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namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsplayer opts
Adventurecraft author? actionadventure amoeboids forest inventory jumping keys swimming swords single playerlabelminimizeminimize
Bliss: Dr D-Light volume 1 Dr. D-Light;Games For Loving (Dr. D-Light)? arg cdrom clothing demo download inventory java license-crossplatform license-proprietary mponly naturalistic romance seriousgame striptease ubuntu uvl-confusable hotseatlabelminimizesubject
Bliss: Dr D-Light volume 2 Dr. D-Light;Games For Loving (Dr. D-Light)? arg cdrom clothing demo download inventory java license-crossplatform license-proprietary mponly naturalistic romance seriousgame striptease ubuntu uvl-confusable hotseatlabelminimizesubject
Bliss: Solomon's Delight Solomon's Delight;Games For Loving (Solomon's Delight)? arg cdrom christian clothing demo download inventory java judeochristianmythology license-crossplatform license-proprietary naturalistic romance seriousgame striptease ubuntu uvl-confusable hotseatlabelminimizesubject
Corpses 'N Souls Side Scroll Studios? actionrpg backtracking bossbattles commercial crafting download inventory license-proprietary magic meleeweapons metroidvania monsters neon nonlinear secrets steampowered ubuntu walking single playerlabelimageminimize
Crystals of Holy -? bossbattles castle combatmode forest inventory magic meleeweapons menus monsters saveanywhere shopping sorcery swords town walking xp-kills single playerlabelimageminimize
Deep Voyage My Game Company (Mad Gears)? demo earth explosives fallingblocks grid grid-square inventory langinsignificant license-proprietary lighthearted match3 minigames ocean powerups ruins serious shopping slidingpuzzle timelimit tutorial ubuntu underwater visualmatching single playerlabelimageminimize
Dragon Hunt  author? 1life ants gentoo giantinsects insects inventory meleeweapons monsters otherworld potions pygame pythonlanguage saveanywhere shopping snakes spiders subterranean swords town ubuntu walking single playerlabelimageminimize
Duke Nukem Atomic Edition 3D Realms ( 1life 21stcentury airducts alieninvasion aliens apartmentbuilding armyofone automap bathroom bombs buildengine captives city city-losangeles-ca clingers cryogenicweapons destructibleitems difficulty doors download dukenukem elevators energyweapons explosiveobjects extraterrestrial firearms firstpersonshooter flood freelook freezing future gamesrepublic gore graphicdeaths handguns heroic heroprotagonist hitscan humor-dark humor-toilet interspecificconflict invasion inventory jumping jumppack license-gpl licensechange lighthearted luna machineguns macho monsters moon mp-dm multibarrelguns mutants naturaldisasters redlightdistrict remotedetonators rockets ruins screenshake shotguns shrinker spacestation suidoids theatre thx-1138 titularcharacter walking single player, LAN, Internetlabelminimizeminimize
Dungeon Colony author? basebuilding commercial crafting download indie inventory java license-proprietary lwjgl magic malevolentprotagonist mapgenerator monsters opengl prospecting sorcery trapping ubuntu single playerlabelminimizeminimize
Dungeon Hack  author? aspectratio-16-9 aspectratio-4-3 axes centaurs city cpplanguage forest gargoyles ghosts giantinsects giantscorpions giantspiders inventory knives license-cc license-gpl3 magic meleeweapons monsters ogre-engine plains polearms rats shopping shrine skeletons slavery sorcery subterranean swords town undead uvl-confusable walking wetland widescreen wolves single playerlabelimageminimize
Dust: An Elysian Tail Humble Hearts? 4thwallbroken adv-ptdistr airdash ambientcreatures amnesia amoeboids animateweapons animehair anthropomorphicanimals anthroprotagonist autosavepoints autozoom bioluminescence bloodless bodyarmor bossbattles bossmeter caninoids cave cemetery chapters children chosenone colorblind colorful combatanimals combobonuses commercial companion counselor damageinfo dark-limited depthoffield difficulty dodging download drm dropplatforms dynamicweather environmentalaudio fnaxna ghosts giantfungi giants glowingeyes gog healingitems hitmoderation hudcustomization inventory jewelry license-proprietary loot-random loot-unexpected lutris magic meleeweapons metroidvania midairjumping minibosses minimap mintlinux monsters mountain nodrm nofalldamage npcgenerators oopcharacters optionaltasks parallaxscrolling playerexposition prologue racism-speciesism rage rebornprotagonist redeemingbeatdown sauroids score secrets selfluminance sentientartefact shopping singlecontroller spectres steampowered subterraneanforest suicideattackers summery swords tasktracker teleporters titlementioned titularcharacter tooltips town trivialresearch tutorial ubuntu volcanic volcano warriorprotagonist waterfalls wintery xp-deeds xp-kills single playerlabelminimizeminimize
Flatland author? inventory mmog pygame pythonlanguage roguelike tilebased Internetlabelminimizeminimize
Fragments of Power author? achillesheelfoes actionadventure allegro amoeboids ancientenemy ballistics bossbattles bows burrowers cemetery centauroids childprotagonist children chosenone compositeattacks cpplanguage currency dataonly did difficulty doors download explosives fae fangame femaleauthor fish forest free giantinsects goblinoids gunblades hard heads healingstations healthwarning humanoidprotagonist illequipped insectoids inventory itemget keys ladders langinsignificant launcher lethalobjects limitedcapacity magic maleprotagonist meleeweapons minigames monsters mountain nohumans noncanon plains rescue rewardingvandalism ruins secrets shields shopping simulateddisorientation skeletonkey skeletons stonemen subterranean swords titularcharacter town traproom trees ubuntu undead unexpectedsituation walking wasteland watercraft-small zelda-universe zeldaclassicengine single playerlabelimagesubject
Freeablo  ?? actionrpg adv-ptdistr armyofone attrbasedeq automap bestsellerseries bleak bludgeons bossbattles bows cacophonicvoice capacity-slots caprinoids chargers classbased cliffhanger cloakednpcs constrainedlocale crossworldcharacters dark-limited darkfantasy darkknights demonicinvasion demons diablo elitemobs endlessconflict energyitems evilwins gargoyles goblinoids gothic graverobbing hackandslash healingitems healingstations hell hellscape heroprotagonist humanoidanimals inorganics interrupting inventory itemdurability itemgenerator itemidentification itempickup-instant jewelry knockback levelhub leveluprestoration license-gpl license-proprietary limitedcapacity magic magic-instant mapgenerator meleeweapons minimap monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative naga neutralmonsters nontolkienian npcspawning obstacletranslucification openclassing optionaltasks playerprofiles potions premadecharacters pve pyrokinesis quitsave recallportal restorativegluttony safezone saveanywhere selfluminance sequelhook serious shopping skeletons socketables sorcery spawncopy subterranean summoning swords taskgenerator teleporting titlementioned titularcharacter tooltips town tragicending twitch undead unknownpast voiceovers walking xp-kills zombies single player, LAN, Internetlabelminimizeminimize
Galaxy Mage Redux  author? bodyarmor bows castle chargedattack classbased explosives firearms fogofwar future gentoo grenades group humans inventory jumping knights magic monsters mystics opengl potions pygame pythonlanguage shields sorcery superpowers tactical techdisparity technomagic therianthropes walking war wasteland werewolves single player, hotseat, LAN, Internetlabelminimizeminimize
Haktoria nimets? 1life adv-static alone bludgeons bombs bossbattles classbased classbasedeq demonicmenace demons doors egyptian-theme energypickups eviloverlord fantasyworld felinoids fictionaluniverse firstpersonshooter fourhorsemen frameanimation giantspiders gibs golems grecoroman healingitems healthpickups heroprotagonist humanoids inventory itemglow jumping katar license-gpl magic magicweapons medieval meleeweapons mesoamerican-theme monsters mystics namelessprotagonist nocrosshair noenergyregen opengl overkill potions premadecharacters pressureplates serious sickles sorcery splatter splittingcreatures swimming touchactivation undead underwaterdiving walking xp-kills single player, LAN, Internetlabelminimizeminimize
Jagged Alliance 2: Stracciatella author? destructibleitems fangame firearms group hitchance inventory jaggedalliance malfunctioning mercenaryprotagonist overworld persistentminions postures present privatemilitarycompanies sdl tactical turnbasedcombat single playerlabelminimizeminimize
Kalyp author? download inventory java license-osl3 single playerlabelminimizeminimize
Kamyran's Eye 2 Manifesto Games; software development ( software development)? civilwar femaleprotagonist fogofwar genderchoice inventory java lineofsight maleprotagonist meleeweapons monsters roguelike ubuntu walking single playerlabelimageminimize
Lords of Uberdark author? alphafunding axes bizarreenvironments commercial crafting-sites crowdfunded darkisevil destructibleenvironment destructibleworld digging fanfunding inventory jumping license-proprietary limitedcapacity monsters opengl openworld pickaxe prospecting rain sandbox skeletons subterranean terraindeformation tilebased undead single playerlabelminimizeminimize
Manic Digger author? axes blockbased blocky bombs bows crafting-sites customtriggers destructibleenvironment destructibleworld digging dynamicweather ecosystems falldamage farming fishing flatterrain harmfultouch indie inventory inventory-supplies jumping lava limitedcapacity monsters opengl openworld pickaxe prospecting rain sandbox shapedsprites skeletons spiders spreadingvegetation subterranean suicideattackers terraindeformation tilebased undead walking wildlife zombies single playerlabelminimizeminimize
Miller's Quest! author? charactercreation dragons elves fantasyworld femaleprotagonist genderchoice inventory limitedcapacity maleprotagonist monsters nohumans parody protagonistnaming racechoice randomdamage randomizedattributes rubylanguage shopping sorcery specieschoice ubuntu walking single playerlabelimageminimize
Moria  author? 1life 2hmeleeweapons 68k adv-static alarmers alcohol alpha amoeboids amphibians ants armel armhf automap axes beetles beggars bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows capacity-slots capacity-stacks capacity-toolslots capacity-weight centipedes charactercreation chiroptera circadiancycle clanguage classbased containers creatureidentification crossbows currency curseditems dark debian digging doors doors-breakable download dragonflies elementals elves encounters-literal encounters-random encounters-seen encounters-unseen eviloverlord explosives femaleprotagonist floatingeyes fogofwar frog fuel fungi gems genderchoice ghosts giantbeetles giantinsects giants giantscorpions gnomes golems haggling halflings harpies healingitems healthregen hppa humans hunger indoors inventory invisiblefoes itemidentification itempickup-auto itempickup-ignore itempickup-instant javelins jewelry knives lamp license-gpl liches limitedcapacity lineofsight lockpicking magic magicrings magicweapons maingauche maleprotagonist mapgenerator meleeweapons mips mipsel monsters mummies mycoids mystics naga ncurses ninja npcteleporting orcs outdoors outlaws perchararelations permadeath pickaxe platformreference polearms ppc ppcspe prospecting protagonistnaming quitsave racechoice randomdamage randomizedattributes resting roguelike s390 s390x sasquatch saveanywhere scorpions secrets secrets-invisible sh4 shields shopping skeletons slings snakes sorcery sparc sparc-64 spears specieschoice stealingnpcs stealth subterranean summoning swords taxonomy teleport teleporting tilebased town traps trolls unarmedfighting undead uvl-confusable vagrants vampires walking weefolk whips worms x86 x86-64 xp-kills zombies single playerlabelimagesubject
NetHack  Manifesto Games;DevTeam (DevTeam)? 1life adv-static archivegames charactercreation cockatrices dwarves elves femaleprotagonist forcedpolymorph fourhorsemen gelatinouscubes genderchoice hunger hyperalimentation inventory itemidentification itempickup-instant jokeitems leveldrain leveldrain-permanent linux maleprotagonist mapgenerator ncurses objectplot owlbears permadeath ppc randomdamage randomizedeffects roguelike rotting search singlesave sourcecodeavailable sparc transcendency uvl-confusable weefolk x11 x86 xp-kills single playerlabelimagesubject
NetHack  ?? 1life adv-static archivegames charactercreation cockatrices dwarves elves femaleprotagonist forcedpolymorph fourhorsemen gelatinouscubes genderchoice hunger hyperalimentation inventory itemidentification itempickup-instant jokeitems leveldrain leveldrain-permanent maleprotagonist mapgenerator objectplot owlbears permadeath ppc randomdamage randomizedeffects roguelike rotting search singlesave sourcecodeavailable sparc transcendency uvl-confusable uvl-platform-limitation weefolk x86 xp-kills single playerlabelminimizeminimize
NetHack  ?? 1life adv-static archivegames charactercreation cockatrices dwarves elves femaleprotagonist forcedpolymorph fourhorsemen gelatinouscubes genderchoice hunger hyperalimentation inventory itemidentification itempickup-instant jokeitems leveldrain leveldrain-permanent maleprotagonist mapgenerator notlinux objectplot owlbears permadeath randomdamage randomizedeffects riscos roguelike rotting search singlesave sourcecodeavailable transcendency uvl-confusable uvl-platform-limitation weefolk xp-kills single playerlabelminimizeminimize
Peragro Tempus author? aerostat aging alcohol amphibians bartering bizarrecreatures bodypiercing castle caterpillars circadiancycle city crystalspaceengine death dirigibles forest gianthumanoids giantinsects home horses humans hunger indevelopment insectoids inventory jewelry jumping karma landcephalopods license-cc license-gpl license-mixed lifesimulation magic meleeweapons mmog nudity permadeath riding seamlessworld slavery summery swimming swords tentaclecreatures timetravel town war warfare-land watercraft weather wintery Internetlabelminimizeminimize
SilverTree author? bows crossbows currency grid grid-hex group inventory javelins meleeweapons monsters opengl sdl shopping steampunk swords town turnbasedcombat walking single playerlabelminimizeminimize
Strife  author? aliens automap city elevators energyweapons facelessprotagonist fanport firearms firstpersonshooter guidedweapons healingitems inventory meleeweapons mercenaryprotagonist middleguns mindcontrol mutants noports postapocalypse premadeprotagonist rebellion robots rockets sentientartefact serious thermalweapons unknownpast unofficial uvl-confusable vavoomengine single playerlabelminimizeminimize
SvStrife author? aliens automap city elevators energyweapons facelessprotagonist fanport firearms firstpersonshooter guidedweapons healingitems inventory meleeweapons mercenaryprotagonist middleguns mindcontrol mutants noports postapocalypse premadeprotagonist rebellion robots rockets sentientartefact serious thermalweapons unknownpast unofficial single playerlabelminimizeminimize
Tactical Rogue author? cpplanguage fantasyworld inventory magic mapgenerator meleeweapons monsters opengl sdl tactical tilebased vorbis walking single player, LAN, Internetlabelminimizeminimize
Tempest in the Aether author? 1890s 19thcentury 2ndmillennium aliens alternatetimeline astronavigation books doors earth energyweapons extraterrestrial gaslampfiction handguns humans inventory jupiter laserbolts license-gpl-affero mars mercury mimasmoon mmog morsecode neptune past rayguns robots solsystem spacecraft spaceopera steampunk swords titanmoon uranus venus victorianera Internetlabelminimizeminimize
The Fallen One author? achillesheelfoes actionadventure allegro amoeboids ancientenemy ballistics bossbattles bows burrowers cemetery centauroids childprotagonist children chosenone compositeattacks cpplanguage currency dataonly difficulty doors download explosives fae fangame femaleauthor fish forest free giantinsects goblinoids gunblades hard heads healingstations healthwarning humanoidprotagonist illequipped insectoids inventory itemget keys ladders langinsignificant launcher lethalobjects limitedcapacity magic maleprotagonist meleeweapons minigames monsters mountain nohumans noncanon plains rewardingvandalism ruins secrets shields shopping simulateddisorientation skeletonkey skeletons stonemen subterranean swords titularcharacter town traproom trees ubuntu undead unexpectedsituation walking wasteland watercraft-small zelda-universe zeldaclassicengine single playerlabelimageminimize
The Hunted Chronicles THC Developers? darkplacesengine firearms firstpersonshooter inventory license-gpl shotguns stealth stealth-light stealth-smell stealth-sound stealth-touch survivalhorror zombies single playerlabelminimizeminimize
The Legend of Edgar Parallel Realities? amoeboids bees birds bizarrecreatures bossbattles carnivorousplants chickens chiroptera deb debian elevators fish floatingeyes giantspiders inventory jumping keys meleeweapons monsters raft rpm savepoints saveslots sdl slackware swords testudines town tutorial walking wetland windmills single playerlabelimageminimize
The Legend of Zelda: Mystery of Solarus XD  Zelda s9larus? 1life ancientenemy archlinux boomerangs bossbattles bows containers cpplanguage currency deb debian elves explosives fangame fantasyworld gentoo healingitems interactivetriggers inventory keys lang-separate license-gpl3 lua magic mandriva meleeweapons monsters openal parody playerprofiles rewardingvandalism rpm sdl sdl2 shields shopping solarusengine suse swimming swords ubuntu walking wintery x86 x86-64 single playerlabelminimizeminimize
The Titan's Quest author? achillesheelfoes actionadventure bossbattles currency dataonly doors fangame forest free giantinsects gunblades humanoidprotagonist insectoids inventory ladders meleeweapons monsters noncanon rewardingvandalism secrets subterranean timetravel ubuntu undead walking zeldaclassicengine single playerlabelimageminimize
Vulture's UnNetHack  DarkArts Studios? 1life adv-static charactercreation femaleprotagonist fourhorsemen genderchoice inventory itempickup-instant magic maleprotagonist mapgenerator permadeath randomdamage roguelike search singlesave transcendency ubuntu xp-kills single playerlabelimagesubject
Windstille author? alienplanet aliens bossbattles bossbattles escape extraterrestrial extraterrestrial fromanotherworld inventory jumping license-gpl linuxgametomegotm monsters monsters nofalldamage nofalldamage nonlinear nonlinear openal opengl powerarmor powerarmor sdl stranded walking walking single playerlabelimageminimize
Wolfstyle  author? achillesheelfoes actionadventure allegro amoeboids ancientenemy ballistics bossbattles bows burrowers cemetery centauroids childprotagonist children chosenone compositeattacks cpplanguage currency dataonly difficulty doors download explosives fae fangame femaleauthor fish forest free giantinsects goblinoids gunblades hard heads healingstations healthwarning humanoidprotagonist illequipped insectoids inventory itemget keys ladders langinsignificant launcher lethalobjects limitedcapacity magic maleprotagonist meleeweapons minigames monsters mountain nohumans noncanon plains rewardingvandalism ruins secrets shields shopping simulateddisorientation skeletonkey skeletons stonemen subterranean swords titularcharacter town traproom trees ubuntu undead unexpectedsituation walking wasteland watercraft-small zelda-universe zeldaclassicengine single playerlabelminimizeminimize
HACK author1993 amoeboids ants bees beetles bizarrecreatures bodyarmor bsdgames centaurs chiroptera cockatrices currency demons dogs dragons dragons-western fantasyworld floatingeyes fungi gaseousentities gems ghosts giantants giantinsects giantrats giantrodents gnomes goblinoids goblins halflings hell hellhounds hunger imps insects inventory jaguars jewelry kobolds leprechauns magic magicrings mapgenerator meleeweapons minotaurs mixedcreatures monsters mystics nymphs orcs owlbears potions rats rodents roguelike sasquatch scorpions scrolls shopping snakes sorcery stonecreatures subterranean swords trolls ubuntu undead unicorns uvl-confusable vampires walking wands weefolk worms zombies single playerlabelminimizeminimize
HACK author1993 amoeboids ants bees beetles bizarrecreatures bodyarmor bsdgames centaurs chiroptera cockatrices currency demons dogs dragons dragons-western fantasyworld floatingeyes fungi gaseousentities gems ghosts giantants giantinsects giantrats giantrodents gnomes goblinoids goblins halflings hell hellhounds hunger imps insects inventory jaguars jewelry kobolds leprechauns magic magicrings mapgenerator meleeweapons minotaurs mixedcreatures monsters mystics ncurses nymphs orcs owlbears potions rats rodents roguelike sasquatch scorpions scrolls shopping snakes sorcery stonecreatures subterranean swords trolls ubuntu undead unicorns uvl-confusable vampires walking wands weefolk worms x86 x86-64 zombies single playerlabelimagesubject
Ancient Domains Of Mystery  author1994 1life abominations adv-static agriculture attackdefenseadjust cannibalism charactercreation classbased commercial curseditems desecration destructibleitems doors doors-breakable download dragons dungeon dwarves elves encounters-random energyregen femaleprotagonist floatingeyes genderchoice gremlins heroprotagonist hiddenattributes hunger hyperalimentation inventory inventory-unprotected itemidentification itempickup-instant jokeitems karma karmiccreatures magic maleprotagonist mapgenerator medieval metamorphosis mitoticcreatures monsters mutation naming naming-companions naming-npcs neutralnpcs nonlinear nonstandardcolors optionaltasks orcs ordervschaos outlaws overworld owlbears permadeath placeswap potions presetmaps psychicpowers psychics quitsave randomdamage randomizedeffects roguelike rotting sacrificing safeguards save-suspend serious shiftinglocale shopping singlesave sorcery spawners specieschoice subterraneanforest tangibleabstracts teleport teleporters teleporting timeslicing transformativecorruption trolls ubuntu undead unicorns weefolk worms xp-kills xp-literal single playerlabelimagesubject
Tibia CipSoft1997 automap axes beach bludgeons bodyarmor capacity-stacks capacity-weight cervids circadiancycle containers corpselooting digging domesticcats femaleprotagonist fungi genderchoice giantbirds healingitems healthregen-slow insects inventory knives ladders lagomorphs lamp limitedcapacity magic maleprotagonist meleeweapons minotaurs mmog monsters orcs pigs potions prospecting protagonistdesigning protagonistnaming pve pvp rats scavenging sheep shields shopping snakes spears spiders subterranean swords town trading trees trolls tutorial ubuntu ursines walking wolves xp-deeds xp-kills xp-literal xp-multi Internetlabelimageminimize
Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn  Interplay (BioWare)2000 1life activepause adnd adv-static autoattack baldursgate bards bhaalspawn bloodlines capacity-slots castle cdrom charactercreation cheapdeath city classbased classbasedeq cloneconundrum clones commercial companion containers damagetypes darts dataexport derivedstatistics dialog-tree dicemechanics difficulty dnd doors dragons dragons-western dungeon ectsaward elves estate familiars fatigue femaleprotagonist forgottenrealms framesynced genderbender genderchoice gnomes godlingprotagonist golems group halflings hazardouspowers healthbuffer highfantasy hitchance homingboulders ichthyoids identitycrisis imps infinityengine interactivedialogs inventory inventory-supplies itempickup-instant jewelry karma license-proprietary liches limitedcapacity lockpicking lostresources lutris mageslayers magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist medieval mindflayers mp-campaign mp-cooperative multiverse mythmagnet namegenerator neutralnpcs opengl orphanprotagonist paladins prematuretaskcompletion prerenderedbackgrounds protagonistnaming protectioncomplex pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance randomdamage resting romance rooting screenshake sentientartefact shadows shapeshifters shapeshifting sharedsetting shopping sorcery specieschoice speciespenalty spellbooks spellmemory staticpixelscale subclassing summoning swrender thesoulless tooltips traps treetoptown undead unusualprotagonist uvl-tiein vampires vendortrash voicechoice voiceovers walking weefolk wildmagic xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-lockpicking xp-shared single player, LANlabelminimizeminimize
Deus Ex  Loki Games2000 2050s 21stcentury airducts airport ammomagazines area51 asia asia-east bathroom biorobotprotagonist biorobots bludgeons blue cancelled city city-newyork-ny city-paris-fr clonetechnology compressedgas conspiracy crates cyberpunk cyborgprotagonist cyborgs dark-limited deusex dystopian earth empgrenades empweapons energyitems energystations epigraph europe france future glide3d grenades greys hacking hangar hazmatsuit healingitems healingstations hongkong hud-explained humanoidprotagonist implants inertscenery infravision interactivedialogs inventory jumping knives lamp license-proprietary linux-2-2 lockpicking mafia megacorps meleeweapons meninblack mines multipleendings mutablescenery-large nanotechnology neutralnpcs nightvision nonlethalelimination northamerica opengl optionaltasks oss outbreak plasmaweapons pointdefenses postmodern premadeprotagonist proximitymines researchfacility rewardingvandalism robots rp-levelless saveanywhere science-theme secretfacility sentientmachines shopping stealth stealth-light stealth-sight stealth-sound subway swords technology-theme terminal thermalweapons thrownweapons transhumanism triad truemyths unrealengine unrealengine1 upgradesystem vagrants walking weaponcustomization x11 xrayvision single playerlabelminimizesubject
DroidQuest author2000 ♫sousalibertybell ambientcreatures bizarrecreatures city controllablehelplessness difficultyspike elevators hypermobilefoes inventory java javalanguage leveleditor license-proprietary logic luggage pointertoggle programming publictransit robotodyssey robots sewers sourcecodeavailable subterranean taskfailure triggers tutorial ubuntu walking single playerlabelimagesubject
Hexen II  author2000 1life adv-static alone attractmode bludgeons bombs bossbattles classbased classbasedeq demo demonicmenace demons doomwad doors egyptian-theme energypickups eviloverlord fantasyworld felinoids fictionaluniverse forcedpolymorph fourhorsemen frameanimation giantspiders gibs golems grecoroman healingitems healthpickups heretichexen heroprotagonist humanoids inventory itemglow jumping katar license-gpl license-proprietary magic magicweapons medieval meleeweapons mesoamerican-theme monsters mystics namelessprotagonist nocrosshair noenergyregen noingameintro nontolkienian opengl overkill personalquest potions premadecharacters pressureplates pyramid quakeengine serious sickles slowexplosions sorcery splatter splittingcreatures swimming swrender touchactivation undead underwaterdiving walking xp-kills single player, LAN, Internetlabelminimizeminimize
Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business Titan Computer (Tribsoft)2000 fallout-engine firearms group hitchance inventory jaggedalliance malfunctioning mercenaryprotagonist overworld parttargeting persistentminions postures present privatemilitarycompanies tactical turnbasedcombat single playerlabelminimizeminimize
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