showing 6 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardpersp.description
BatClient  Balanced Alternative Techniques ry?c labelminimizeminimize
GearHead I author2002akA century and a half ago the Earth was nearly destroyed by nuclear
war. Now, a federation of free city-states has begun to restore
civilization. However, there are forces operating in the darkness
which will unleash the horrors of the past age in a bid to determine
the future of the human race.

Features of the game include random storyline generation, richly
detailed character generation, complex NPC interaction, and of course
over 150 different mechanical designs ranging from jet fighters to
giant robots to city-smashing tanks.
Shadowrun Returns  Harebrained Schemes2013aThe protagonist is presented multiple reasons for involvement; obligation, personal gain (currency reward), revenge, justice, duty (obligated by accepted employment). The main character is constantly presented opportunities to speak and act on a single one of these motives. However, the character sometime choose to speak deceptively (in relation to their motive) with little consequence. The different speech/action options have minor effects on profit and advancement and have make nor real difference to the overall plot. But, they may affect the availability and lack a few sidequests. Which motive truly applies really depends on how the player plays it and if they choose to stick to that motive. However, the protagonist is eventually unavoidably caught up in a mush larger conflict, though his previous motives still effect how he is involved. Though the protagonist is entangled in the larger events, there may be some coercion involved depending on how the player chooses responses too the events.***Will be released sometime after the other platforms, current (2013-04-10) estimate by developers is when the game is translated to German, French, and Italian... whatever that means in terms of actual timing was not elaborated.

Update: Was released finally on 2013-10-31.
System Shock 2  Night Dive Studios (Looking Glass Studios;Irrational Games)2014c labelminimizeminimize
Blackguards 2 Daedalic Entertainment2015a labelminimizeminimize
Sundered Thunder Lotus Games2017b labelminimizeminimize