showing 15 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame typetags
Eschalon: Book I My Game Company;Basilisk Games (Basilisk Games)2007role-play turn-based Fantasy adv-ptdistr adv-static amnesia amoeboids aspectratio-4-3 automap axes blitzmax bludgeons bows capacity-weight castle cdrom cemetery chemistry circadiancycle commercial dark-limited demo desura disease doors doors-breakable download encounters-random endlessopposition energyregen energyregen-slow episodic eschalonseries fasttravel fasttravel-points floatingeyes forest fortress free2play giantinsects goblins gog graverobbing grid grid-square healthregen healthregen-slow illusionarywalls indie interactivedialogs inventory itemdurability lamp license-proprietary licensechange limitedcapacity lockpicking magic maleprotagonist medieval meleeweapons minimap minotaurs mintlinux monsters multipleendings nodrm npcstrife openal opengl outlaws passive resting ruins saveanywhere sequelhook shopping skeletons sorcery stealing stealth subterranean suicideattackers swords thrownweapons tileblending town ubuntu undead variableabilitypower waiting wasteland wetland x86 zombies labelimagesubject
The Princess Bride Game Worldwide Biggies2008platformer adventure puzzle trivia/quiz Fantasy 1770s 18thcentury 2ndmillennium chemistry commercial cooking datingsim directx fairytalelike hiddenobject license-proprietary lowfantasy movie opengl theprincessbride timemanagement ubuntu labelminimizesubject
Princess Isabella: A Witch's Curse GoGii Games2010adventure puzzle aspectratio-2-1 aspectratio-4-3 castle chemistry crossbows earlymodern-theme europeanfae fairytalelike fasttravel flowers gothic hiddenobject insects inventory library minigames monsters potions prerenderedbackgrounds rewardingvandalism thermalweapons uvl-missingimages walking widescreen labelimagesubject
Eschalon: Book II  My Game Company;Basilisk Games (Basilisk Games)2010role-play turn-based Fantasy adv-ptdistr adv-static amnesia amoeboids animals aspectratio-4-3 automap axes blitzmax bludgeons bodyarmor bows capacity-weight cave characterbackground charactercreation chemistry circadiancycle civilianprotagonist color-16bit color-32bit combatstyles commercial containers criminalactivity customengine damagetypes dark-limited demo desura dialog-sentences discriminatingcustomers disease display-1024x768 doors doors-breakable download dwarves dynamicweather energyitems energyregen energyregen-slow episodic eschalonseries explosiveobjects femaleprotagonist fofindicator forest freeexpansions genderchoice genderdifference ghosts giantanimals giantinsects giantrats giantrodents giantspiders gog graverobbing grid grid-square healingitems healthregen healthregen-slow hunger indie ineptveteran insectoids interactivetriggers interrupting inventory itemdurability itemidentification jewelry keys knives lamp leveluprestoration license-proprietary limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magicrings maleprotagonist meleeweapons mine minimap minotaurs mintlinux monsters music-ambient music-orchestral neutralmonsters nodrm npcgenerators obscuredtime openal opengl optionaltasks outlaws overburdening passive polearms potions pressureplates protagonistnaming pyrokinesis randomdamage randomizedattributes repairing resting ruins saveanywhere scrolls secrets secretsociety shallowwater shopping skeletons sorcery staticresolution stealing stealth stealth-sound steampowered subterranean swords taskfailure tasktracker teleporters thirst thoroughfares thrownweapons titlementioned town toxins trapdisarming traps trespassing ubuntu unarmedfighting undead vandalism variableabilitypower variableactionpower waiting walking weathereffects weefolk wolves x86 xaudio xp-deeds xp-kills zombies labelimageminimize
Arx Libertatis  ? (Arkane Studios;Zenimax;Arx Libertatis)2011action/reflex role-play Fantasy 1life adv-ptdistr amnesia automap ballistics bludgeons bows capacity-slots castle cemetery charactercreation cheese chemistry chemistry-medicine chemistry-toxins cooking cpplanguage cultists dark demons disguisedtriggers displacementfiction divinechampion divinemenace doors drawing dungeon dungeoncrawler elevators fromanotherworld fullbodyawareness giantinsects goblins healingitems hillland humanoidprotagonist humans immersivesim inventory jumping license-gpl limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magic-precast magic-sigils mediaindrive medieval meleeweapons minimap mummies murinoids naga neutralnpcs openal opengl pointertoggle potions refillableliquidcontainers rescue saveanywhere sdl search serious shopping sorcery sourcecodeavailable stealing stealth stealth-light stealth-sight stealth-sound subterranean subterraneanrealm summoning swords systemsdriven trolls ubuntu uipointer undead uvl-missingmedia visionenhancer voiceovers walking xp-kills zombies labelimagesubject
Dungeons of Dredmor Gaslamp Games2011role-play 1life adv-ptdistr alcohol amoeboids ancientenemy axes bludgeons bodyarmor bombs bows brittleabilities capacity-slots chemistry colorblind commercial constrainedlocale cpplanguage crafting crafting-tools crossbows customclass damageinfo damageovertime damagetypes derivedstatistics desura difficulty doors download dualwielding dungeon earth effectcancellation enemyhealthdisplay energyitems energyregen extensible femaleprotagonist gaslampfiction genderchoice grid grid-square healingitems healthregen healthregen-slow hitchance interactivetriggers inventory inventory-supplies launcher leveluprestoration license-proprietary limitedcapacity lutris magic maleprotagonist mapgenerator meleeweapons mikmod monsters openal optionaltasks permadeath physfs pixelartscaler polearms potions quickkeys quitsave randomchance robots roguelike save-suspend sdl sdl-mixer shopping sorcery statuseffects staves steampowered subterranean summoning swords thrownweapons trapdisarming traps ubuntu unarmedfighting vorbis walking wands xml xp-kills labelimageminimize
Realm of the Diggle Gods Gaslamp Games2012role-play 1life adv-ptdistr alcohol amoeboids ancientenemy axes bludgeons bodyarmor bombs bows capacity-slots chemistry colorblind crafting crafting-tools crossbows damageinfo damageovertime damagetypes derivedstatistics desura difficulty doors download dualwielding earth effectcancellation enemyhealthdisplay energyitems energyregen femaleprotagonist gaslampfiction genderchoice grid grid-square healingitems healthregen healthregen-slow interactivetriggers inventory inventory-supplies launcher leveluprestoration license-proprietary limitedcapacity magic maleprotagonist mapgenerator meleeweapons mikmod monsters optionaltasks permadeath polearms potions quickkeys quitsave randomchance robots roguelike sdl sdl-mixer shopping sorcery statuseffects staves subterranean summoning swords thrownweapons trapdisarming traps unarmedfighting vorbis walking wands x86 x86-64 xml xp-kills labelminimizeminimize
Legend of Grimrock Almost Human Games2012maze puzzle role-play Fantasy achillesheelfoes adv-ptdistr amoeboids automap axes bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows capacity-slots capacity-weight chargers chemistry classbased classbasedeq commercial constrainedlocale containers cpplanguage criticalchance crossbows crystals damageinfo damageovertime dark-limited difficulty dinosaurs disguisedtriggers dissolvingcorpses draganddrop dualwielding dungeon dungeoncrawler endlessopposition falldamage femaleprotagonist formations freelook genderchoice giantcrustaceans giantgastropods giantspiders gloomy gog golems grenades gridmove grimrock-series group healingstations hitchance humanoids humblebundle hunger idlenoise inbuilttraps indie insectoids inventory jewelry juggernauts katar keys knives lamp lamp-powered limitedcapacity lua luggage lutris magic magic-precast magic-sigils mapannotation meleeweapons minotaurs mycoids mystics namegenerator noantagonist nodrm npcspawning ogres outlawprotagonist overburdening overloading polearms potions powerthrow pressureplates prison projectilerecovery randomchance randomdamage resting resuscitation robots sauroids screenshake secrets singularlocale skillbasedeq sorcery spears specieschoice splatter steampowered swordandsorcery swords teleport teleportmaze tentaclecreatures throwanything throwback throwingknives throwingstars thrownweapons titularlocale toxins ugc uipointer unarmedfighting undead walking xp-kills labelimageminimize
Icebound Fastermind Games2013adventure puzzle Fantasy Science Fiction chemistry clockworkcreatures commercial desura download indie license-proprietary minigames monsters renpy romance science-theme sciencefantasy steampowered ubuntu visualnovel wintery labelminimizesubject
UnEpic author2014action/reflex platformer role-play Fantasy Humorous ♫takefive 1life achillesheelfoes acid adv-ptdistr amoeboids antiheroprotagonist automap autosaves-periodic axes backstabbing backtracking bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows burning captives carnivorousplants castle cave cemetery chemistry civilianprotagonist clingers constrainedlocale counselor crafting-sites criticalchance damageinfo damageovertime damagetypes dark demo desura difficulty displacementfiction doors draganddrop dragons edgescroll elementals elevators elves falseending fasttravel-points fauns floatingeyes freezing fromanotherworld gelatinouscubes gems giantants giantgastropods giantinsects giantsnakes giantspiders giantworms goblinoids goblins gog grapplers graverobbing heads healingitems healingstations healthpickups healthwarning hintsystem hitmoderation inbuilttraps indie inventory inventory-supplies invisiblefoes itemgenerator jumping karmiccreatures keys knights knives knockback knockbackwards laboratory ladders lamp library loot-random magic magic-ingredients magicrings mapannotation meleeweapons metagaming metroidvania mine moaifigures monsters mystics necromancers neutralmonsters neutralnpcs nofalldamage nonlinear npcdisarming npchealing npcspawning obsoletedassets optionaltasks orcs pet playerstats polearms portals potions premadeprotagonist pressureplates prison quickkeys recallportal respec rewardingvandalism robots roombased savepoints scientists score secrets sewers sex shallowwater shopping skeletons skillbasedeq sorcery spawners statuseffects stealingnpcs strangebedfellows suicideattackers supportnpcs swords tasktracker teleport teleporting temporarycompanions tentaclecreatures toxins undead undefinedelements volcanic vorbis walking wallcrawlers wands xp-kills ziplines labelminimizeminimize
Kingdom Come: Deliverance Warhorse Studios2015action/reflex role-play 1400s 15thcentury 2ndcentury alternativesolutions axes birds bleeding blood bludgeons bodyarmor bows boxed chemistry city classless consistentdamage containers cooking crossbows crowdfunded cryengine currency dawnofanewage defensebreaking destructibleitems dialog-tree environmentalcontact epic europe fallimpact fatigue forest friendlyfire fullbodyawareness horses hunger hunting indevelopment injuries interactivedialogs inventory inventory-unprotected knives ladders limitedcapacity malfunctioning medieval meleeweapons middleages mmog mountain naturalistic negotiatedresolutions optionaltasks past pickpocketing polearms ramparts realistic realisticdamage realworld recoil reputation resting riding rotting shopping siegeladders siegetowers siegeweapons spears stamina strayfire swords town trebuchet unarmedfighting walking wildboars labelimageminimize
Midora Epic Minds2015action/reflex adventure role-play actionadventure actionrpg boomerangs chemistry claiming commercial crafting crowdfunded download elementals explosives femaleprotagonist fish fishing forest fungi indevelopment leveleditor license-proprietary meleeweapons monsters prospecting steampowered swords ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords  Aspyr Studios2016role-play Fantasy Science Fiction activepause appearanceshifting auroraengine autoattack blackspeech chemistry city commercial containers crafting darkpast doors doubleweapons download dualism energyweapons femaleprotagonist gameagent genderchoice group group-subset ineptveteran interactivedialogs laserbolts laserweapons levelhub license-proprietary lightsabers lutris maleprotagonist meleeweapons multipleendings naturalleader odysseyengine opengl perchararelations psychicpowers psychics ragtaggang reflecteddeeds robots romance ruins saveanywhere savepoints sciencefantasy serious sharedsetting shopping slavery spacefaringage spaceport speech-gibberish starwars starwars-oldrepublic steampowered swords tasktracker techdisparity ubuntu universallanguage unusualprotagonist upgradesystem uvl-tiein voiceovers walking warriorprotagonist weaponcustomization xp-levelmatch xp-shared xp-shared-global labelminimizeminimize
Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues  Portalarium2018role-play Fantasy ♫rulebritannia abilitycharges abilitycooldown abilitydependencies actionrpg agriculture airship alcohol alphafunding animals applemetal arbitraryrewards archers arid assemblylang autumnal axes backstabbing baseofoperations bittorrent blackpearls bludgeons boat bodyarmor bossbattles bows boxed buildingdesigning capacity-stacks capacity-weight castle cattle cave cemetery cervids chargedactions chemistry chickens circadiancycle city citybuilding cliff cloaking clockworkcreatures commercial compass constructing containers controlmalfunction cooking corpselooting cover crafting crafting-ammo criminalactivity crossbows crowdfunded csharplanguage defensebreaking demo derelictgraveyard dirigibles disguisedtriggers distracting dodging doors download dragons drm ducks dungeon eagles eavesdropping electricweapons elevators elves espionage estate explainedthirdperson exploration facing fantasyworld farming fasttravel femaleprotagonist fictionalelement fictionallocation fictionaluniverse fishing flanking fmod fog foraging forcedvariety forcefields forest fortress fromanotherworld furnishing garlic genderchoice genrechange ghosts giantinsects giantscorpions giantspiders group groupbuffs groupfocus groupsizepowerscaling healingitems healthregen healthregen-activitylevel healthregen-moderate healthregen-slow healthwarning hiding hillland home horses humanoids humid hunting illequipped indoors infravision interactivefiction interactivetriggers interrupting inventory invisiblewalls involuntaryactions island isolatedlocale itemdurability jewelry jumping jungle keyboard knives kobolds ladders lagomorphs lamp license-proprietary lightdousing localsystemfiles lockpicking logging magic magicweapons maleprotagonist map medieval meleeweapons mine mines mmog monastery monsters mountain mouse mp-cooperative mp-crossplatform music-custom music-orchestral music-vocal musicalinstruments naturalweapons neutralnpcs nodrm npchealing npcregen npcschedules npcstunning openworld otherworld outdoors outlaws overworld pickpocketing pigs pirates plains polearms powernegation projectilerecovery prophecy prospecting pvp rain recallportal refillableliquidcontainers refugees repairing researching resourceharvesting resting resuscitation rewardingvandalism riding river robots rooftops rookieprotagonist ruins rural safeledges scavenging scrolls secrets serious sewers shallowwater shantytown sheep shields shopping shore silviculture sorcery spears stealing stealth stealth-motion stealth-range stealth-sight stealth-sound steamos steampowered stunning subterranean subtropic summery summoning surreal swimming swords taxes teaching teleport teleporters temple teslacoils thickvegetation thoroughfareconstruction thoroughfares thrownweapons town trackermusic treants trees trespassing trivialresearch tropic tunnels ubuntu ultima unarmedfighting undead unity-engine ursines vagrants vegetation volcanic walking wasteland watercraft watercraft-large watercraft-small weaponcustomization weaponupgrades weathereffects wetland wilderness wintery wolves x86 x86-64 xp-deeds xp-kills xp-literal xp-multi xp-unliteral zombies labelimageminimize
Arx – End Of Sun NeurologicalTBA action/reflex role-play Fantasy 1life adv-ptdistr automap ballistics bludgeons bows capacity-slots castle cemetery charactercreation cheese chemistry chemistry-medicine chemistry-toxins cooking cpplanguage dark demons doors drawing elevators fangame fullbodyawareness giantinsects goblins healingitems hillland humanoidprotagonist humans idtech4 inventory jumping license-gpl limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magic-precast magic-sigils medieval meleeweapons minimap mummies murinoids naga neutralnpcs noncanon openal opengl pointertoggle potions saveanywhere sdl search serious shopping sorcery sourcecodeavailable stealing stealth stealth-light stealth-sight stealth-sound subterranean subterraneanrealm summoning swords trolls ubuntu uipointer undead visionenhancer walking xp-kills zombies labelminimizeminimize