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0 A.D.  Wildfire Games2009[media=youtube]UJMlg9oC_BA[/media]***0 A.D. is an original historical Real Time Strategy game that has been in development since June 2001 and was licensed under the GPL on July 10th, 2009 marking its first public release. It focuses on the major civilizations' interactions with Rome and military units; less on civilian interaction. Further focus is placed on the BC civilisations. Present will be Romans, Hellenes (Athenians, Spartans and Macedonians), Carthaginians, Persians, Iberians, Celtic Britons and Gauls. Egyptians, Franks, Huns, Goths, Dacians, and peoples from the far east are also being discussed in wildfire's extensive collection of [url=]historical articles[/url]. Historical cultures, subcultures, battles, equipment, languages, and people will be part of the game. For instance Ambrosius Aurelianus is a character and the Celts will have a slight agricultural advantage due to their use of plows. Attic Greek will be spoken. The battles, and politics and interactions of the Maccabees, Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and are included (Wildfire staff include people of many faiths, including religiously faithful and devout atheist). Wildfire checks their facts with actual historians. However, they have admitted they will "circumvent" certain historical facts for the sake of balanced and fun gameplay, family friendliness, and simplicity required by the medium. Jesus will not be included as a character out of respect. They mention the possibility of fully historical, "WFG history mods", community modules, and characters, being added later. Nomadic cultures and fishing are planned for a later module. Wildfire will endorse high quality mods. There will be AI players and versatile team play witho or without them. Players can trade with any civilization on the map. Soldiers are also citizens with 'civilian responsibilities'. Their service to their country does not consist only of fighting battles. Units automatically upgrade themselves. Units automatically tend to their own health. Hero units based on historical figures are several times stronger than most units and have a special gameplay value. All units are basically historical, so there are no naming of them. Units can be captured and recruited or rarely defect. Structures play a part in battles; soldiers can fight on and inside structures (but there are not indoor maps). Terrain and structures are 3D and effect gameplay. Ships are done to scale and people and equipment placed realistically. There will be weather and seasons and effect there of. Provinces and Territories will be present in some modes but not all. There is an overall reduction of technology and economy micromanagement in favor of managing strategy and tactics. Food, wood, stone and ore will need to be collected and are exhaustible. Fog of War and Shroud of Darkness is optional. There is no line-of-sight. Random natural disasters will not occur, just historic ones. Pillaging is not managed by the player, it just occurs. Certain animals can be hunted or domesticated. There are no locked campaigns or enforced order but each campaign has its own sequence that must be followed. Cheat codes can be unlocked by completing campaigns. Campaigns are only for single player games; multiplayer games are a custom configured campaigns by the hosting system. Zooming is allowed and rotation is optional/per game supported. The camera is perspective. Camera continues to function during cut scenes. Cut scenes are performed with the existing game object, not separate videos. There is no multimonitor support built-in. The game will run in a window. The source code is platform independent but Wildfire is not doing an OSX version themselves. The community is encouraged to compile the code for other platforms. LAN/Internet games are cross-platform. Only single player mode can be paused. The current version (as 2010-02-12) is limited to 6 players. This will probably be increased to 8. A 56k connection is sufficient for 6 player games. Play session is designed to last 1 hour but can take as long as 3 hours. Uses TCP/IP for multiplayer. Will not use direct Modem, IPX, or direct cable link (unless your system can do TCP/IP over said cable ). Custom anti-cheat systems are being employed for both single and multiplayer games. Replays are no rewindable nor cross-system playable. However, they can be fast forwarded and the possibility of stopping a replay to play from that point remains. Extensive tools for modding and creating content for all aspects of the game are included (except for sounds, which must be ogg files created externally). Games scripting is done in javascript.

The content of the game is licensed under the BY-SA Creative Commons license. The game engine is original. Wildfire games has stated that the game will be downloadable and playable over the Internet at no cost. There will not be a demo version but the game will be split into separately downloadable modules. There may be a boxed version available for reasonable fee. The modular design is also intended to encourage community mods. Community discussion includes discussion of Tolkien, Arthurian, and Ancient Egyptian, inspired modules.

The people at Wildfire games are aware that there is no Year 0. "Indeed. Think of 0 A.D. as a hypothetical time period that never existed. It is a snapshot in time where major players of the classical ages were placed in an observatory. This is your chance to see them 'duke it out'. Your job as the player is to create the hypothetical and recreate the historical." -From the official web site.

Wildfire games is also the developer of Age of Empires II: Age of Kings. 0 A.D. which is otherwise unrelated to AoK. 0 A.D. is not a mod, add-on, or total conversion of any other game although in its initial planing stages it was to be total conversion of AoE2. [url=]The Last Alliance[/url] is a 'sister project' to 0 A.D. Resources are shared between the two.
Anomaly 2 11 bit studios2013 labelimageminimize
Anomaly Korea 11 bit studios2012 labelminimizeminimize
Anomaly Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign 11 bit studios2016 labelminimizeminimize
Anomaly: Warzone Earth 11 bit studios2012 labelminimizeminimize
Ardentryst  Project Ardentryst2007[quote][...] you can get the source package, which [u]should[/u] run on any system with Python and pygame installed.[/quote]
The game seems to be primarily developed on/for Windows. Ubuntu and OpenSUSE packages are also available (by third-parties?).

As of 2010-05, the Getdeb package (Ubuntu), is provided by João Pinto, the GetDeb Team Leader (not associated with Ardentryst). However, version 1.71 has been officially tested on and indicated Linux compatible by the Ardentryst team.
ARK - Scorched Earth Studio Wildcard2016 labelminimizeminimize
ARK: Survival Evolved Studio Wildcard2015 labelminimizeminimize
ARK: Survival Of The Fittest Studio Wildcard (Studio Wildcard;Instinct Games;Efecto Studios;Virtual Basement)2016 labelminimizeminimize
Aztaka Citeremis2013 labelminimizeminimize
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance Interplay Entertainment (Square One Games)2021Requires a 64-bit CPU and 32-bit libraries intalled. Because wine developers make bad Linux developers? Bad Linux developers are better than none at all; this game is native. labelminimizeminimize
Bound by Flame Focus Home Interactive (Spiders)2015 labelminimizeminimize
Brütal Legend  Double Fine Productions2013 labelminimizeminimize
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Torn Banner Studios2014 labelminimizeminimize
Dawn of War II  THQ (Relic Entertainment)2016 labelminimizeminimize
Dead Island Deep Silver2014 labelminimizeminimize
dhewm3 d3xp  author2015 labelminimizeminimize
dhewm3 doom3  author2015 labelminimizeminimize
DOOM 3 id Software2004[media=youtube]WWYQHvU_ABU[/media][media=youtube]MOS5BHqmBnU[/media] labelminimizeminimize
Dragon Warrior 64 UniKorn ProDucKions2020Kill monsters in 1-on-1 turn based combat to gain gold and experience. Explore the overworld. Enter dungeons to find treasure. Buy better weapons and armor. Rescue the Princess. Recover Erdrick's ball of light. Defeat The Dragon-lord.

A faithful reproduction of the original NES Dragon Warrior with only minor (non-gameplay) alterations save one. For minor example, in the beginning of both versions, the hero does not begin with weapon nor armor. Regardless, the hero is depicted holding a weapon and wearing armor in the NES version. This clone begins with the hero unarmed in a loin cloth and depicts him in a loin cloth without a weapon in hand. Equipping a weapon will then depict the hero with one and likewise armor. Random events are calculated differently. Again, the menu interface, all items, spells, quests, monsters, and such are the same. The only difference is the newly available Erdrick's Shield.

At the time of this article's publishing the game was at version 1.3 and there were several minor bugs. Only one of which required reverting to a previous save game.
Dungeons II  Kalypso Media Digital (Realmforge Studios)2015 labelminimizeminimize
Dungeons II: A Chance of Dragons  Kalypso Media Digital (Realmforge Studios)2016 labelminimizeminimize
Dungeons II: A Clash of Pumpkins  Kalypso Media Digital (Realmforge Studios)2016 labelminimizeminimize
Dungeons II: A Game of Winter  Kalypso Media Digital (Realmforge Studios)2015 labelminimizeminimize
Dungeons II: A Song of Sand and Fire  Kalypso Media Digital (Realmforge Studios)2016 labelminimizeminimize
Dungeons III  Kalypso Media Digital (Realmforge Studios)2017 labelminimizeminimize
Dungeons of Dredmor Gaslamp Games2011 labelimageminimize
Epilogue Kraflab2012 labelminimizeminimize
Eschalon: Book I My Game Company;Basilisk Games (Basilisk Games)2007This is a proprietary game.

The creator advertises that gameplay is, "the result of absolutely every action is rolled, calculated or statistically determined ", and it has a "combination of randomly generated treasure and carefully hidden goodies". The difficulty of the game is determined by the development of a character's skills and the adeptness of the player's using them. The story is not linear.

Originally only available as a download. Since 2008-01-14, all Eschalon CD packages have the Windows, Linux and Mac OS X versions. Released as Free-to-Play on its 10th year anniversary.

Requires a 1.8 GHz CPU, 256 MB RAM, and a 3D card.
(Note, the game runs fine on a 1.0GHz CPU. I suspect this is the Windows requirements)
Eschalon: Book II  My Game Company;Basilisk Games (Basilisk Games)2010Secret of Fathamurk is a free content expansion that was added with patch version 1.05.***Latest version: 1.06 (as of 2010-09-02)
[quote=Basilisk Games]1.06 is compiled with the latest libraries on Ubuntu 10.04. This might make the game incompatible with your system.[/quote]
Fission Seed Perpetual Pyramid2012[size=125][b]A story driven, action adventure shooter.[/b][/size]
Explore a large city eliminating enemy agents and performing missions. Rely on force or stealth, it's your choice. Make use of shadows and cover to sneak up on your enemy or come out all guns blazing.
Glare Phobic Studios2013 labelminimizeminimize
Home Behind Coconut Island Games (TPP Studio)2016 labelminimizeminimize
Homefront: The Revolution Deep Silver (Crytek)2016 labelminimizeminimize
Last Man Standing author? labelminimizeminimize
METRO 2033 Redux  Deep Silver (4A Games)2015 labelminimizeminimize
Moria  author?While moria is in Ubuntu repositories, this version often fails to run on older Ubuntu based distributions. Compiling from the sources in the Ubuntu repositories seems to have the same result. But the moria package from the Debian repos runs and compiles fine. moria from Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty repos works.***Deep Within the Mines of Moria the Balrog awaits. You are tasked with defeating it. Moria is obviously based on Tolkien's works. Moria has other Tolkien creatures and characters and some Dungeon's & Dragons inspired content also (D&D itself was heavily inspired by Tolkien's works). The player may choose a Human, Half-Elf, Elf, Halfling, Gnome, Dwarf, Half-Orc, or Half-Troll character and a Warrior, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Ranger, or Paladin class (note some races cannot choose some classes). Delve deeper for the best treasures, but going deeper is riskier; one slip and the protagonist dies, permanently, no resurrections, savegame deleted. No going back to an earlier save either, doing so marks your file and all records of your character will vanish on game over or winning.

Moria is based on the design of Rogue (it is a clone that shares no code or data with Rogue) but has notable variations in gameplay. Most significant is the 6 shops on the surface that the protagonist may visit to buy [i]and sell[/i] equipment, supplies, armor, weapons, scrolls, books, potions, and magical items. The surface is only one screen in size, not really an 'overworld' like in Angband and other roguelikes based on this game. UNIX Moria also served as inspiration for the design of Diablo. Moria was created using VMS Pascal ("Moria") when Robert Alan Koeneke and Jimmey Wayne Todd found that Rogue, their addiction at the time, was not available on VAX-11/780 minicomputers. UNIX Moria (umoria) is a port of "Moria" written in C language. Many subsequent ports and forks of "Moria" were based on umoria. The original license permitting sharing and modification but not commercial use. At some point, an agreement was reached by every person who ever maintained Moria to release its source code under the GPL license. Linux umoria has since become the standard version of sorts and is even called "Moria" by the current maintainer. Although, it is still a actively maintained VAX/VMS game.
Portal Valve2013 labelminimizeminimize
Portal 2 Valve2014 labelminimizeminimize
Realm of the Diggle Gods Gaslamp Games2012 labelminimizeminimize
Red Entity author2014 labelminimizeminimize
Red Faction II  Nordic Games (Volition;Outrage Games)2002 labelminimizeminimize
Risk of Rain Chucklefish (Hopoo Games)2014 labelminimizeminimize
Rochard Recoil Games2012 labelminimizeminimize
Rochard: Hard Times Recoil Games2012 labelminimizeminimize
Rogue  author1992If this really is a clone as the name "Rogue Clone" suggests, then we can NOT consider it the same as the [game=#167482]UNIX Rogue[/game]. labelimageminimize
Rogue Clone  author2007Though very simular, RC does not share any underlying algorythms with the original. Thus, random generation is different. This is mainly noticeable in maze design. Certain features actually make this clone easier than the original. Unknown items are identified with one use. There are many more items. These items are more likely to be found due to an increased spawn rate for monsters. RC1 omits traps and secret doors. 2 & 3 have them, but traps have low chance of being triggered.

Because of the restrictive license of the original Rogue, Tim Stoehr created Rogue Clone for UNIX. Other authors maintained the project as Rogue Clone II and Rogue Clone III for UNIX systems. These versions no longer function on modern UNIX (or Linux) systems. Rogue Clone III was followed by Rogue Clone IV for DOS which was discontinued after Rogue Clone IV for Windows (32-bit).
Rogue Republic author2013 labelminimizeminimize
Saints Row: The Third  THQ (Volition)2011 labelminimizeminimize
Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues  Portalarium2018The game includes an offline mode. A classic Ultima style story by Tracy Hickman (no involvement by EA). 5 guaranteed episodes (there probably be more eventually)

Online modes are "open", "friends", and interestingly, "solo". It seems one can experience the online world version populated only by AI players and opponents or with only a select group of friends (together or verses, it would seem).

It seems to be shaping up to be a [s]direct competitor[/s] superior replacement to Ultima Online, period[s]by offering all the UO features plus many more[/s]. Also, I've been playing beta content and seeing some content that seems vaguely familiar. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that among the vast amount of worlds and content a small subset of it is [game=#38049]Ultima IX[/game] done right.

"Vendors sell vendors.. Its obscene" -redfish***[media=youtube]gSZLrF657yo[/media]
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