showing 23 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Dust: An Elysian Tail Humble Hearts? labelminimizeminimize
Super Scrapped Robot bureaubureau? labelminimizeminimize
DRL  author2005"Doom" is not a word in the Webster's dictionary anymore. It is in fact owned by Zenimax who sued Webster's and the people behind DoomRL for using the word. Which is why it is "DRL" now.

Zenimax took this action seemingly because one of the developers of DoomRL created an unrelated roguelike called "Jupiter Hell" and solicited investors on Kickstarter. And Webster's because they sell dictionaries.***Latest version: (as of 2010-03-24)
Dungeons of Dredmor Gaslamp Games2011 labelimageminimize
Realm of the Diggle Gods Gaslamp Games2012 labelminimizeminimize
FTL: Faster Than Light Subset Games2012Superficially similar to the old [game=#38989]Sundog[/game], but developers themselves credit [game=Weird Worlds%25Space]Weird Worlds[/game] and Red November. labelminimizeminimize
Left 4 Dead 2  Valve2012 labelminimizeminimize
Dota 2  Valve2013 labelminimizeminimize
Gunpoint Suspicious Developments2014 labelminimizeminimize
The Last Tinker: City of Colors Unity Games (Mimimi Productions)2014Q: "Why did you release MAC and Linux ports? Are they profitable?"
[quote]Mimimi Productions
Well, in this case: because we wanted to To be honest, it's still a lot of work (creating ONE build per platform can take up to 15 hours!) and even with Unity there are many platform-specific bugs. We will closely look at the numbers, but for Tinker those platforms actually have been profitable, yes.[/quote]
My Ex-Boyfriend the Space Tyrant!  Up Multimedia2014Take control of Captain Tycho Minogue, space adventurer, as he explores other worlds, encounters strange alien characters, and ultimately confronts the greatest tyrant the galaxy has ever seen. labelminimizesubject
Tidalis Arcen Games2014 labelminimizeminimize
Convoy Indietopia Games (Convoy Games)2015 labelminimizeminimize
Nuclear Throne Vlambeer2015 labelminimizeminimize
Gunmetal Arcadia  Minor Key Games2016Gunmetal Arcadia is a rogue-like with procedurally generated levels but otherwise done in the metroidvania style. Whereas Gunmetal Arcadia Zero comes with pre-made levels. labelimageminimize
Rogue Cadet maximelore2016 labelminimizeminimize
Gunmetal Arcadia Zero  Minor Key Games2016Unrest brews in the city of Arcadia, and a monstrous enemy approaches. As the young elf Vireo, you will heed the call of adventure: choose a weapon, choose a side, and rise to be the hero your city needs. Gunmetal Arcadia Zero features classic platformer action and world-class CRT simulation technology that evokes the aesthetics of past generations.

From developer J. Kyle Pittman (Super Win the Game) and Minor Key Games (Slayer Shock) comes Gunmetal Arcadia Zero, an all-new action-adventure platformer drenched in glowing retro goodness.
•Use blades, bombs, and a bevy of subweapons
•Visit NPCs, buy and sell gear, and learn the lore of Arcadia
•Fight your way through six stages jam-packed with baddies and bosses
•Exquisite game feel — that's a thing!
•NEW!! Speedrun mode tracks splits and records best times
•World-class CRT simulation
°Fully customizable
°NEW!! Now with editable preset slots
•Authentic 8-bit soundtrack
°Over 40 minutes of original music
°Now available on Bandcamp
°Listen now at YouTube***Gunmetal Arcadia Zero comes with pre-made levels and is a traditional metroidvania style game. Where as Gunmetal Arcadia is a rogue-like in this same style but with procedurally generated levels.
HEADLINER Unbound Creations2017 labelminimizeminimize
Shn!p author2017 labelminimizeminimize
Vibrant 2.0  Ponce2017 labelminimizeminimize
Desperados III  THQ Nordic (Mimimi Games)2020 labelminimizeminimize
Patrick's Parabox Clockwork Pat2022 labelminimizeminimize
The Sun at Night Minicore StudiosTBA The tide of Soviet power washing across the face of the Earth could possibly have been turned back at various stages of history. But the new energy sources they discovered lit a fire under the Russian war machine. So when Stalin rolled into Paris, the resulting flare-up of global conflict left little more than smoking ash heaps where America and Great Britain had been.

Now, Stalin is dead. Though resistance movements have emerged, the Soviets still stand supreme as rulers of the globe. Only a force from beyond the earth could possibly tip the balance.

Abram Krupin, leader of a resistance cell, knows this. When he sees a dog fall from the stars, then, he takes it as an omen. This dog speaks, wears silver armor, and has an arsenal of mysterious weapons. Abram calls her Laika.

Laika believes that, despite all odds, she can protect the countless lives crushed by the Soviets.

The Sun at Night is a 2D action platformer to be released in three parts. Part one is set for release Feb 4, 2014. All episodes will feature:

* Massive, nonlinear levels that model the layouts of real locations in a way not yet seen in other platformers
* Large, choice-rich skill trees that let players approach the game the way they want to
* A novel defensive mechanic that lets players turn the firepower of Laika's enemies against them
* Smoothly flowing, fast-paced shooting action
* A story of struggle and hope, full of twists and revelations
* Rich, evocative art depicting a world dominated by a technologically ascendant Soviet empire
* Secrets and rewards hidden in every corner for the determined player