showing 28 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yearauthor(s)platform
Altered Destiny Accolade1990[Michael Berlyn thanks] Ennio the Legend (special thanks)
Beckett Gladney (graphics)
Beckett Gladney (artwork)
Bob Smith (interpreter)
Bob Smith (development system)
Bonnie Borucki (graphics)
Bonnie Borucki (artwork)
Caitlin Mitchell-Dayton (graphics)
Caitlin Mitchell-Dayton (artwork)
Carolly Hauksdottir (graphics)
Carolly Hauksdottir (artwork)
Cyndi Kirkpatrick (associate producer)
Cyndi Kirkpatrick (playtesting)
Don Joyce (graphics)
Don Joyce (artwork)
Jeff Wagner (documentation)
Jeff Wagner (playtesting)
Jenny Martin (graphics)
Jenny Martin (artwork)
Jerry Pape (playtesting)
Justin R. Chin (graphics)
Justin R. Chin (artwork)
Justin R. Chin (cover art)
Michael Berlyn (lead design)
Michael Berlyn (interpreter)
Michael Berlyn (development system)
Michael Berlyn (producer)
Michelle Shelfer (graphics)
Michelle Shelfer (artwork)
Muffy McClung Berlyn (special thanks)
Paula Polley (special thanks)
Peter Mitchell-Dayton (graphics)
Peter Mitchell-Dayton (artwork)
Richard Booroojian (special thanks)
Robert W. Calfee (special thanks)
Roseann Mitchell (graphics)
Roseann Mitchell (artwork)
Russell Shiffer (music)
Sam Nelson (producer)
Sharlene Chin (cover art)
Sheryl Knowles (graphics)
Sheryl Knowles (artwork)
Steve Cartwright (interpreter)
Steve Cartwright (development system)
Tomi Quintana (playtesting)
BattleSport  Acclaim Entertainment1996 MS-DOSlabelminimizeminimize
Captain Bible in Dome of Darkness  Bridgestone Multimedia1994 MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
CyberBykes: Shadow Racer VR Gametek1995 MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Daggerfall  Bethesda Softworks1996 MS-DOSlabelimagesubject
Darklands Microprose (MPS Labs)1992Arnold Hendrick (designer)
Arnold Hendrick (director)
Artino (artist)
Bryan Stout (programmer)
Douglas Kaufman (designer)
Douglas Whatley (programmer)
Jeff Briggs (composer)
Jim Synoski (programmer)
Michael O'Haire (artist)
Sandy Petersen (designer)
Elvira: Mistress of the Dark Accolade (Horror Soft)1990Alan Bridgman (graphics code)
Keith Wadhams
Mike Woodroffe
Simon Woodroffe
Teoman Irmak (graphics)
Hoyle: Official Book of Games - Volume 1 Sierra On-Line1989 MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Jack Nicklaus' Unlimited Golf & Course Design Accolade (Sculptured Software)1990 MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Jones in the Fast Lane Sierra On-Line1991 MS-DOSlabelimagesubject
Jonny Quest: Curse of the Mayan Warriors  Hollyware Entertainment (MicroIllusions)1993 MS-DOSlabelminimizeminimize
Ken's Labyrinth Epic Megagames1993Ken Silverman
Leisure Suit Larry 3: Passionate Patty in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals! Sierra On-Line1989 MS-DOSlabelimagesubject
Leisure Suit Larry 5: Passionate Patti does a little Undercover Work  Sierra On-Line1991 MS-DOSlabelimagesubject
Les Manley in: Search for the King Accolade (Manley & Associates)1990 MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
Nemesis: The Wizardry Adventure  Virgin Interactive (Sir-tech Software)1996Amy Soule (qa)
Barry Gelfand (qa)
Bill Dedi (qa)
Brenda Brathwaite (writer)
Brenda Romero (scripting)
Brenda Romero (dialogue)
Brenda Romero (documentaion)
Bret Rowdon (programmer)
Bret Rowdon (additional design)
Charles Miles (qa)
Chris Fram (level design)
Christopher Pollard (qa)
Craig Fram (3d graphics)
Craig Fram (animation)
Craig S. Daughtrey (level design)
Craig S. Daughtrey (3d graphics)
Craig S. Daughtrey (animation)
Cyrus Hogg (level design)
Cyrus Hogg (3d graphics)
Cyrus Hogg (animation)
Dan Hosmer (qa)
Dan Sherry (qa)
Derek Beland (programmer)
Derek Beland (additional design)
Dimitri Joannides (level design)
Dimitri Joannides (3d graphics)
Dimitri Joannides (animation)
Dimitri Joannides (2d graphics)
Dimitri Joannides (manual illustrations)
Dimitri Joannides (manual photos)
Eric Heberling (composer)
Harold Lehman (qa)
Ian Currie (concept)
Ian Currie (additional design)
Jeff Thorton (qa)
Jennifer Hamilton (2d graphics)
Joan McKeown (qa)
John Walcott (qa)
Kathy Shaw (qa)
Linda Currie (director)
Linda Currie (concept)
Linda Currie (writer)
Linda Currie (design)
Linda Currie (scripting)
Linda Currie (dialogue)
Luis Huapaya (additional programming)
Marilyn Wasserman (qa)
Michael Fisher (level design)
Michael Fisher (3d graphics)
Michael Fisher (animation)
Mohanned Mansour (2d graphics)
Nathan Bruyere (qa)
Nathan Koch (documentaion)
Nathan Koch (qa)
Phil Lewis (qa)
Sean McDermott (sound)
Steve McIvor (level design)
Steve McIvor (3d graphics)
Steve McIvor (animation)
Susan Niles (qa)
Will Johnson (qa)
OPDEMO oP Group1997 MS-DOSlabelminimizeminimize
Powerslave Official Beta Version  Playmates (Lobotomy Software)1995 MS-DOSlabelminimizesubject
Rallo Gump Just Softworks (Edge Creations;Homebrew Software)1994 MS-DOSlabelminimizeminimize
ShadowCaster  Origin (Raven Software)1993 MS-DOSlabelimagesubject
Space Quest III: The Pirates of Pestulon Sierra On-Line1989 MS-DOSlabelimagesubject
The Gene Machine Vic Tokai (Divide by Zero)1996 MS-DOSlabelimagesubject
The Lord of Lightning ?1998 MS-DOSlabelminimizeminimize
The Settlers II: Veni, Vidi, Vici  Blue Byte1996 MS-DOSlabelimagesubject
Tyrannizer Viper Byte 3D Game Development1998 MS-DOSlabelminimizeminimize
Vengeance of Excalibur Virgin Games (Synergistic Software)1991 MS-DOSlabelminimizeminimize
Wetlands New World Computing1995 MS-DOSlabelimageminimize
WWF In Your House Acclaim Entertainment1996 MS-DOSlabelminimizeminimize