showing 4 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsplatform
AquaNox Fishtank Interactive;JoWooD Productions (Massive Development)2001 27thcentury aqua-series atlantic aureal3d benchmark cdrom controlconfig difficulty difficulty-ingame directx8 download dustmotes earth eax eax1 eax2 enemyhealthdisplay energyweapons fallbackweapon future futureearth gog joystick krass-engine maleprotagonist megacorps milessound missionbased mp-ctf mp-dm mp-teams oceanworld plasmaweapons postapocalypse radar rockets savepoints sequence-defend serialkey shadermodel1 shopping skipnoninteractive steampowered submarine targetlock turrets underwater underwaterfacility widescreen win2k win95 win98 Windowslabelimagesubject
SpellForce: Shadow of the Phoenix JoWood Productions (Phenomic Game Developement)2005 4ormoreresources actionrpg aspectratio-4-3 cdrom download drm elites fantasyworld fictionaluniverse fogofwar genderchoice gog humanoidprotagonist inventory krass-engine leaderparticipation lua magic meleeweapons milessound noports saveanywhere securom securom5 serialkey sorcery spellforce strategyrpg walking Windowslabelimageminimize
SpellForce: The Breath of Winter JoWood Productions (Phenomic Game Developement)2004 4ormoreresources actionrpg aspectratio-4-3 cdrom control-individuals download drm elites fantasyworld fictionaluniverse fogofwar genderchoice gog humanoidprotagonist inventory krass-engine leaderparticipation lua magic meleeweapons milessound monsters noports nostructurefacing saveanywhere securom securom5 serialkey serious shopping sorcery spellforce strategyrpg summoning swords undead uvl-missingimages walking wintery Windowslabelimageminimize
SpellForce: The Order of Dawn  Aspyr Media;JoWood Productions (Phenomic Game Development)2003 4ormoreresources actionrpg aspectratio-4-3 cdrom control-individuals download drm dwarves elites elves fantasyworld fictionaluniverse fogofwar genderchoice gog humanoidprotagonist inventory krass-engine leaderparticipation lua magic meleeweapons milessound monsters noports nostructurefacing orcs rating-esrb-t saveanywhere securom securom4 serialkey serious shopping sorcery spellforce starforce strategyrpg summoning swords titlementioned titulargroup tutorial undead uniqueprotagonist uvl-missingimages voiceovers walking warriorprotagonist weefolk Windowslabelimageminimize