showing 11 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Halo  Microsoft Game Studios (Bungie Studios)2001 aaa absolutearmor aliens atlastmoment bishopring blankprotagonist book cyborgprotagonist ectsaward energyshields extraterrestrial facelessprotagonist firstpartytitle firstpersonshooter future grenades halo-engine halo-series healthpickups jumping killerapp launchtitle lightbridges megastructure militantprotagonist militaryfiction nailguns oneofmany otherworld powerarmor secondaryattack sentientmachines shieldregen spacecraft-location spacefaringage titlementioned titularlocale walking worldcybergames labelimagesubject
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets  Electronic Arts2002 1990s book britain contemporaryfantasy earth fantasticearth harrypotter magic movie mysticprotagonist unrealengine unrealengine1 wands labelimagesubject
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis  VU Games;Konami (Blue Tongue Entertainment)2003 2000s 21stcentury amusementpark book cmsgame criware dinosaurs disease dynamicweather earth hunger island jurassicpark latemodernperiod mapgenerator movie needs npcanxiety present pseudocheats rain ramparts subtropic terraindeformation tropic weathereffects zoo labelimagesubject
Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup  EA Games (EA UK)2003 book contemporaryfantasy earth fantasticearth harrypotter madeupsport movie mysticprotagonist worldchampionship labelimagesubject
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone  Electronic Arts (Warthog)2003 1990s book britain contemporaryfantasy earth fantasticearth harrypotter magic movie mysticprotagonist unrealengine unrealengine1 wands labelimagesubject
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Electronic Arts (Electronic Arts UK)2004 1990s book britain contemporaryfantasy earth fantasticearth harrypotter magic movie mysticprotagonist unrealengine2 wands labelimagesubject
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events  Activision (Amaze Entertainment)2004 book cooperation movie labelimagesubject
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe  Buena Vista Games;Disney Interactive (Traveller's Tales)2005 beavers book centaurs childprotagonist cyclopes fauns flatworld lions minotaurs movie narnia parallelworld rodents werewolves wolves labelimagesubject
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire  Electronic Arts (Electronic Arts UK)2005 1990s book britain contemporaryfantasy earth fantasticearth harrypotter havokphysics magic movie mysticprotagonist rating-pegi-7 wands labelimageminimize
StarCraft: Ghost Blizzard (Swingin' Ape Studios;Nihilistic)2006 book cancelled extraterrestrial femaleprotagonist future glowsuits militantprotagonist otherworld starcraft stealth labelimageminimize
The Da Vinci Code 2K Games (The Collective)2006 book movie labelminimizesubject