showing 13 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeardescriptionplatform
DUELYST Counterplay Games2014 Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
FTL: Faster Than Light Subset Games2012Un gran juego de exploración y combate especial, donde la elección de mejoras y decisiones (dónde viajar, ciertas opciones en dentro de los sistemas) es clave y brutalmente inclemente a los errores, por muy inesperados que sean.
Aunque brilla en su apartado de lucha, hubiese estado bien algunas opciones más pacíficas (rescates de naves, aterrizaje en planetas, diplomacia), ya que casi todas tus acciones están enfocadas o en luchar o en mejorar tu nave para el combate (una nave huidiza o sigilosa no es tan buena opción como un arsenal con reactores), que posiblemente le hubiesen dado algo más de variedad y encanto al juego (que si presenta situaciones como lluvias de asteroides o rescates, pero casi siempre con un enfoque como variación del campo de batalla)

7 de 10***[media=vimeo]47066972[/media]
FTL: Faster Than Light Subset Games2012 Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
FTL: Faster Than Light Subset Games2014 iOSlabelminimizeminimize
Mountain Double Fine (author)2014The announcement
[media=youtube]FpObFKcyLJ8[/media]***At first I read the information on the web about this game and it sounded as if it a neglected niche market that was before tamagochi players and after pet rock owners. I figured a 16K UHD (8640p) 48 inch Electrophoretic Color Display (when these became affordable) framed and hung in my living room would be the best place for it.
However, after seeing [url=]David OReilly's presentation[/url] I realized the product has interaction, there are features to unlock, causes to effect. It is on the outside definition of a game. But it is still more of a game than [game=#162665]Narcissu[/game] (which is often accepted as such). And it's minimally subversive (kind of an artistic necessity). I couldn't tell you exactly what, but this guy has probably started something at least as noteworthy as [game=#19073]Kings Quest[/game], [game=#34]Centipede[/game], [game=#173178]Passage[/game], or [game=#107889]Seven Cities of Gold[/game]. However, I'm still looking forward to decorating my wall with this first of the new. "You only live once, buy Picassos whenever possible." Right? $1 is way more than possible for me.
Mountain author2014At first I read the information on the web about this game and it sounded as if it a neglected niche market that was before tamagochi players and after pet rock owners. I figured a 16K UHD (8640p) 48 inch Electrophoretic Color Display (when these became affordable) framed and hung in my living room would be the best place for it.
However, after seeing [url=]David OReilly's presentation[/url] I realized the product has interaction, there are features to unlock, causes to effect. It is on the outside definition of a game. But it is still more of a game than [game=#162665]Narcissu[/game] (which is often accepted as such). And it's minimally subversive (kind of an artistic necessity). I couldn't tell you exactly what, but this guy has probably started something at least as noteworthy as [game=#19073]Kings Quest[/game], [game=#34]Centipede[/game], [game=#173178]Passage[/game], or [game=#107889]Seven Cities of Gold[/game]. However, I'm still looking forward to decorating my wall with this first of the new. "You only live once, buy Picassos whenever possible." Right? $1 is way more than possible for me.
Mountain author2014At first I read the information on the web about this game and it sounded as if it a neglected niche market that was before tamagochi players and after pet rock owners. I figured a 16K UHD (8640p) 48 inch Electrophoretic Color Display (when these became affordable) framed and hung in my living room would be the best place for it.
However, after seeing [url=]David OReilly's presentation[/url] I realized the product has interaction, there are features to unlock, causes to effect. It is on the outside definition of a game. But it is still more of a game than [game=#162665]Narcissu[/game] (which is often accepted as such). And it's minimally subversive (kind of an artistic necessity). I couldn't tell you exactly what, but this guy has probably started something at least as noteworthy as [game=#19073]Kings Quest[/game], [game=#34]Centipede[/game], [game=#173178]Passage[/game], or [game=#107889]Seven Cities of Gold[/game]. However, I'm still looking forward to decorating my wall with this first of the new. "You only live once, buy Picassos whenever possible." Right? $1 is way more than possible for me.
Mac OS Xlabelminimizeminimize
Soulslayer: The Wedding Eve   NVLMaker ;Saltytata Studio (开水工作室;Open water studio)2017 Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
Soulslayer: The Wedding Eve  Soulslayer;NVLMaker (Open water studio;开水工作室)2017 Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
The Legend of The Artifact KirbypwnageTBA Linuxlabelminimizeminimize
The Lord of the Rings Conquest Electronic Arts (Pandemic Studios;XPEC Entertainment; design)2009 X360labelminimizeminimize
The Lord of the Rings: Conquest Electronic Arts (Pandemic Studios;XPEC Entertainment; design)2009[b]Minimum:[/b]
* Windows XP or Vista
* 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* 256 MB VRAM
* GeForce 7800 GPU
* 6.5 GB HD space

Firewall/router ports:
* UDP: 11900
Volt Quantized Bit2014In this game you play a battery that wondered off into a factory (on your way to be recycled). Now, you must keep yourself charged and escape. As you don't have arms or legs, this task will not be simple. Tools for the task are electric beams to connect to or repel from walls, move or destroy objects, flip switches, and charge fellow machinery.

[b]Minimum Requirements:[/b][list]OS: Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS
Processor: 2 Ghz
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: Intel GMA 900
Hard Drive: 150 MB available space[/list]