showing 1 - 50 of 176 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartagsdescription
8 Kingdoms  8K Team2006 archers automap autosaves-periodic bodyarmor bows catapults cavalry currency depthfog dwarves elves fogofwar forest grid grid-hex group horses humans magic map meleeweapons militantprotagonist opengl plains playerprofiles rain river saveanywhere sdl serious siegeweapons snow swords taxes town ubuntu wagons walking weathereffects weefolk xml Influenced by [game=seven kingdoms]7 kingdoms[/game]? labelimageminimize
A Day In The Woods RetroEpic Software2016 commercial download grid grid-hex indie license-proprietary opengl opengl-2-1 steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
A Game of Changes author2016 commercial consequences download grid grid-hex indie langchinesesimpl langportuguese license-proprietary opengl opengl-2-0 opengl-2-1 steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Advanced Strategic Command  author2000 cpplanguage grid grid-hex helicopter helicopters leveleditor license-gpl lua sdl ubuntu vorbis x11 x86 x86-64 Lastest version: 2.2.0 (as of 2008-12-14)***For X11.
A turn based strategy game similar to the Battle Isle series.
AdvGodOfMiniWars author? grid grid-hex labelminimizeminimize
Age of Heroes Qplaze (Nomoc)? grid grid-hex labelminimizeminimize
Age of Wonders III  Triumph Studios;Buka Entertainment;Bandai Namco (Triumph Studios)2015 3plusfactions 4xstrategy ageofwonders asymmetricfactions clienthost columnarjointing combatmode commercial crafting damageinfo dragons enemyhealthdisplay flanking grid grid-hex hostageport inventory license-proprietary lightbloom magic mapgenerator modsupport mp-private randomdamage savedrngseed scenarios simultaneousturns-realtime softparticles sorcery steampowered steamworkshop summoning tanks thoroughfares tooltips ugc veterancy labelminimizeminimize
Age of Wonders III: Golden Realms  Triumph Studios2014 3plusfactions 4xstrategy ageofwonders asymmetricfactions clienthost combatmode commercial crafting damageinfo download dragons enemyhealthdisplay flanking grid grid-hex inventory license-proprietary lightbloom magic mapgenerator modsupport mp-private randomdamage savedrngseed scenarios simultaneousturns-realtime softparticles sorcery steampowered steamworkshop summoning tanks thoroughfares tooltips ubuntu ugc veterancy labelminimizeminimize
All Heroes Die Macguffin Games2010 grid grid-hex uvl-missingimages labelimageminimize
Ancient Beast Freezing Moon2012 customengine grid-hex license-gpl Ancient Beast is a turn based strategy indie game project, played online against other people, featuring a wide variety of items and creatures to acquire and put to good use in order to defeat your opponents.

It's the year 2653. In the last centuries, technology advanced exponentially and everyone had a fair chance of playing God. With help from the RepRap project, a free desktop 3d printer, which gave anyone power to build their own weapon factory or genetic laboratory on their own property. Mechanic parts or genetic modifications turned from a fashion option into a requirement for survival.

Despite their combined efforts, the world's governments couldn't prevent the world from plunging into chaos. The Earth has become a battlefield; split between 7 factions fighting for dominion over the ravaged landscape. The apocalypse is here, and only the strong will survive.

In order to play Ancient Beast, you'll needed to register an account. After logging in, you'll be offered a level 1 creature to get you started. Fights take place between 2 - 4 players, on a variety of combat fields which are about 16x9 hexes. Based on the difficulty of the fight, you can win gold coins, which can be spent in the shop in order to purchase items or unlock more creatures.

Players are represented on the combat field by Dark Priests. All creature stats can be improved by purchasing items. Players can level up by gaining experience on the combat field, gaining 1 more plasma point each level, being able to materialize more and/or better creatures. In order to materialize a creature you own, it takes a number of plasma points equal to the creature's level plus the number of hexagons it occupies. Any creature owned can be materialized once per combat, provided the player has enough plasma points to do so.
When fighting players of lower levels, you will temporarely lose plasma points in order to balance the fight.

After engaging in combat, players are taken to the battle field where both parties take turns to materialize and control creatures. Each player can materialize one or two creatures every round, which usually suffer from materialization sickness, meaning they won't be able to act in the current round.

Health: A raw number representing the amount of damage a creature can take until it dies.
Regrowth: Amount of health which gets restored to the creature every round.
Endurance: If a creature takes over a certain amount of damage in a round, it becomes fatigued, unable to act.
Energy: Doing any action, including moving, drains energy from the creature.
Meditation: Creature gains back this amount of energy points every round.
Initiative: Creatures with higher initiative get to act faster each round.
Offense: Influences the damage output of attacks.
Defense: Protects the creature by reducing incoming damage.
Movement: Each creature can move up to a certain number of hexagons each turn.
Masteries can have an impact on the effectiveness of the creature's abilities and can also help reduce incoming damage and even protect the creature from harmfull effects.
Anonymine author2016 blackbox debian grid grid-hex grid-square license-bsd minesweeper mint ncurses perfectinformation pythonlanguage suse trisquel ubuntu This minesweeper clone has the distinction of using Von Neumann neighborhood theory and an algorithm to ensure no unwinnable games are presented to be played. As there is guessing required, ever, it is a perfect information game. And the game can be played anonymously over SSH.

Of note: the author is a full on Free Software zealot. Awesome.
Anoraks of Doom Untramilelled Adventures? allegro anchovyseries grid grid-hex town labelminimizeminimize
Armello  League of Geeks2015 alphafunding anthropomorphicanimals anthroprotagonist cards circadiancycle combatmode commercial dicemechanics download drm eventlog gog grid grid-hex humblewidget license-proprietary monsters nodrm outofturnactions risetopower serious steampowered timelimit timeunits ubuntu uvl-steamcoveragecheck labelminimizeminimize
Armored Freedom Killer Bees Games2017 commercial download grid-hex indie license-proprietary shadermodel3 shadermodel4 steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Atom4 author2003 cpplanguage grid-hex license-gpl ncurses x11 x86 x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
Battlemass PLYoung2013 commercial desura download free futuristic grid grid-hex indie license-proprietary licensechange ubuntu unity-engine Battlemass is a turn-based strategy game with both single-player and multi-player support. A match is played on a map consisting of tiles, and in turns of 3 phases – combat, harvest and build. The goal is to destroy your opponent's Base/City Unit. One of the cool features of the game is that you harvest the map/board's tiles for resources but in the process destroy the tiles, and any unit on such a tile. labelminimizesubject
Battletech: The Frontier Lands author2005 31stcentury 4thmillennium battletech civilwar currency currency-multi future grid grid-hex mecha militantprotagonist shopping tanks uvl-confusable war watercraft labelminimizeminimize
Blackguards 2 Daedalic Entertainment2015 adv-xpdistr attackdefenseadjust axes bludgeons bodyarmor bows capacity-weight charactercreation classbased commercial coversystem damageinfo dodgechance download dwarves enemyhealthdisplay eventlog falselyaccused genderchoice grid grid-hex group hitchance indevelopment initiative insectoids inventory inventory-shared license-proprietary limitedcapacity limitedshopstock loot-random magic meleeweapons monsters netframework nopointercapture outlaws outofturnactions overburdening polearms predefinedcontrols prison radialmenu randomdamage shields shopping skeletons sorcery spears spellchance steampowered swords tacticalrpg thedarkeye thrownweapons ttrpgtiein turndelay ubuntu undead undefinedelements unity-engine variableabilitypower xp-encounters xp-kills labelminimizeminimize
Braveland Tortuga Team2014 commercial download gog grid grid-hex langportuguese license-proprietary magic meleeweapons recruiting steampowered swords throwingknives ubuntu Braveland is a turn-based game inspired by old-school strategies with hexagonal battlefield. You will start as a humble warrior's son whose village was cruelly raided and will end as talented commander of your army.

The story will take place in a hand-drawn world and cover many interesting places and characters. Various warriors will join your army - archers, scouts, healers, footmen, arbalesters and more.

Turn-based battles in old-school style.
Command your troops and defeat enemies in hand to hand battles.
26 various warriors and creatures from archers to golems.
Three story chapters each in unique corner of the world.
Evolve your hero, find awesome artifacts and learn battle magic.
Intense boss fights at the end of each story chapter.
Hours of gameplay with 50 battles.
High definition awesome illustrated cartoon art.
Braveland Wizard Tortuga Team? commercial download gog grid grid-hex license-proprietary magic meleeweapons recruiting steampowered swords throwingknives ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Cards of Chaos Chickens Build2016 abstract cards commercial dice download grid-hex indie leveleditor license-proprietary minigames mp-crossplatform mp-versus opengl opengl-3-3 opengl1-0 steamcontroller steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Castle Vox SillySoft2011 19thcentury 20thcentury americancivilwar earth europe grid grid-hex grid-irregular imperiumromanum leveleditor license-proprietary militantprotagonist mp-cooperative mp-teams mp-versus past precolumbianwarfare simultaneousturns war labelminimizeminimize
Ceres  Iceberg Interactive (Jötunn Games)2015 afterearth colorful combatmode commercial demo download exploration extraterrestrial future grid grid-hex indie license-proprietary space spacecombatsim spacecraftcombat spaceflight tactical ubuntu unity-engine labelminimizeminimize
Chain Reaction FLEXIGAME.COM2016 abstract abstract-location chainreactions difficulty download free2play grid grid-hex grid-square indie license-proprietary logic mouse proceduralgeneration spatiallogic touchscreen uvl-confusable x86 x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
Chaos Reborn Snapshot Games2015 alphafunding commercial crowdfunded download drm gog grid grid-hex humblewidget license-proprietary magic mintlinux monsters nodrm sorcery steampowered summoning ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Children of Orc  Game Studio Abraham Stolk2016 commercial download grid grid-hex indie license-proprietary spheroidworld steampowered ubuntu x86-avx labelminimizeminimize
Cities3D author? clanguage cpplanguage grid grid-hex license-gpl license-proprietary licensechange settlersofcatan traditional labelminimizeminimize
Civil Civil Team? exploration grid grid-hex pygame pythonlanguage sdl uvl-descriptionincomplete For Linux/X11 systems. labelminimizeminimize
Civilization V  2K Games (Aspyr Media)2014 4xstrategy acrossages autoexplore builders civilization-series cleargame commercial construction-gradual construction-instant construction-partial counselor diplomacy dominion encyclopedia fogofwar gameagent grandscale grid grid-hex hunger license-proprietary lutris mapgenerator modifiable msaa naturalistic nocampaign nostory opponentpowerdisplay predefinedcontrols sdl steamos steampowered steamworks story-none taskdelegation techtree thoroughfareconstruction tileblending touchscreen tutorial ubuntu ugc unexplainedelements upkeep workers labelminimizeminimize
Civilization: Beyond Earth  Aspyr Media (Firaxis Games;Aspyr Media)2014 afterearth alienplanet aliens boxed civilization-series commercial espionage extraterrestrial future gameagent grid grid-hex license-proprietary spaceage steamos techtree transhumanism ubuntu x86 Aspyr Media is handling porting of the game to Linux & Mac. labelminimizeminimize
Codex of Victory AKPublish (Ino-Co Plus)2016 commercial download grid grid-hex indie indoors license-proprietary outdoors steampowered subterranean ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Colossus author2006 grid grid-hex license-gpl tabletoptiein traditional labelminimizeminimize
Convoy Indietopia Games (Convoy Games)2015 abilitycooldown activepause beamweapons bossbattles charging colorblind combatmode commercial damagetypes download drm dronebays empweapons enemyhealthdisplay energyweapons friendlyfire gog grid grid-hex grid-square humblestore humblewidget indicator-range indie instantkillers lethalvelocity license-proprietary machineguns nodrm npcfriendlyfire objectiveclairvoyance objectiveindicator optionaltasks outlaws pixelated rockets roguelite screenshake shopping slavery steampowered stranded titularentity tutorial ubuntu upgradesystem wasteland labelminimizeminimize
Crimson Fields author2001 cpplanguage grid grid-hex license-gpl sdl x86 x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
Crowntakers Kasedo Games2014 commercial crowdfunded download grid grid-hex humblebundle license-proprietary nodrm steampowered tactical ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Crypto Hex qubitsvoyage2016 commercial download grid grid-hex license-proprietary labelminimizeminimize
Curse of War author2013 currency grid grid-hex license-gpl license-gpl3 licensechange ncurses x86 x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
CXHextris author? abstract-location fallingblocks grid grid-hex langinsignificant labelminimizeminimize
Demise Of Nations Noble Master GamesTBA 4xstrategy commercial download free2play grandstrategy grid grid-hex indevelopment indie langportuguese langturkish license-proprietary mp-cooperative mp-versus steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Demise Of Nations: Rome Noble Master Games2015 4xstrategy commercial download free2play grandstrategy grid grid-hex indie langturkish license-proprietary mp-cooperative mp-versus steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Dr Bulbaceous : Puzzle Solver Wetgenes2013 commercial desura download fallingblocks grid grid-hex indie license-proprietary steampowered ubuntu A puzzling arcade experience. Descend through 100 levels of challenging puzzle mayhem in a quest to defeat the big bad boss at the bottom of the bottom most well. Use bonus balls for easy victory or restrain yourself for maximum score. Lead on bold adventurer, the choice is yours.
DragonScales: Chambers of The Dragon Whisperer IKIGames2015 commercial customengine demo desura download grid grid-hex license-proprietary match3 mmog nodrm labelminimizeminimize
Dungeon Inc Remar Games? citybuilding grid-hex monsters subterranean labelminimizeminimize
Eador. Masters of the Broken World  Snowbird Games (author)2014 commercial download eador-series grid grid-asymmetric grid-hex license-proprietary origlang-russian steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Elemental Heroes JED GAMES2016 commercial download grid-hex license-proprietary steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Elite Command author2015 freemium grid-hex mmog labelminimizeminimize
Epoch Carnegie Mellon University? grid grid-hex panda3d space spacecraft Set in 3056, Epoch is the story of interplanetary civil war as told through single player or multiplayer gameplay. Players must choose ships and armaments, use homing missiles, recharge their shields and use their wingmen to successfully complete the missions. The program features a heads-up display, radar, pre-mission briefings, post-mission debriefing, a ship store, artificially intelligent enemies, and in-game multiplayer communication.
Epoch also shows the power of the Panda3D platform. Epoch was produced entirely by one individual with no prior knowledge of Python or any other programming language. The game was written as a hobby during spare time.
Download both source and complete program at
Expeditions: Conquistador bitComposer Entertainment (Logic Artists)2013 1520s 16thcentury 2ndmillennium ageofdiscovery ageofsail boxed combatmode commercial crowdfunded currency desura dialog-tree disease download drm earlymodernperiod earth gold grid grid-hex indie license-proprietary lineofsight lutris mesoamerican-theme mexico naturalistic nodrm northamerica past realworld steampowered tactical tacticalrpg trapping traps ubuntu unity-engine labelminimizeminimize
Expeditions: Viking bitComposer Entertainment (Logic Artists)TBA combatmode commercial currency dialog-tree disease download earth gold grid grid-hex indevelopment indie license-proprietary lineofsight naturalistic past realworld tactical tacticalrpg trapping traps ubuntu unity-engine labelminimizeminimize
Faeria Abrakam2017 cardbattle cards collectiblecardgame commercial download free2play grid grid-hex langportuguese license-proprietary steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
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