showing 24 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downward
Fragments of Power author?labelimagesubject
The Fallen One author?labelimageminimize
The Titan's Quest author?labelimageminimize
Wolfstyle (Wolf Style;Wolfstyle DX) author?labelminimizeminimize
1st Quest Revamp (1st Quest Remake) author2002labelimagesubject
The Hidden Duality (The Hidden Duality - Directors Cut) author2002labelimagesubject
Maze (Link Maze) author2003labelimagesubject
Lgc author2004labelimageminimize
Ganon's Claim author2005labelimagesubject
The Legend of Zelda Link Travel in the Mini Hirule author2006labelimagesubject
Zelda Classic Armageddon Games2007labelimagesubject
ORiGiN (Origin Link) author2007labelimagesubject
The Legend of Zelda Remix DX (The Legend of Zelda Remix) author2008labelimagesubject
Hexen (Hexen: Beyond Heretic) Raven Software2008labelminimizeminimize
An Ordinary Quest author2008labelimagesubject
Rise of Ganon (The Legend of Zelda: Rise of Ganon) author2009labelimagesubject
Souls of Wisdom author2011labelimagesubject
Path of Shadows author2012labelimageminimize
Tales of a Princess author2012labelimagesubject
Fight the Monsters II (Fight the Monsters 2) author2013labelimagesubject
Randomizer Modern author2013labelimagesubject
Barbarians and the Necromancer's Tower author2014labelminimizeminimize
BS Zelda author2015labelimagesubject
X-Blades (OniBlade;Ониблэйд) Topware Interactive (Gaijin Entertainment)2016labelminimizeminimize