showing 51 - 100 of 7658 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Crazynoid MRG Technologies? commercial java license-proprietary labelminimizeminimize
Cryamore ?? commercial download hostageport license-proprietary ubuntu unity-engine labelminimizeminimize
Crystal Crash Pixel Potential? commercial download license-proprietary obscurerelease steampowered ubuntu x86 labelminimizeminimize
CubeZ Unstable Matrix Productions? claiming clanguage license-proprietary ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Curious George Reads Writes and Spells Ages 6-8 Lunchbox Edition Houghton Mifflin Interactive? arg curiousgeorge license-proprietary labelminimizesubject
Darkest Hour author? chartypelimit classbased firearms firstpersonshooter license-proprietary sharedlives unrealengine2 worldwar2 labelminimizeminimize
Deep Battle Graviton Software? java license-proprietary war warfare-air warfare-land warfare-sea labelminimizeminimize
Deep Voyage My Game Company (Mad Gears)? demo earth explosives fallingblocks grid grid-square inventory langinsignificant license-proprietary lighthearted match3 minigames ocean powerups ruins serious shopping slidingpuzzle timelimit tutorial ubuntu underwater visualmatching labelimageminimize
Deers' Men ?? commercial license-proprietary ubuntu unity-engine labelminimizeminimize
Deluxe Snake  ?? fedora frog license-proprietary mushrooms snakegame snakes sourcecodeavailable labelminimizeminimize
Demon Hunter Artifex Mundi? commercial download indie license-proprietary steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Descent II  author? 6dof captives cpplanguage debian descent desura drone firstpersonshooter indoors license-contradictory license-gpl3 license-proprietary licensechange map-3d mercenaryprotagonist opengl physfs robots sdl subterranean swrender ubuntu vorbis x86 labelimagesubject
Devil Gene R SoBa? commercial crowdfunded demo demons femaleprotagonist humans license-proprietary pythonlanguage renpy visualnovel war labelminimizeminimize
Die verbotene Welt  Sechsta Sinn? download grid grid-square license-proprietary labelminimizeminimize
Dino Eggs Rebirth ?? commercial download gamepad joystick keyboard license-proprietary opengl steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Disciples II: Dark Prophecy Strategy First;Linux Game Publishing (Strategy First)? bleak commercial elves humans license-proprietary onhold prototype undead witchhunters labelminimizeminimize
Disney's Magic Artist Deluxe IBM? cartoon disney license-proprietary lighthearted mickeymouse labelminimizesubject
Disney's Math Quest with Aladdin Ages 6-9 Buena Vista Home Video? aladdin license-proprietary labelminimizesubject
Dragon Memory Dragontech? langinsignificant license-proprietary memory sdl visualmatching labelminimizeminimize
Dungeon Colony author? basebuilding commercial crafting download indie inventory java license-proprietary lwjgl magic malevolentprotagonist mapgenerator monsters opengl prospecting sorcery trapping ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Dust: An Elysian Tail Humble Hearts? 4thwallbroken adv-ptdistr airdash ambientcreatures amnesia amoeboids animateweapons animehair anthropomorphicanimals anthroprotagonist autosavepoints autozoom bioluminescence bloodless bodyarmor bossbattles bossmeter caninoids cave cemetery chapters children chosenone colorblind colorful combatanimals combobonuses commercial companion counselor damageinfo dark-limited depthoffield difficulty dodging download drm dropplatforms dynamicweather environmentalaudio fnaxna ghosts giantfungi giants glowingeyes gog healingitems hitmoderation hudcustomization inventory jewelry license-proprietary loot-random loot-unexpected lutris magic meleeweapons metroidvania midairjumping minibosses minimap mintlinux monsters mountain nodrm nofalldamage npcgenerators oopcharacters optionaltasks parallaxscrolling playerexposition prologue racism-speciesism rage rebornprotagonist redeemingbeatdown sauroids score secrets selfluminance sentientartefact shopping singlecontroller spectres steampowered subterraneanforest suicideattackers summery swords tasktracker teleporters titlementioned titularcharacter tooltips town trivialresearch tutorial ubuntu volcanic volcano warriorprotagonist waterfalls wintery xp-deeds xp-kills labelminimizeminimize
egg-O-shOOter author? commercial langinsignificant license-proprietary opengl labelminimizeminimize
Emergence Emergence Software? commercial debian fedora gentoo knoppix license-proprietary mandriva mepis mmog slackware suse xandros labelminimizeminimize
Enemy Lines 8  author? enelin firstpersonshooter license-proprietary moon opengl robots rogueai sdl spacecraft-small terraindeformation labelminimizeminimize
Escape from Monkey Island  LucasArts? bilingualdialogue clickadventure commercial controllablehelplessness earlymodern-theme grime hoarding island license-proprietary lua monkeyisland past pirates residualvm thx-1138 labelminimizeminimize
Eternal Damnation Resurrection Studios? firstpersonshooter license-proprietary labelminimizeminimize
Fat Fish Bertesh Studios? fishprotagonist license-proprietary ocean sdl labelminimizeminimize
Figure 15 Two Brothers Software? commercial grid grid-square license-proprietary logicpuzzle math labelminimizeminimize
Final Doom id Software (TeamTNT)? 1life 22ndcentury aimassist alone attractmode automap backtracking clanguage claymation cloakednpcs commercial demonicinvasion demons doom-series doomwad download earth elevators energyweapons femaleprotagonist findexit firearms firstpersonshooter genderchoice gog healthpickups hitscan idtech1 io license-proprietary lutris maleprotagonist megacorps middleprojection militantprotagonist monsters moon mp-dm nojumping noreloading npcstrife oopitems plasmaweapons powerups randomdamage rehash rockets rotaryguns sciencefantasy secrets serious shotguns singlegender spawners splatter walking walkingarmory labelminimizeminimize
First Paradise Gnovahex Computing? commercial customengine devsyslinux download future hybridgame indie interactivefiction license-proprietary roguelike transcendency ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
First Wonder Rogue Rocket Games? commercial crowdfunded download license-proprietary unrealengine4 labelminimizeminimize
FlagRaiders ?? firstpersonshooter free2play license-proprietary labelminimizeminimize
Flick Entropic Software? ♫tchaikovskyswanlake abstract-location commercial demo grid grid-square license-proprietary licensechange naturalistic openal transportpuzzle ubuntu uvl-confusable labelimagesubject
Frederic: Resurrection of Music Forever Entertainment? commercial download license-proprietary steampowered ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Freeablo  ?? actionrpg adv-ptdistr armyofone attrbasedeq automap bestsellerseries bleak bludgeons bossbattles bows cacophonicvoice capacity-slots caprinoids chargers classbased cliffhanger cloakednpcs constrainedlocale crossworldcharacters dark-limited darkfantasy darkknights demonicinvasion demons diablo elitemobs endlessconflict energyitems evilwins gargoyles goblinoids gothic graverobbing hackandslash healingitems healingstations hell hellscape heroprotagonist humanoidanimals inorganics interrupting inventory itemdurability itemgenerator itemidentification itempickup-instant jewelry knockback levelhub leveluprestoration license-gpl license-proprietary limitedcapacity magic magic-instant mapgenerator meleeweapons minimap monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative naga neutralmonsters nontolkienian npcspawning obstacletranslucification openclassing optionaltasks playerprofiles potions premadecharacters pve pyrokinesis quitsave recallportal restorativegluttony safezone saveanywhere selfluminance sequelhook serious shopping skeletons socketables sorcery spawncopy subterranean summoning swords taskgenerator teleporting titlementioned titularcharacter tooltips town tragicending twitch undead unknownpast voiceovers walking xp-kills zombies labelminimizeminimize
Freeze Me Rainy Night Creations? commercial download license-proprietary steampowered ubuntu unity-engine labelminimizeminimize
Frenesia Macgamesandmore? abstract energyshields license-proprietary uvl-descriptionincomplete labelimagesubject
Friendship Magic ?? download license-proprietary pythonlanguage renpy ubuntu visualnovel labelminimizeminimize
Furiod Furiod? breakoutlike license-proprietary openal opengl labelminimizeminimize
Galacticards Killer Bee Software? cards commercial license-proprietary openal space labelminimizeminimize
Galley Battles: from Salamis to Actium Shrapnel Games (Hyperborea Studios)? africa ancientegypt ancientgreece antiquity cancelled commercial demo earth europe grid-none imperiumromanum license-proprietary tactical vaporware war warfare-sea labelimagesubject
Gee Geekers' Unanticipated Adventures 2DGamers? commercial jumping ladders license-proprietary nonlinear sdl labelminimizeminimize
Ghostbusters II Park Productions? city-newyork-ny ghosts license-proprietary movie urbanfantasy labelminimizeminimize
gljewels author? license-gpl license-proprietary licensechange opengl labelminimizeminimize
Global Assassin author? 1life 2030s 21stcentury 3rdmillennium assaultrifles city download earth firstpersonshooter future handguns license-proprietary naturalistic robots walking labelminimizeminimize
Greedy Car Thieves  author? assaultrifles firearms gtalike handguns license-proprietary theives ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Greedy monopoly author? 21stcentury license-proprietary redhat suse x86 labelminimizeminimize
Grim Arcade Badgers? commercial desura download gamemaker indie license-proprietary ubuntu uvl-confusable labelminimizeminimize
Guppy ninjadodo? commercial download license-proprietary steampowered ubuntu labelminimizesubject
Half-Life Deathmatch: Source  Valve? breakpad commercial download jumping license-crossplatform license-proprietary lutris mp-dm steampowered ubuntu walking walkingarmory labelminimizeminimize