowslabelimageminimize
Dragon's Crown  Atlus;NIS America (Vanillaware)2013 3ormoreplayers adv-ptdistr adv-static autozoom axes beggars beholders beltscroller bludgeons bossbattles bossmeter bows castle cemetery classbased classbasedeq classlinkedgender companion criware cultists damageflicker damageinfo display-1080p display-720p dodging dragons dwarves elves fanservice femaleprotagonist fortress giantbeetles giantinsects goblinoids goblins group harpies healingitems hypermuscles installer itemcooldown itemdurability jigglephysics jinn knockback levelbasedeq magic magiccarpets maleprotagonist meleeweapons minotaurs mitoticcreatures monsters mp-cooperative mp-dropin mp-matchmaking mycoids mystics narrator optionaltasks orcs overheal owlbears parallaxscrolling pirates premadecharacters pressureplates puppetanimation pve pveonly rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 rating-usk-12 rescuees rewardingvandalism riding sauroids score secrets sewers shallowwater shopping skeletons soldiers sorcery spritemorphing sprites srank titlementioned titularobject town tutorial unconvincingarmor undead undefinedelements vampires volcanic wyverns xp-kills xp-objects Has been target of some controversy due to female reviewers (specifically ones that are vocally feminist) not liking the game's depiction of genders, with consumers of those reviews getting angry at them for no good reason, when the game is clearly targeted at adolescent or similarly minded males. Women (reviewers) not liking the game is not unexpected, these same reviewers have no requirement to review them from the perspective of the games' intended audience (unless that's their reviewing gimmick, which probably rarely or never is). In the end, the controversy is mostly from people condemning some reviewers for voicing their opinion on the game just because the reviewers were not in the game's target audience and thus received the game poorly (and gave poor scores for the game as result). PS3labelimageminimize