showing 1 - 50 of 85 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsplatform
0 A.D.  Wildfire Games2009 1stcentury 2ndcentury 3rdcentury 4thcentury 5thcentury achievements antiquity aspectratio-4-3 asymmetricfactions bc1stcentury bc2ndcentury bc3rdcentury bc4thcentury bc5thcentury classicalantiquity cpplanguage dawnofanewage difficulty earth ecmascript europe free garrisons healthregen imperiumromanum modifiable nopausefunction openal opengl past pausefunction realtimecombat replays sdl structurefacing veterancy warfare-land warfare-sea win2k winvista winxp wxwidgets year0 Windowslabelimageminimize
0 A.D.  Wildfire Games2009 1stcentury 2ndcentury 3rdcentury 4thcentury 5thcentury achievements antiquity aspectratio-4-3 asymmetricfactions bc1stcentury bc2ndcentury bc3rdcentury bc4thcentury bc5thcentury classicalantiquity cpplanguage dawnofanewage difficulty earth ecmascript europe femaleprotagonist free garrisons healthregen imperiumromanum license-gpl license-lgpl license-mpl lutris maleprotagonist modifiable nopausefunction openal opengl past pausefunction realtimecombat replays sdl structurefacing ubuntu veterancy vorbis warfare-land warfare-sea wxwidgets x86 x86-64 year0 Linuxlabelimagesubject
0 A.D.  Wildfire Games2016 1stcentury 2ndcentury 3rdcentury 4thcentury 5thcentury achievements antiquity aspectratio-4-3 asymmetricfactions bc1stcentury bc2ndcentury bc3rdcentury bc4thcentury bc5thcentury classicalantiquity cpplanguage dawnofanewage difficulty earth ecmascript europe free freebsd garrisons healthregen imperiumromanum license-gpl license-lgpl license-mpl modifiable nopausefunction openal opengl past pausefunction realtimecombat replays sdl structurefacing veterancy vorbis warfare-land warfare-sea wxwidgets year0 BSDlabelminimizeminimize
A Valley Without Wind 2  Arcen Games2013 adv-undefined antiepilepsy avww-series classbased deathpenalty doomclock eviloverlord fogofwar hybridgame monsters mysticprotagonist parallaxscrolling realtimecombat steampowered unlimitedlives xp-none Windowslabelimagesubject
A Valley Without Wind 2  Arcen Games2013 adv-undefined antiepilepsy avww-series classbased deathpenalty display-1024x768 display-800x600 doomclock eviloverlord fogofwar hybridgame monsters mysticprotagonist osx osx-5 parallaxscrolling realtimecombat steampowered unlimitedlives x86 xp-none Mac OS Xlabelimageminimize
Anachronism author? realtimecombat Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Archon Activision (Bullet Proof Software)1989 archon consoleclassix controlpoints dualism magic multiphased realtimecombat singleunitturns NESlabelimagesubject
Archon React! Games2009 multiphased realtimecombat iOSlabelminimizeminimize
Archon II: Adept Electronic Arts (Lynsoft)1989 archon controlpoints demons dualism magic monsters multiphased realtimecombat singleunitturns ZX Spectrumlabelimageminimize
Archon II: Adept Electronic Arts (Free Fall)1986 archon controlpoints demons dualism magic monsters multiphased realtimecombat singleunitturns Amigalabelimageminimize
Archon II: Adept Electronic Arts (Free Fall)1984 archon controlpoints demons dualism magic monsters multiphased realtimecombat singleunitturns C64labelimageminimize
Archon II: Adept Electronic Arts (Lynsoft)1989 archon controlpoints demons dualism magic monsters multiphased realtimecombat singleunitturns Amstrad CPClabelimagesubject
Archon II: Adept Electronic Arts (Free Fall)1984 archon controlpoints demons dualism magic monsters multiphased realtimecombat singleunitturns Apple II Elabelimageminimize
Archon II: Adept Electronic Arts (Free Fall)1984 5.25disk archon controlpoints demons dualism magic monsters multiphased realtimecombat singleunitturns Atari 400/800labelimageminimize
Archon III: Exciter ?1985 fangame hobbyist multiphased realtimecombat C64labelimageminimize
Archon Ultra SSI (Free Fall Associates)1994 archon controlpoints dragons dragons-western dsmi dualism femaleauthor grid grid-square lightvsdark magic manticores mathcoprocessor monsters multiphased noports norecruiting realtimecombat singleunitturns teleport teleporting unicorns MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Archon: Conquest React! Games2009 multiphased realtimecombat iOSlabelminimizeminimize
Archon: The Light and the Dark Electronic Arts (Free Fall)1985 archon controlpoints dualism lightvsdark magic multiphased realtimecombat singleunitturns Amigalabelimagesubject
Archon: The Light and the Dark Electronic Arts (Free Fall)1984 5.25disk archon controlpoints dualism lightvsdark magic multiphased realtimecombat singleunitturns Apple II Elabelimageminimize
Archon: The Light and the Dark Electronic Arts (Free Fall)1984 archon controlpoints display-cga display-cga-composite dualism magic multiphased realtimecombat singleunitturns MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Archon: The Light and the Dark Electronic Arts (Free Fall)1986 68k archon binarycolor controlpoints cpu-68000 drm dualism lightvsdark macos3 magic multiphased osclassic realtimecombat singleunitturns Mac OS Classiclabelimageminimize
Archon: The Light and the Dark  Ariolasoft (Ramjam)1985 archon controlpoints dualism magic multiphased realtimecombat singleunitturns ZX Spectrumlabelimageminimize
Archon: The Light and the Dark  Electronic Arts (Free Fall)1983 archon controlpoints dualism magic multiphased realtimecombat singleunitturns C64labelimageminimize
Archon: The Light and the Dark  Electronic Arts (Lynsoft)1988 archon controlpoints dualism magic multiphased realtimecombat singleunitturns Amstrad CPClabelimageminimize
Archon: The Light and the Dark  Electronic Arts (Free Fall)1983 5.25disk archon controlpoints dualism magic multiphased realtimecombat singleunitturns xegs Atari 400/800labelimagesubject
Archon: The Light and the Dark  Bullet Proof Software (Intertex)1986 archon controlpoints dualism magic multiphased realtimecombat singleunitturns NEC PC8801labelimageminimize
Archon: The Light and the Dark  Bullet Proof Software1988 archon controlpoints dualism magic multiphased realtimecombat singleunitturns MICRO 7 - FM7labelimageminimize
Archon: The Light and the Dark  Bullet Proof Software1986 archon controlpoints dualism magic multiphased realtimecombat singleunitturns Sharp X1labelminimizeminimize
Archon:Classic  React! Games2010 abilitycooldown achievements aspectratio-16-9 combatmode demo difficulty doppelgangers dragons gamepad grid grid-square keyboard knights letterbox magic monsters mp-teams multiphased mystics netframework netranking phoenixes realtimecombat singleunitturns sorcery steampowered steamworks tutorial unicorns unlimitedammo veterancy Windowslabelimagesubject
Armada 2526  Ntronium Games;Tri Synergy;Matrix Games (Ntronium Games)2009 aliens directx9 drm impulsegoo irrklang netframework rating-esrb-e10 rating-pegi-12 rating-pegi-7 realtimecombat simultaneousturns slimdx space spacefaringage steampowered winxp Windowslabelimagesubject
Armada 2526: Supernova  Iceberg Interactive;Matrix Games (Ntronium Games)2011 aliens directx9 irrklang netframework realtimecombat simultaneousturns slimdx space spacefaringage steampowered winxp Windowslabelimagesubject
Aztez Team Colorblind2017 commercial download license-proprietary realtimecombat steampowered Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Aztez Team Colorblind2017 commercial download license-proprietary realtimecombat steampowered Windowslabelminimizesubject
Battleboard eGames;Xtreme Games (Rainfall Studios)1998 multiphased realtimecombat singleunitturns Windowslabelimagesubject
Blitzkrieg 3  Ubisoft (Nival Interactive)2014 1930s 1940s 20thcentury 2ndmillennium past realtimecombat tactical tanks ubuntu unity-engine worldwar2 Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Blue Powder Grey Smoke Garde1987 1860s 5.25disk activepause americancivilwar battleofantietam battleofchickamauga battleofgettysburg realtimecombat usa wargame Apple II Elabelimageminimize
Boson -? realtimecombat ubuntu Linuxlabelimageminimize
Celetania Vulcando Games2009 defunct otherworld realtimecombat Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Commander Stalin  The Commander Stalin Team? 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 20thcentury aerodyne aeroplane coldwar earth europe fighteraircraft firearms infantry latemodernperiod license-gpl militantprotagonist mod naturalistic nazis past propellerplane realprotagonist realtimecombat realtimestrategy rockets sdl siberia socialistprotagonist sovietunion stratagusengine tanks totalconversion ubuntu uvl-missingimages war warfare-air warfare-information warfare-land wargame worldwar2 Linuxlabelimageminimize
Crown of Arthain Micro Lab1980 actionrpg bodyarmor bossbattles combatmode currency difficulty dragons dwarves elves encounters-allies encounters-random ghosts goblins grid grid-hex magic meleeweapons monsters mp-versus ogres realtimecombat strategyrpg swords trolls undead walking Apple II Elabelimageminimize
Crypt of the NecroDancer Brace Yourself Games2015 1life alphafunding automap bombs chiroptera commercial currency dancepad defensebreaking destructibleworld difficulty digging download dragons dungeoncrawler enemyhealthdisplay femaleprotagonist firearms-early fungus-mushrooms gamepad giantanimals glowingeyes gog grid grid-square keyboard knives license-proprietary lineofsight lives loot-random meleeweapons minimap monsters mouse music-custom music-edm music-theme netranking nodrm nosaves permadeath realtimecombat retro roguelike screenshake shopping skeletons steampowered stonecreatures subterranean swords tactical upgrades-permanent upgradesystem Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Crypt of the NecroDancer Brace Yourself Games2015 1life alphafunding automap bombs chiroptera currency dancepad defensebreaking destructibleworld difficulty digging download dragons dungeoncrawler enemyhealthdisplay femaleprotagonist firearms-early gamepad giantanimals glowingeyes gog grid grid-square keyboard knives lineofsight lives loot-random meleeweapons minimap monsters music-custom music-edm music-theme netranking nosaves permadeath realtimecombat retro roguelike screenshake shopping skeletons steampowered stonecreatures subterranean swords tactical upgrades-permanent upgradesystem Windowslabelimageminimize
Crypt of the NecroDancer Brace Yourself Games2015 1life alphafunding automap bombs chiroptera currency dancepad defensebreaking destructibleworld difficulty digging download dragons dungeoncrawler enemyhealthdisplay femaleprotagonist firearms-early gamepad giantanimals glowingeyes gog grid grid-square keyboard knives lineofsight lives loot-random meleeweapons minimap monsters music-custom music-edm music-theme netranking nosaves permadeath realtimecombat retro roguelike screenshake shopping skeletons steampowered stonecreatures subterranean swords tactical upgrades-permanent upgradesystem Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Crypt of the NecroDancer: AMPLIFIED Brace Yourself Games2016 1life alphafunding automap bombs chiroptera commercial currency dancepad defensebreaking destructibleworld difficulty digging download dragons dungeoncrawler enemyhealthdisplay femaleprotagonist firearms-early fungus-mushrooms gamepad giantanimals glowingeyes gog grid grid-square keyboard knives license-proprietary lineofsight lives loot-random meleeweapons minimap monsters mouse music-custom music-edm music-theme netranking nodrm nosaves permadeath realtimecombat retro roguelike screenshake shopping skeletons steampowered stonecreatures subterranean swords tactical upgrades-permanent upgradesystem Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Dark Legions SSI (Silicon Knights)1994 cdrom control-individuals demons elementals grid grid-square magic mystics noports realtimecombat MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Darkhorn Avalon Hill? dwarves elves grid grid-square humans realtimecombat weefolk C64labelminimizeminimize
Darkhorn  Avalon Hill1985 dwarves elves grid grid-square humans realtimecombat weefolk Apple II Elabelimageminimize
Destiny Interactive Magic1996 4xstrategy realtimecombat Windowslabelminimizeminimize
Distant Star: Revenant Fleet Blazing Griffin2015 abilitycooldown activepause beamweapons directx9 display-1024x768 empweapons energyshields minimap optionaltasks postcombatrestoration realtimecombat rockets shopping space steampowered unlimitedammo veterancy win8 winvista winxp Windowslabelimageminimize
Dragon Age: Origins Electronic Arts;GamersGate (TransGaming Technologies;Big Sandwich Games;HermitWorks Entertainment)2009 aaa abilitydependencies activepause adv-ptdistr altcharfates autoattack automap autosavepoints axes blood-motif bloodmagic book bows camp castle characterbackground charactercreation chemistry cloakednpcs combatanimals cpplanguage darkisevil day1dlc deadondisplay demons demonspirits dialog-sentences difficulty difficulty-charscaling divineabsence download dragonage-series dragons dwarves elves encyclopedia energyitems energyregen energyupkeep epic fightfirewithfire fortress genderchoice graychoices group healingitems healthregen healthregen-moderate heroicfantasy homosexuals injuries interactivedialogs interfacespoilers inventory itemglow lesbians lipsync mageslayers magic manaburn meleeweapons militantprotagonist monsterhunters monsters mutagen neutralnpcs nudity-inhuman objectiveindicator ogres osx osx-6 paperdoll perchararelations phlebotinum pickpocketing potions priorities protagonistdesigning protagonistdesigning-face protagonistnaming quickkeys ragtaggang realtimecombat refugees romance rookieprotagonist ruins saveanywhere shapeshifters shopping slobbery sluts socketables sorcery specieschoice spectres staining summoning swords tasktracker thesoulless transformativecorruption voicechoice weefolk witchhunters x86 xp-kills xp-lockpicking xp-shared Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
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