showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescriptionpop.
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Bethesda Softworks2002Morrowind is an epic, open-ended single-player role-playing game where you create and play any kind of character you can imagine. Your actions define your character, and your gameplay changes and evolves in response to your actions. Confront the assassins' guild, and they take out a contract on you. Impress them, and they try to recruit you instead. No two sagas are the same in the world of Morrowind. The end result is the most open-ended RPG possible--one with an infinite number of possible paths through the game.***One of the most eagerly anticipated RPG?s of all-time is now on the Xbox, in the form of Morrowind. This 1st person RPG will leave your jaw on the floor with its rich gameplay, smooth graphics and open-ended story. As you progress in the game the story and characters will change depending on your actions. Develop your character with an incredibly deep character system, and gain experience points as you win battles and complete quests. Morrowind utilizes the graphical power of Xbox, and features realistic textures and polygon counts, real-time shadows, vast landscapes, skeletal based animation, and a dynamic weather system. This game is another reason you?re happy you bought an Xbox.
[R2D2-A]***"Morrowind is an epic, open-ended single-player game where you create and play any kind of character you can imagine. Your actions define your character, and your gameplay changes and evolves in response to your actions. Confront the assassins' guild, and they take out a contract on you. Impress them, and they try to recruit you instead. No two sagas are the same in the world of Morrowind. The end result is the most open-ended RPG possible - one with an infinite number of possible paths through the game."
Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War Activision (Nerve Software;Gray Matter Interactive Studios)2003From 2 to 16 players simultaneous. 2 player splitscreen. 2-16 players via System Link or XBox Live.

Seventh game in the Wolfenstein series.

This package includes many extras over the original PC version. There are 7 prologue levels that explain B.J. and Agent One's meeting and thier imprisonment. There is a secret bonus for each level for finding all the secret areas in said level. There are aditional weapons and items, Shotgun, Holy Cross, EMP Device, and X-Shield. The original Wolfenstien 3D game is included. The 'single player mode' can be played with 2-player splitscreen coopertive play. The game can be expanded and customised with downloadable content.