showing 13 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
Darkwatch: Curse of the West  Ubisoft (High Moon Studios)2005 crossbows darkwatch firstpersonshooter handguns havokphysics humanity moralchoices multipleendings quazal secretsociety skeletons undead vampireprotagonist vampires weirdwest The story of Darkwatch is quite simple and easy to understand. You are Jericho Cross, an outlaw, in the year 1874. You're in the middle of the Rob a train when you come across some undead skeletons. They fight their way through the train with nothing but a revolver, until you finally reach the last car.
A woman tries to stop them, but they blow it anyway. But instead of finding gold, a tall, inhuman man appears with bright red eyes out, he immediately grabs her and knocks her out.
They wake up to the woman, she explains that she is turning into a vampire, and the only way to get rid of the curse, the thing is to kill.
She brings you back to Darkwatch, you might call it, an Anti-evil organization. Though, things go haywire, do your dismay...***Darkwatch: Curse of the West blends vampire horror with western genres. Darkwatch is a secret strike-force that has a protected man from evil since the dawn of civilization. You play its newest and deadliest agent, Jericho Cross, an outlaw gunslinger hunting the vampire that bit him. Blast your way through an American frontier overrun by the undead using your arsenal of powerful assault vehicles, enhanced versions of Western weapons, supernatural vampire abilities, and your trusty undead horse. In this frightening version of the Wild West, you're never safe.***
Deus Ex: Invisible War  Eidos (Ion Storm)2003 2070s 21stcentury africa arcology blackmarket blue capacity-slots capacity-toolslots children city city-cairo-eg city-seattle-wa clones clonetechnology cyberpunk cyborgprotagonist cyborgs dark-limited deusex earth egypt elevators empgrenades empweapons energyitems firearms firstpersonshooter future genderchoice grenades greys groupmind havokphysics hud-explained immersivesim implants inclinators interlinkedlevels jumping knives lamp limitedcapacity luddites meleeweapons mobilebombs multipleendings nanotechnology neutralnpcs nightvision northamerica optionaltasks pointdefenses postmodern rating-esrb-m researchfacility robots schism science-theme sentientmachines shopping spiderbots stealth technocracy technology-theme temple titlementioned transhumanism tutorial unethicalscience universalammo unrealengine2 upgradesystem vagrants voiceovers walking weaponcustomization xrayvision Fifteen years following the events depicted in the multi-award-winning Deus Ex, the world is just beginning to recover from catastrophic depression.
As an elite anti-terrorist agent, you must fight numerous militant factions bent on violently reshaping the world to suit their own agendas. Using high-tech gadgetry and futuristic body modification (or bio-mods), you are granted near superhuman powers.
Travel the globe, while uncovering fiendish plots of world domination. Unmask the conspirators, and discover the shocking truth behind your own origins
Fable: The Lost Chapters Microsoft (Lionhead Studios;Big Blue Box Studios)2005 aaa actionadventure aging amphitheatre arena ballistics bloodlines bodymorphing bossbattles bows caninoids cave chickens classless dualism emotes evilisugly fable-series fishing forest glowingveins growingprotagonist hero-theme heroes heroprotagonist heroschool highfantasy lostequipment magic marriage medieval meleeweapons multipleendings outlaws premadeprotagonist reflecteddeeds roses roses-black roses-red shopping sorcery speakingstones swords tattoos timeskip titles town trophies voiceovers werewolves xbydifferentname This was an expanded re-release of [game=#155049]Fable[/game].

And according to Wikipedia, the changes were as follows:
[spoiler=Show;Hide]* Five new silver keys, and a few more silver key chests.
* Two new suits of armor — the "Fire Assassin" suit, which is very similar to the normal assassin suit but with a red cloth and designs, and the armor of Archon, which is a shinier and stronger version of the standard plate armor in the game.
* A new torso armor — The hooded guild apprentice shirt.
* Two new offensive spells — "Divine Fury" and "Infernal Wrath"; area of effect spells which deal large amounts of damage to opponents in the player's radius.(some spells look slightly different, such as Assassin's Rush now bearing a blue after-effect instead of a white one).
* Briar Rose; a hero who was almost entirely scrapped from the original release, is now included in several main quests and side quests.
* Scythe; another hero who was cut from the original game, is now a primary character in the new end game, and appears early in the game based on the player's actions.
* Jack of Blades; the main antagonist, has a deeper, more demonic-sounding voice as opposed to his original roguish tone, and he has a more explored background.
* Jack of Blades transforms into a dragon, the new final boss.
* Several new demon doors.
* The Northern Wastes, which were cut from the original release, are back. There are about six new locations there, which contain a new town, a demon door, some silver key chests, and an extension of the story.
* The Darkwood Bordello, an area cut from the Darkwood portion of the game. Finding it allows access to a couple of sidequests, a new demon door, behind which is the "Pimp Hat", and of course, the bordello itself. The player has the option of owning the bordello, and making lots of money (for some 'evil' points), or making it a women's refuge (for 'holy' points).
* Several new weapons, including a sword called Avo's Tear, which acts as an opposite to the Sword of Aeons. Avo's Tear can only be acquired by a good character after destroying the Sword of Aeons in what was the original end of the game. The other weapons are: The Bereaver, The Avenger and Orkon's Club.
* The player may now solve the mystery surrounding the death of Lady Grey's sister.
* The player can now become the Mayor of Bowerstone.
* Several new sidequests and minigames.
* New monsters — Ice Trolls, Summoners, Wraiths, and Frost Balverines.
* New actions — The player may now do several new dances, like the Cossack dance and air guitar.
* The Sword of Aeons has had a downgrade to make the new game elements harder yet still remains one of the strongest weapons in the game. (Because of its speed as a light weapon, it can hit much faster as a heavy weapon.) The sword has a damage rate of 230, whereas in the original Fable it had 550.
* The Battle Charge spell no longer affects non-hostile and non-targeted characters.
* Demon Doors on the mini-map are purple instead of red to eliminate confusion between enemies.
* Flourish-charged weapons now glow purple instead of fiery to eliminate confusion of fire-augmented weapons.
* Jack of Blades' mask is no longer a trophy, but a quest item. Depending on the second ending that the player chooses, the mask can either be worn or destroyed. (Once worn, it can never be removed)
* After Jack of Blades is defeated the first time, the Hero Guild is rebuilt and completely accessible.
* Ripples in water are now more continuous instead of "pulses" and have a slightly different look.
* Timers turn red when there are only ten seconds left.
* You can find Whisper at the Oakvale Tavern after the Arena if you choose not to kill her.
* There is now an Oracle in the game which can be asked questions. Once the player reaches the Oracle, it can tell them what has happened to the other characters in the game, such as Whisper and the Hero's sister Theresa, which increases the impact of some of his earlier decisions. It can also talk to the Hero about a number of other topics, including information about Albion's past and where certain monsters come from, the which adds much more lore to the game.
* Bug fixes.[/spoiler]***Follow one character from birth to death, every action you take affects your charactor's stats but also their physical appearence. Get a tan or sunburn, pump your mussles or grow fat, get tattoos, aquire scars, build your rep. Play again for a totally different character and experience. PC version has enhancements and extras not included in the Xbox version.
Fahrenheit  Atari (Quantic Dream)2005 2000s bathroom censored city city-newyork-ny civilianprotagonist crimefiction dialog-timelimit interactivedialogs lawenforcerprotagonist mandatoryloss multipleendings mystery narrativedriven origlang-french paranormal present psychologicalhorror quicktimeevent ravens restaurant serious tutorial urbanfantasy vagrants wintery You lead an ordinary life. You have friends, a job and an everyday routine. Then, one day, it all ends. You find yourself standing over a dead body with a bloody knife in your hand. You have no idea who the victim is but one thing is certain - you've killed him. Without any recollection or reason, you can only guess at what possessed you to do this. But possession is exactly what it is. Unknown to you is that forces of an ancient prophecy are at work, with the fate of mankind hanging in the balance. As you keep one step ahead of the cops, discover what lies beneath these supernatural events... and uncover their connection to an inexplicable crime wave sweeping the city. Experience truly innovative gameplay where every decision, from interrogation questions to physical movement, affects the entire drama. Assume multiple roles to create the action - and suffer the consequences - of this unfolding ever-changing mystery. No two story paths are ever the same in this endlessly replayable adventure that recalls the most thrilling supernatural mystery movies.
Knights of the Old Republic  LucasArts (Bioware)2003 activepause amnesia appearanceshifting auroraengine autoattack awardgdcwriting city darkpast dualism energyweapons evilisugly followinfootsteps friendshipbeatdown gameoftheyear genderchoice group group-subset homosexuals interactivedialogs laserbolts laserweapons lesbians levelhub lightsabers meleeweapons multipleendings naturalleader odysseyengine pawn perchararelations psychicpowers psychics ragtaggang rating-pegi-12 redeemingbeatdown reflecteddeeds romance ruins sciencefantasy sharedsetting spacefaringage speech-gibberish starwars starwars-oldrepublic swords techdisparity universallanguage upgradesystem uvl-tiein vibroweapons weaponcustomization xp-levelmatch xp-shared xp-shared-global David Gaider, Drew Karpyshyn, Luke Kristjanson, and Peter Thomas won the 4th annual (2004) Game developers Choice Awards - Best Writing.
[Zerothis]***Long before the Galactic Civil War, an epic drama begins. Engage in this saga set in the Golden Age of the Republic - over 4,000 years before the first Star Wars film, when both Jedi and Sith number in the thousands. With the Galaxy reeling from a recent conflict with the Dark Lords, the ongoing battle between the Jedi and the Sith rages on. Your actions determine the outcome of this colossal galactic war - and your destiny as a Jedi. Knights of the Old Republic is an immersive, action-packed Star Wars RPG with customizable and evolving playable characters. Your group, is comprised of up to 3 characters, that can include humans, droids, Twi'leks, Wookiees and more.
Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords  LucasArts (Obsidian Entertainment)2004 activepause appearanceshifting auroraengine autoattack blackspeech chemistry city containers crafting darkpast doors doubleweapons dualism energyweapons genderchoice group group-subset ineptveteran interactivedialogs laserbolts laserweapons levelhub lightsabers meleeweapons multipleendings naturalleader odysseyengine perchararelations psychicpowers psychics ragtaggang rating-esrb-t rating-pegi-12 reflecteddeeds romance ruins sciencefantasy sharedsetting slavery spacefaringage spaceport speech-gibberish starwars starwars-oldrepublic starwars-skywalker swords techdisparity universallanguage unusualprotagonist upgradesystem uvl-tiein vibroweapons voiceovers weaponcustomization xp-levelmatch xp-shared xp-shared-global This time your choices affect everyone around you It is a time of darkness, five years after the events of the award-winning KOTOR. The Sith Lords have hunted the Jedi Order to the edge of extinction and a lone Jedi Knight remains - you. As you struggle to reconnect with the Force, your decisions will lead you to the light or dark side and will affect everyone around you. The fate of the galaxy rests in your hands! * Unleash all-new Force powers, feats and weapons as you battle the evil Sith.n* Create your Jedi Knight and build your party from up to 10 characters.n* The decisions you make will influence you and your companions to the light or dark side of the Force.n labelimagesubject
Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction LucasArts (Pandemic Studios)2005 2010s 21stcentury divisionofkorea earth future gunclubbing havokphysics mercenaries-series mercenaryprotagonist multipleendings premadecharacters privatemilitarycompanies labelimageminimize
Red Faction II  THQ (Volition)2003 2080s airducts ammomagazines autosavepoints cyborgprotagonist cyborgs destructibleenvironment driving dualwielding earth firearms firstpersonshooter future geomod-engine grenades healthregen invisiblewalls mecha multipleendings nanotechnology playerprofiles politicalcorruption powerarmor rebellion redfaction robots rockets secrets sewers suicideattackers tripeds voiceovers labelimageminimize
Shadow of Memories Konami2002 16thcentury 1900s 1980s 2000s 20thcentury 21stcentury germany multipleendings rating-elspa-11 rating-sell-12 timetravel labelimageminimize
Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams  Konami (Team Silent)2001 actionadventure dimensionaltravel earth faceless fog grotesque hammerspace imaginarybeings juggernauts latemodernperiod limitedsupplies multipleendings northamerica overcast parallelreality paranormal present psychologicalhorror serious silenthill stationaryattack survivalhorror symbolic titularlocale weather-persistent Silent Hill 2 returns players back to the eerie town of Silent Hill in a new story with all new characters. Players assume the role of James, who receives a cryptic letter from his wife beckoning him to meet her in Silent Hill, a place that holds great meaning for the couple. What would normally be a comforting, even romantic letter, scares and confuses James. His wife has been dead for three years. The mystery of the letter compels him to return to the surreal horror and all-too-real danger in Silent Hill.***US version
[32]***Return once again to the town of Silent Hill, perhaps the most twisted little place on the face of the earth. Survival horror games don't come any more frightening or moody than this. You play as James, a man who has received a mysterious letter from his dead wife. In the letter she promises to meet him in the small village of Silent Hill. Whether James leaves the city alive and with peace of mind is up to you. New to the Xbox version is an exclusive scenerio involving the young woman you meet in the cemetery at the beginning of the game.
Silent Hill 4: The Room Konami (Konami;Team Silent)2004 actionadventure axes bludgeons dimensionaltravel earth escape falseprotagonist femaleprotagonist firearms ghosts gore grotesque handguns healingitems improvisedweapons isolatedhabitat isolatedlocale keys latemodernperiod limitedsupplies maleprotagonist monsters multipleendings northamerica parallelreality paranormal present psychologicalhorror serious shovels silenthill stationaryattack survivalhorror town urbanfantasy Terror Comes to Your Room! The heart stops where the fear the entrance to The Room, the latest sequel in the most terrifying game series of all time, Silent Hill. Indescribable dread accompanies Henry Townshend, the main character who finds himself trapped in his own cursed apartment, the victim of complete mental and spiritual possession by a cast of horrendous characters. State-of-the-art technology creates bone-chilling effects that add to the game's creepy atmosphere and help to complete the psychological nightmare that is Silent Hill 4. For the first time in the Silent Hill series, the game shifts between first and third-person perspectives, adding to the already intense drama. Gamers will be challenged as they solve puzzles while exploring portals to progress through alternate worlds. They will also experience real-time environmental evolution as the alternate world seeps into reality. With a strong emphasis on action that includes real-time weapon and item selection, beautifully detailed environments, and a haunting soundtrack, Silent Hill 4 provides creates a psychological horror that will bring new meaning to the word fear!
* A cast of mysterious new characters, some of whom will try to block your way
* Stranger creatures are waiting for you, as you unravel a horrible story
* For 1 player
* Face giant mutant wasps and dogs as you navigate through horrific, alien dimensions
* Terrifying and more powerful new zombies that can walk through walls and float through the air
The Suffering Midway Games (Surreal Software)2004 antiheroprotagonist bleak bossbattles cpplanguage dark dementia dualism escape grotesque humanity imaginarybeings island meleeweapons monsters moralchoices multipleendings outlawprotagonist prisonbreak psychologicalhorror rage riot-engine serious shapeshifters shapeshifting supermode voiceovers labelminimizeminimize
Ultima VII: The Black Gate  author (Origin;author)2004 ♫flightofthebumblebee ♫rulebritannia alcohol aliens apples axes ballistics bees blackpearls bludgeons bows capacity-stacks capacity-volume capacity-weight captives carts chapel cheese chosenone city cooking crafting crates crteffects demons domesticcats drills-rig drugs engineremake eviloverlord femaleprotagonist fictionalelement firearms firearms-early forest fromanotherworld garlic genderchoice giantinsects goldbars goldnuggets hypocrites ineptveteran jewelry juggernauts knives lagomorphs limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magicrings magicweapons meleeweapons mice monsters multipleendings npcschedules nudism otherworld parrots pirates polearms present prostitutes pumpkin refwizardofoz riding ruins sdl seamlessworld sheep shopping sorcery subterranean swords thrownweapons town trash ultima ultima7-engine ultimaageofarmageddon unicorns whips willowisps xp-deeds xp-kills Thanks to a game engine called Exult, Ultima VII: The Black Gate and its addon The Forge of Virtue can be played on a variety of platforms.

The 7th canonical game in the Ultima series and the first game in Ultima's Age of Armageddon. But, it was never intended to run on Linux. Exult uses SDL for the Linux version. The player and party can use crossbows and bows. Ingredients can be mixed to bake bread and other things. Cheese is available as food. A variety of items can be crafted into other items. There are pumpkin fields in the game, from which pumpkins can be harvested. Flight of the Bumblebee is played at one point, Rule Britannia is overplayed. There are severl prisoners in the game and its this plays into the plot more than once. An addictive medicine in the game is abused by characters and can be abused by the player's character and party, with consequences. Unicorns are mentioned in in-game books and by characters[spoiler=and;and]one can be found by the player also.[/spoiler]