showing 24 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Moria  author? 1life 2hmeleeweapons 68k adv-static alarmers alcohol alpha amoeboids amphibians ants armel armhf automap axes beetles beggars bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows capacity-slots capacity-stacks capacity-toolslots capacity-weight centipedes charactercreation chiroptera circadiancycle clanguage classbased containers creatureidentification crossbows currency curseditems dark debian digging doors doors-breakable download dragonflies elementals elves encounters-literal encounters-random encounters-seen encounters-unseen eviloverlord explosives femaleprotagonist floatingeyes fogofwar frog fuel fungi gems genderchoice ghosts giantbeetles giantinsects giants giantscorpions gnomes golems haggling halflings harpies healingitems healthregen hppa humans hunger indoors inventory invisiblefoes itemidentification itempickup-auto itempickup-ignore itempickup-instant javelins jewelry knives lamp license-gpl liches limitedcapacity lineofsight lockpicking magic magicrings magicweapons maingauche maleprotagonist mapgenerator meleeweapons mips mipsel monsters mummies mycoids mystics naga ncurses ninja npcteleporting orcs outdoors outlaws perchararelations permadeath pickaxe platformreference polearms ppc ppcspe prospecting protagonistnaming quitsave racechoice randomdamage randomizedattributes resting roguelike s390 s390x sasquatch saveanywhere scorpions secrets secrets-invisible sh4 shields shopping skeletons slings snakes sorcery sparc sparc-64 spears specieschoice stealingnpcs stealth subterranean summoning swords taxonomy teleport teleporting tilebased town traps trolls unarmedfighting undead uvl-confusable vagrants vampires walking weefolk whips worms x86 x86-64 xp-kills zombies labelimagesubject
HACK author1993 amoeboids ants bees beetles bizarrecreatures bodyarmor bsdgames centaurs chiroptera cockatrices currency demons dogs dragons dragons-western fantasyworld floatingeyes fungi gaseousentities gems ghosts giantants giantinsects giantrats giantrodents gnomes goblinoids goblins halflings hell hellhounds hunger imps insects inventory jaguars jewelry kobolds leprechauns magic magicrings mapgenerator meleeweapons minotaurs mixedcreatures monsters mystics nymphs orcs owlbears potions rats rodents roguelike sasquatch scorpions scrolls shopping snakes sorcery stonecreatures subterranean swords trolls ubuntu undead unicorns uvl-confusable vampires walking wands weefolk worms zombies labelminimizeminimize
HACK author1993 amoeboids ants bees beetles bizarrecreatures bodyarmor bsdgames centaurs chiroptera cockatrices currency demons dogs dragons dragons-western fantasyworld floatingeyes fungi gaseousentities gems ghosts giantants giantinsects giantrats giantrodents gnomes goblinoids goblins halflings hell hellhounds hunger imps insects inventory jaguars jewelry kobolds leprechauns magic magicrings mapgenerator meleeweapons minotaurs mixedcreatures monsters mystics ncurses nymphs orcs owlbears potions rats rodents roguelike sasquatch scorpions scrolls shopping snakes sorcery stonecreatures subterranean swords trolls ubuntu undead unicorns uvl-confusable vampires walking wands weefolk worms x86 x86-64 zombies labelimagesubject
Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn  Interplay (BioWare)2000 1life activepause adnd adv-static autoattack baldursgate bards bhaalspawn bloodlines capacity-slots castle cdrom charactercreation cheapdeath city classbased classbasedeq cloneconundrum clones commercial companion containers damagetypes darts dataexport derivedstatistics dialog-tree dicemechanics difficulty dnd doors dragons dragons-western dungeon ectsaward elves estate familiars fatigue femaleprotagonist forgottenrealms framesynced genderbender genderchoice gnomes godlingprotagonist golems group halflings hazardouspowers healthbuffer highfantasy hitchance homingboulders ichthyoids identitycrisis imps infinityengine interactivedialogs inventory inventory-supplies itempickup-instant jewelry karma license-proprietary liches limitedcapacity lockpicking lostresources lutris mageslayers magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist medieval mindflayers mp-campaign mp-cooperative multiverse mythmagnet namegenerator neutralnpcs opengl orphanprotagonist paladins prematuretaskcompletion prerenderedbackgrounds protagonistnaming protectioncomplex pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance randomdamage resting romance rooting screenshake sentientartefact shadows shapeshifters shapeshifting sharedsetting shopping sorcery specieschoice speciespenalty spellbooks spellmemory staticpixelscale subclassing summoning swrender thesoulless tooltips traps treetoptown undead unusualprotagonist uvl-tiein vampires vendortrash voicechoice voiceovers walking weefolk wildmagic xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-lockpicking xp-shared labelminimizeminimize
Interhack author2000 bodyarmor books cpplanguage digging doors dwarves elves gnomes humans hunger itemidentification jewelry license-gpl magic magicrings meleeweapons monsters ncurses orcs rodents roguelike shields swords teleport traproom weefolk x11 labelminimizeminimize
Avanor, The Land Of Mystery author2001 axes bodyarmor cpplanguage currency demons dwarves gentoo heroprotagonist inventory jewelry license-gpl lua magic magicrings meleeweapons monsters orcs roguelike shields sorcery swords thieving weefolk labelminimizeminimize
Ultima VII: The Black Gate  author (Origin)2001 ♫flightofthebumblebee ♫rulebritannia 3.5disk alcohol aliens apples axes ballistics bees blackpearls bludgeons bows capacity-stacks capacity-volume capacity-weight captives carts cdrom chapel cheese chosenone city cooking cpplanguage crafting crates crteffects dancepad demons domesticcats download drills-rig drugs engineremake eviloverlord femaleprotagonist fictionalelement firearms firearms-early forest fromanotherworld garlic genderchoice giantinsects goldbars goldnuggets group group-subset hypocrites ineptveteran jewelry juggernauts knives lagomorphs license-gpl license-proprietary limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magicrings magicweapons mandriva meleeweapons mice monsters multipleendings npcschedules nudism opengl otherworld parrots pirates polearms present prostitutes pumpkin refwizardofoz riding ruins sdl seamlessworld sheep shopping sorcery subterranean svgalib swords thrownweapons town trash ubuntu ultima ultima7-engine ultimaageofarmageddon unicorns virtualglitching whips willowisps x11 x86 x86-64 xp-deeds xp-kills labelimagesubject
Stendhal Arianne2005 achievements amazons amoeboids angels anuroids apples archaicweapons arianne-engine axes barbarians bartering beavers beholders bludgeons bodyarmor books bows cannibalism captives cards carrots cattle centaurs cervids cheese cherries chickens chiroptera clergy crabs crocodiles crossbows currency cyclopes death demons dice download dragons dragons-western dwarves elementals elephants elites elves europeanfae exoticweapons femaleprotagonist fish fishing flowers forest foxes free2play fungus-mushrooms gargoyles garlic gems genderchoice ghosts giants gnomes goblins gold goldbars goldnuggets golems horses humans hydrae imps inventory java jewelry jinn keys knights knives kobolds leprechauns license-gpl lions magic magicrings maleprotagonist map marriage meleeweapons mice minotaurs mmog monsters mummies murinoids mutants mystics naga naturalweapons ninja nymphs ogres orcs outlaws pandas pegasus penguin pickaxe pigs polearms potions primates prospecting rangedweapons rats roses samurai scientists scrolls scythes sdl shopping skeletons snakes soldiers spears spectres spiders staves stealing subterranean swords thieves throwingstars thrownweapons tigers trading treants trolls ubuntu undead unicorns ursines vampires walking weefolk werewolves witches wolves zombies labelimagesubject
SubTerra 2 Spiderweb Software (Crystal Shard)2006 containers curseremoving deadlywater demons destructibleenvironment difficulty directionalforce directionalforce-movingsurface dogs europeanfae explosives gems golems gravitycontrol inbuilttraps interactivetriggers keys knights leveleditor magicrings monsters mystics savepoints shopping subterranean timefreeze timelimit trapdisarming traps tutorial ugc walking labelminimizeminimize
Atrinik Atrinik Developer Team2009 2hmeleeweapons archaicweapons axes bludgeons bodyarmor bows capacity-weight charactercreation classbased containers corpselooting crossbows currency currency-split demons dialog-stance dualwielding healthregen-slow hunger inventory jewelry keys knives leveleditor library license-gpl magic magicrings meleeweapons mmog monsters morale optionaltasks polearms pvp rangedweapons realisticranges roguelike scythes sdl shields shopping slings sorcery spears staves swords swordstaffs teleporters throwingknives thrownweapons tutorial unarmedfighting walking whips xp-kills labelminimizesubject
Eschalon: Book II  My Game Company;Basilisk Games (Basilisk Games)2010 adv-ptdistr adv-static amnesia amoeboids animals aspectratio-4-3 automap axes blitzmax bludgeons bodyarmor bows capacity-weight cave characterbackground charactercreation chemistry circadiancycle civilianprotagonist color-16bit color-32bit combatstyles commercial containers criminalactivity customengine damagetypes dark-limited demo desura dialog-sentences discriminatingcustomers disease display-1024x768 doors doors-breakable download dwarves dynamicweather energyitems energyregen energyregen-slow episodic eschalonseries explosiveobjects femaleprotagonist fofindicator forest freeexpansions genderchoice genderdifference ghosts giantanimals giantinsects giantrats giantrodents giantspiders gog graverobbing grid grid-square healingitems healthregen healthregen-slow hunger indie ineptveteran insectoids interactivetriggers interrupting inventory itemdurability itemidentification jewelry keys knives lamp leveluprestoration license-proprietary limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magicrings maleprotagonist meleeweapons mine minimap minotaurs mintlinux monsters music-ambient music-orchestral neutralmonsters nodrm npcgenerators obscuredtime openal opengl optionaltasks outlaws overburdening passive polearms potions pressureplates protagonistnaming pyrokinesis randomdamage randomizedattributes repairing resting ruins saveanywhere scrolls secrets secretsociety shallowwater shopping skeletons sorcery staticresolution stealing stealth stealth-sound steampowered subterranean swords taskfailure tasktracker teleporters thirst thoroughfares thrownweapons titlementioned town toxins trapdisarming traps trespassing ubuntu unarmedfighting undead vandalism variableabilitypower variableactionpower waiting walking weathereffects weefolk wolves x86 xaudio xp-deeds xp-kills zombies labelimageminimize
Frost and Flame  PhysHex Games2011 actionrpg bodyarmor books bows bridge cemetery cpplanguage currency devsyscodeblocks devsyslinux devsyswindows download forest inventory jewelry knives license-cc license-gpl magic magicrings meleeweapons monsters necklaces opengl outdoors plains potions sdl shopping slings sorcery subterranean swords tombstones tower walking wands labelminimizeminimize
Torchlight Runic Games2012 2hmeleeweapons abilitycriticals achievements achievements-public actionrpg adv-ptdistr adv-static amoeboids animateweapons arcanepunk armyofone attrbasedeq automap axes blankprotagonist bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows capacity-slots capacity-stacks cemetery classbased commercial companion containers cpplanguage criticalchance crossbows crystals dandylike demons diablolike difficulty dissolvingcorpses doors download dualwielding dualwielding-asymmetric dungeon dungeoncrawler dwarves elitemobs enemyhealthdisplay energyitems energyregen explosiveobjects fasttravel-points fictionaluniverse firearms fishing fmod gameshield gems giantspiders handguns healingitems humanoidanimals humblebundle imps interactivetriggers inventory inventory-supplies itemgenerator itemglow itemidentification itempickup-auto itempickup-instant itemsets jewelry karmiccreatures keyboard knives knockback levelbasedeq leveleditor leveluprestoration license-crossplatform license-proprietary lighthearted limitedcapacity loot-random lootemup magic magic-held magic-instant magicrings magicweapons mapgenerator meleeweapons mimics mine minimap mode-hardcore modifiable monsters mouse murinoids mutagen neutralnpcs nodrm nofailstate nohealthregen obscurerelease obsoletedassets ogre-engine opengl optionaltasks paperdoll plantcreatures playerprofiles polearms portals precisionrifles presetmaps priceinfo projectilecutoff protagonistnaming pygmies pyrokinesis quickkeys quitsave recallportal restorativegluttony retrypoints rewardingvandalism robots ruins safepowers sauroids sciencefantasy shopping silentprotagonist singlesave skipnoninteractive smalldevicemode socketables sorcery stash stash-shared stationaryattack stylized subterranean subterraneanrealm suicideattackers summoning swords tilebased title-animated titlementioned titularlocale tooltips torchlight-series town transformativecorruption tripeds ubuntu undead unknownpast usc-paid volcanic vorbis walking wands weefolk xp-deeds xp-kills labelminimizeminimize
Aztaka Citeremis2013 14thcentury adv-ptdistr apemen autosavepoints bossbattles cave centauroids city commercial companion damageflicker damageinfo download earth forest giantbeetles giantinsects godlingprotagonist harmfultouch harpies heads healthregen hive indie insectoids jewelry knockback license-proprietary loot-random loot-unexpected magic magicrings meleeweapons mesoamerican-theme mexico minibosses mountain mystics npcspawning obsoletedassets playerprofiles potions ruins savepoints search slowmotion sorcery spears spectres steampowered tropic tumbling ubuntu wetland widescreen xp-kills youngadultprotagonist labelminimizeminimize
Crystal Kingdom author2013 acrobatics automap backstabbing bees bodyarmor bows capacity-toolslots chickens currency diaries download dualwielding fetching giantrats indoors inventory knives limitedcapacity loot-random magic magicrings meleeweapons monsters mp-cooperative noalternatives npcgenerators optionaltasks outdoors premadeprotagonist prospecting quickkeys radar resourceharvesting shopping spawners stealth subterranean swarmers swords throwingstars ubuntu upgrades-abilities upgradesystem wildcardeqslots labelminimizeminimize
Immortal Empire Tactic Studios2013 axes bludgeons bows commercial download free2play grid grid-square group inventory license-proprietary magic magicrings meleeweapons monsters mp-cooperative mp-crossplatform mp-dropin mp-versus polearms pvp sorcery swords treants ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Orcs Must Die! 2 Robot Entertainment2014 actionstrategy activeabilityset announcer caricature chapterreplay chapterreplay-cumulative combobonuses commercial conversion crossbows difficulty download elementals enemyhealthdisplay energyregen envcombat equipment-preselect femaleprotagonist gibs gnolls gore healthdrops jewelry jumping kobolds lava license-proprietary magic magicartefacts magicrings maleprotagonist medieval mode-endless mp-campaign mp-cooperative netranking nplayers ogres opponentpreview orcs orcsmustdie-series paidkilling respec score skeletons sorcery steampowered strangebedfellows suicideattackers tilebased tinyfoes towerdefense trapping trolls undead upgradesystem visionengine walking waves labelminimizeminimize
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition  Beamdog (Overhaul Games)2014 1life 2hmeleeweapons activepause adnd adv-progress adv-ptdistr adv-static autoattack axes backstabbing baldursgate bards basilisks berserkers bhaalspawn bloodlines bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles bows caninoids capacity-slots capacity-stacks castle cemetery charactercreation cheapdeath chickens city classbased classbasedeq companion containers crossbows damagetypes darts derivedstatistics dialog-tree diaries dicemechanics difficulty dnd doors dragons dragons-western dungeon dwarves elves encounters-allies encounters-conditional encounters-literal encounters-moving encounters-neutral encounters-set encounters-unset familiars fantasyworld fatigue femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms genderbender genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders gnolls gnomes goblins godlingprotagonist gog golems group halflings hazardouspowers healthbuffer highfantasy hitchance homingboulders humans ichthyoids identitycrisis imps infinityengine insectoids interactivedialogs inventory inventory-supplies itempickup-instant jewelry karma knives liches limitedcapacity lockpicking lostresources mageslayers magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist medieval meleeweapons mindflayers monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-rejoin multiverse mythmagnet namegenerator native neutralnpcs nonnative npcstunning opengl opengl-2-0 orphanprotagonist playerexposition polearms prematuretaskcompletion prerenderedbackgrounds prophecy protagonistnaming protectioncomplex pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance randomdamage resting river romance rooting ruins sentientartefact sewers shadows shapeshifters shapeshifting sharedsetting shopping slings sorcery spears specieschoice speciespenalty spellbooks spellmemory staves stealth stunning subclassing subterranean summoning swords thesoulless titlementioned tombstones tooltips town traps treetoptown unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist uvl-tiein vampires vendortrash voicechoice voiceovers walking weefolk wildmagic wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-lockpicking xp-shared labelminimizeminimize
Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition  Beamdog (Overhaul Games;Beamdog)2014 1life 2hmeleeweapons activepause adnd adv-progress adv-ptdistr adv-static alcohol autoattack axes backstabbing baldursgate bards basilisks berserkers bhaalspawn bloodlines bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles bows bridgecardgame caninoids capacity-slots capacity-stacks cemetery charactercreation cheapdeath chickens city classbased classbasedeq companion containers crossbows darts dialog-tree diaries dicemechanics dnd doors drunkenness dwarves elves encounters-allies encounters-conditional encounters-literal encounters-moving encounters-neutral encounters-set encounters-unset epigraph eviloverlord fantasyworld fatigue femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms genderbender genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders gnolls gnomes goblins godlingprotagonist gog golems group group-subset halflings hazardouspowers healthbuffer highfantasy hitchance homingboulders humans identitycrisis insectoids interactivedialogs inventory inventory-supplies itempickup-instant jewelry karma knives limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist medieval meleeweapons monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-rejoin mythmagnet namegenerator neutralnpcs npcstunning opengl-2-0 orphanprotagonist playerexposition polearms prematuretaskcompletion prophecy protagonistnaming pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance randomdamage resting river romance rooting ruins sewers sharedsetting shopping slings sorcery spears specieschoice spellbooks spellmemory standingstones staves stealth steampowered stunning subterranean summoning swords titlementioned tombstones town traps unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist uvl-tiein vendortrash voicechoice voiceovers walking weefolk wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-shared labelminimizeminimize
Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition Atari (Overhaul Games)2014 1life 2hmeleeweapons activepause adnd adv-progress adv-ptdistr adv-static axes backstabbing bards basilisks berserkers bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles bows caninoids capacity-slots capacity-stacks charactercreation cheapdeath chickens classbased classbasedeq commercial containers crossbows darts dialog-tree diaries dicemechanics dnd doors download dwarves elves encounters-allies encounters-conditional encounters-literal encounters-moving encounters-neutral encounters-set encounters-unset fantasyworld fatigue femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders gnolls gnomes goblins gog golems group halflings hazardouspowers highfantasy hitchance homingboulders humans insectoids interactivedialogs inventory inventory-supplies itempickup-instant jewelry knives license-proprietary limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist meleeweapons monsters neutralnpcs polearms protagonistnaming pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance randomdamage resting river rooting ruins sharedsetting shopping slings sorcery spears specieschoice spellbooks spellmemory standingstones staves stealth steampowered stunning subterranean summoning swords titlementioned town traps ubuntu unarmedfighting undead uvl-tiein vendortrash voicechoice voiceovers walking weefolk wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-shared labelminimizeminimize
UnEpic author2014 ♫takefive 1life achillesheelfoes acid adv-ptdistr amoeboids antiheroprotagonist automap autosaves-periodic axes backstabbing backtracking bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows burning captives carnivorousplants castle cave cemetery chemistry civilianprotagonist clingers constrainedlocale counselor crafting-sites criticalchance damageinfo damageovertime damagetypes dark demo desura difficulty displacementfiction doors draganddrop dragons edgescroll elementals elevators elves falseending fasttravel-points fauns floatingeyes freezing fromanotherworld gelatinouscubes gems giantants giantgastropods giantinsects giantsnakes giantspiders giantworms goblinoids goblins gog grapplers graverobbing heads healingitems healingstations healthpickups healthwarning hintsystem hitmoderation inbuilttraps indie inventory inventory-supplies invisiblefoes itemgenerator jumping karmiccreatures keys knights knives knockback knockbackwards laboratory ladders lamp library loot-random magic magic-ingredients magicrings mapannotation meleeweapons metagaming metroidvania mine moaifigures monsters mystics necromancers neutralmonsters neutralnpcs nofalldamage nonlinear npcdisarming npchealing npcspawning obsoletedassets optionaltasks orcs pet playerstats polearms portals potions premadeprotagonist pressureplates prison quickkeys recallportal respec rewardingvandalism robots roombased savepoints scientists score secrets sewers sex shallowwater shopping skeletons skillbasedeq sorcery spawners statuseffects stealingnpcs strangebedfellows suicideattackers supportnpcs swords tasktracker teleport teleporting temporarycompanions tentaclecreatures toxins undead undefinedelements volcanic vorbis walking wallcrawlers wands xp-kills ziplines labelminimizeminimize
Worldstone  author2016 2hmeleeweapons actionrpg adv-ptdistr amazons arid armyofone attrbasedeq auras automap axes bludgeons bossbattles bows cacophonicvoice capacity-slots caprinoids chapterreplay chapterreplay-cumulative classbased classlinkedgender cliffhanger containers corpseactions cpplanguage crossbows crossworldcharacters cryokinesis damagetypes dark-limited darkfantasy daylighthorror demonicinvasion demons diablo druids dualwielding dungeon electrokinesis elitemobs endlessconflict energyitems energyregen engineremake ether evilwins fasttravel-points felinoids forest gambling ghosts goblinoids graverobbing hackandslash healing-gradual healingitems healthbuffer heroprotagonist hive humanoidanimals humid insectoids interrupting inventory itemgenerator itemidentification itempickup-instant itemsets javelins jewelry jokelevel jungle leveluprestoration license-gpl3 license-proprietary limitedcapacity loot-random loot-unexpected lootemup magic magicrings manaburn mapgenerator meleeweapons minimap mode-hardcore monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mummies necromancers nontolkienian npcfleeing npcspawning obstacletranslucification oddappliances optionaltasks paladins paperdoll passivesynergy playerexpiration playerprofiles polearms potions premadecharacters presetmaps pve pygmies pyrokinesis quitsave reanimators recallportal recurrence recurrence-character respec restorativegluttony rewardingvandalism ricochetingattacks safezone scrolls scythes selfluminance sequelhook serious shieldbash shopping singlesave skeletons socketables sorcery souljar spears stamina stash staves summoning supportnpcs swords tasktracker taxonomy teleporters theurgy thrownweapons titlementioned titularcharacter tooltips toxins tropic twitch undead unknownpast voiceovers walking wands wasteland xp-deeds xp-kills zombies labelminimizeminimize
Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear  Beamdog2017 1life 2hmeleeweapons activepause adnd adv-progress adv-ptdistr adv-static alcohol autoattack axes backstabbing baldursgate bards basilisks berserkers bhaalspawn bloodlines bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles bows bridgecardgame caninoids capacity-slots capacity-stacks cemetery charactercreation cheapdeath chickens city classbased classbasedeq companion containers crossbows darts dialog-tree diaries dicemechanics dnd doors drm drunkenness dwarves elves encounters-allies encounters-conditional encounters-literal encounters-moving encounters-neutral encounters-set encounters-unset epigraph eviloverlord fantasyworld fatigue femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms genderbender genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders gnolls gnomes goblins godlingprotagonist gog golems group halflings hazardouspowers healthbuffer highfantasy hitchance homingboulders humans identitycrisis insectoids interactivedialogs inventory inventory-supplies itempickup-instant jewelry karma knives limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist medieval meleeweapons monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mythmagnet namegenerator neutralnpcs nodrm npcstunning opengl-2-0 playerexposition polearms prematuretaskcompletion prophecy protagonistnaming pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance randomdamage resting river romance rooting ruins sewers sharedsetting shopping slings sorcery spears specieschoice spellbooks spellmemory standingstones staves stealth steampowered stunning subterranean summoning swords titlementioned tombstones town traps unarmedfighting undead unusualprotagonist uvl-tiein vendortrash voicechoice voiceovers walking weefolk wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-shared labelminimizeminimize
Baldur's Gate III  Beamdog2023 1life 2hmeleeweapons activepause adnd adv-progress adv-ptdistr adv-static autoattack axes backstabbing baldursgate bards basilisks berserkers bludgeons bodyarmor books bossbattles bows caninoids capacity-slots capacity-stacks castle cemetery charactercreation cheapdeath chickens city classbased classbasedeq commercial companion containers crossbows damagetypes darts derivedstatistics dialog-tree dicemechanics difficulty dnd doors download dragons dragons-western dungeon dwarves elves encounters-allies encounters-conditional encounters-literal encounters-moving encounters-neutral encounters-set encounters-unset familiars fantasyworld fatigue femaleprotagonist fictionaluniverse forest forgottenrealms genderbender genderchoice giantinsects giantspiders gnolls gnomes goblins golems group halflings hazardouspowers healthbuffer highfantasy hitchance homingboulders humans ichthyoids identitycrisis imps insectoids interactivedialogs inventory inventory-supplies itempickup-instant jewelry karma knives license-proprietary liches limitedcapacity lockpicking lostresources mageslayers magic magic-delayed magic-somatic magic-verbal magicrings maleprotagonist medieval meleeweapons mindflayers monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative mp-rejoin multiverse mythmagnet namegenerator neutralnpcs npcstunning orphanprotagonist polearms prerenderedbackgrounds protagonistnaming pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance randomdamage resting river rooting ruins sentientartefact sewers shadows shapeshifters shapeshifting sharedsetting shopping slings sorcery spears specieschoice speciespenalty spellbooks spellmemory staves stealth steampowered stunning subclassing subterranean summoning swords titlementioned tombstones tooltips town traps unarmedfighting undead uvl-tiein vampires voicechoice voiceovers walking weefolk wildmagic wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-lockpicking xp-shared labelminimizeminimize