showing 7 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsauthor(s)platform
Freeciv The Freeciv project1996 4xstrategy exploration grandscale grid grid-hex grid-square lua openvms qnx sdl sgi techtree tileblending trains uvl-platform-limitation Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Kobo Deluxe  -1999 68k armcpu deb debian license-gpl opengl ppc ppc-64 qnx sdl slackware sparc sparc-64 ubuntu uvl-platform-limitation x86 x86-64 Akira Higuchi (author of the original xkobo.)
Andreas Spaangberg (sun compiler)
Andreas Spaangberg (bug spotting)
Antonio Messina (stage 1601+ difficulty wrap)
Antonio Messina (always fire option)
David Andersson (various good ideas)
David Olofson (conversion)
G. Low (solaris)
Gerry Jo Trick Jellestad (testing)
Gerry Jo Trick Jellestad (ideas)
Hans de Goede (audio buffer handling bug)
Jeremy Sheeley (player profiles)
Joey Hess (debian)
Marianne Ibbotson ('autopause' idea)
Martijn van Oosterhout (fps limiter)
Masanao Izumo (sound fx)
Masanao Izumo (original sound engine)
Max Horn (mac os x)
Max Horn (build script patches)
Members of the SDL mailing list (special thanks)
Michael Sterrett (glsdl issues)
Others (sdl)
Riki (intel compiler)
Sam Lantinga (sdl)
Sam Palmer (ms windows testing)
Samuel Hart (joystick support)
SixK (amiga port)
the Simple DirectMedia library)
the Simple DirectMedia library)
Torsten Giebl (slackware)
Tsuyoshi Iguchi (freebsd)
Kobo Deluxe  -1999 68k armcpu freebsd license-gpl netbsd openbsd opengl ppc ppc-64 qnx sparc sparc-64 x86 x86-64 Akira Higuchi (author of the original xkobo.)
Andreas Spaangberg (sun compiler)
Andreas Spaangberg (bug spotting)
Antonio Messina (stage 1601+ difficulty wrap)
Antonio Messina (always fire option)
David Andersson (various good ideas)
David Olofson (conversion)
G. Low (solaris)
Gerry Jo Trick Jellestad (testing)
Gerry Jo Trick Jellestad (ideas)
Hans de Goede (audio buffer handling bug)
Jeremy Sheeley (player profiles)
Joey Hess (debian)
Marianne Ibbotson ('autopause' idea)
Martijn van Oosterhout (fps limiter)
Masanao Izumo (sound fx)
Masanao Izumo (original sound engine)
Max Horn (mac os x)
Max Horn (build script patches)
Members of the SDL mailing list (special thanks)
Michael Sterrett (glsdl issues)
Others (sdl - the simple directmedia library)
Riki (intel compiler)
Sam Lantinga (sdl - the simple directmedia library)
Sam Palmer (ms windows testing)
Samuel Hart (joystick support)
SixK (amiga port)
Torsten Giebl (slackware)
Tsuyoshi Iguchi (freebsd)
Tsuyoshi Iguchi (netbsd)
ParkMaze author2013 customengine difficulty download langinsignificant mapgenerator qnx tilebased uvl-confusable uvl-platform-limitation Andi Peredri
Project: Starfighter  Parallel Realities2003 2570s 26thcentury 3rdmillennium currency download earth energyweapons future mercenaries powerups ppc qnx scrollingshooter sdl shopping solsystem space spacecraft ubuntu unrelatedobjectives upgrades-permanent upgrades-transient upgradesystem uvl-platform-limitation weaponupgrades x86 x86-64 Richard Sweeney
Stephen J Sweeney
Q Parallel Realities2003 fedora langinsignificant ps2linux qnx redhat rpm sdl suse tilebased transportpuzzle uvl-platform-limitation Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
QNX Doom id Software1994 22ndcentury claymation demonicinvasion demons doom-series firstpersonshooter hell militantprotagonist moon notunix plasmaweapons qnx uvl-platform-limitation Unixlabelminimizesubject