showing 17 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdescription
Duke Nukem Atomic Edition 3D Realms ( 1life 21stcentury airducts alieninvasion aliens apartmentbuilding armyofone automap bathroom bombs buildengine captives city city-losangeles-ca clingers cryogenicweapons destructibleitems difficulty doors download dukenukem elevators energyweapons explosiveobjects extraterrestrial firearms firstpersonshooter flood freelook freezing future gamesrepublic gore graphicdeaths handguns heroic heroprotagonist hitscan humor-dark humor-toilet interspecificconflict invasion inventory jumping jumppack license-gpl licensechange lighthearted luna machineguns macho monsters moon mp-dm multibarrelguns mutants naturaldisasters redlightdistrict remotedetonators rockets ruins screenshake shotguns shrinker spacestation suidoids theatre thx-1138 titularcharacter walking labelminimizeminimize
Enemy Lines 8  author? enelin firstpersonshooter license-proprietary moon opengl robots rogueai sdl spacecraft-small terraindeformation labelminimizeminimize
Final Doom id Software (TeamTNT)? 1life 22ndcentury aimassist alone attractmode automap backtracking clanguage claymation cloakednpcs commercial demonicinvasion demons doom-series doomwad download earth elevators energyweapons femaleprotagonist findexit firearms firstpersonshooter genderchoice gog healthpickups hitscan idtech1 io license-proprietary lutris maleprotagonist megacorps middleprojection militantprotagonist monsters moon mp-dm nojumping noreloading npcstrife oopitems plasmaweapons powerups randomdamage rehash rockets rotaryguns sciencefantasy secrets serious shotguns singlegender spawners splatter walking walkingarmory labelminimizeminimize
Moon Lander Magigames? debian extraterrestrial landing langinsignificant license-gpl luna moon ubuntu x86 labelminimizeminimize
lunar lander clone author1989 cpplanguage extraterrestrial landing luna moon sdl labelminimizeminimize
xlander author1992 darkspace extraterrestrial fuel landing langinsignificant latemodernperiod luna moon naturalistic spacecraft spacecraft-small spaceflight x11 labelminimizeminimize
Linux SVGALIB Doom id Software1994 22ndcentury acquiesceport attractmode claymation demonicinvasion demons doom-series firstpersonshooter hell militantprotagonist moon plasmaweapons platformreference id didn't skip too many platforms with DOOM. This is one of their official Linux ports. It is shareware, you'll need a full version of DOOM (from another platform) to use it.

Doom was the first proprietary and commercial game for Linux. However, as it required being downloaded after purchasing another version, it is not a store-shelf product nor is it of any commercial value whatsoever. For those that bought Doom to play it on Linux, this game generated additional sales for DOS (or whatever version was purchased). It was succeeded by [gameid=#80673]Inner Worlds[/game] which was packaged with the DOS version of that game. [game=#50321]Civilization: Call to Power published by Loki Entertainment[/game]would eventually become the first Linux game on store shelves that was not packaged in a product for another operating system.
Linux X Doom  id Software1994 22ndcentury acquiesceport attractmode claymation demonicinvasion demons doom-series firstpersonshooter hell militantprotagonist moon plasmaweapons id didn't skip too many platforms with DOOM. This is another one of their official Linux ports. Works in X-windows. It's shareware, you'll need a full version of DOOM (from another platform) to use it.
The Ultimate Doom  Aauthor (author)1995 1life 22ndcentury aimassist alone anticipatorystockpiles attractmode automap backtracking chainreactions clanguage claymation cloakednpcs demonicinvasion demons doom-series doomwad download elevators energyweapons explosiveobjects fatties femaleprotagonist findexit firearms firstpersonshooter genderchoice gore graphicdeaths handguns heads healthpickups hell hellscape hitscan idtech1 keys lutris maleprotagonist megacorps middleprojection monsters moon mp-dm nojumping npcstrife oopitems plasmaweapons possessed powerups randomdamage rehash rockets rotaryguns sciencefantasy secrets secrets-levels serious shotguns spawners splatter telefrag teleporters walking walkingarmory labelminimizeminimize
Boom TeamTNT1998 allegro anticipatorystockpiles attractmode cpu-486 demonicinvasion demons findexit firstpersonshooter hell joystick license-gpl megacorps militantprotagonist moon mouse oopitems plasmaweapons x86 labelminimizeminimize
LxDoom author1998 1life 22ndcentury aimassist alone anticipatorystockpiles armyofone attractmode backtracking bodyarmor chainreactions cheatcodes clanguage claymation cloakednpcs demonicinvasion demons devsyslinux display-1024x768 display-320x200 display-320x240 display-400x300 display-512x384 display-640x480 display-800x600 display-960x600 doom-series doomwad doors dualcontroller dualjoystick elevators energyweapons everyonesdead explosiveobjects fatties femaleprotagonist findexit firearms firstpersonshooter genderchoice gore graphicdeaths heads healthpickups hell hitscan idtech1 joystick keyboard keys linux-2-0 maleprotagonist megacorps middleguns middleprojection militantprotagonist monsters moon mouse mp-dm multiinstance namelessprotagonist noingameintro nojumping noreloading npcstrife nplayers oopitems oss pillarbox plasmaweapons possessed powerups rocketjumping rockets rotaryguns sciencefantasy secrets secrets-levels serious shotguns singlegender spawners splatter spu-pcspeaker svgalib tcpip walking walkingarmory x11 labelminimizeminimize
DRL  author2005 1life adv-perks ammomagazines blindmode bodyarmor capacity-slots chainreactions chainsaw challenges colorblind damagetypes demons destructibleenvironment dualwielding dungeon enemyhealthdisplay energyweapons explosiveobjects fangame femaleprotagonist firearms fmod genderchoice healingitems healthpickups idlenoise inventory itemsets knives legaldisputes license-cc license-gpl licensechange limitedcapacity lineofsight lua machineguns maleprotagonist mapgenerator militantprotagonist mode-challenge modifiable moon npcfriendlyfire npcinventory permadeath plasmaweapons possessed powertools powerups premadeprotagonist presetmaps protagonistnaming quitsave randomdamage reload-manual rockets roguelike save-suspend savepoints sciencefantasy sdl selectivefire shotguns unarmedfighting unloading uvl-searchelp uvl-workingtitle walking x86-32 x86-64 xp-kills "Doom" is not a word in the Webster's dictionary anymore. It is in fact owned by Zenimax who sued Webster's and the people behind DoomRL for using the word. Which is why it is "DRL" now.

Zenimax took this action seemingly because one of the developers of DoomRL created an unrelated roguelike called "Jupiter Hell" and solicited investors on Kickstarter. And Webster's because they sell dictionaries.***Latest version: (as of 2010-03-24)
OpenLander author2008 extraterrestrial landing license-gpl linux luna moon pythonlanguage soya3d labelminimizeminimize
Lunar Lander author2008 cpplanguage extraterrestrial landing moon opengl sdl uvl-confusable labelimageminimize
Descent  author (Parallax Software;author)2010 6dof alone atlastmoment callisto captives commercial debian descent descent-engine desura doors energyweapons europa firstpersonshooter future indoors io license-contradictory license-gpl3 license-proprietary licensechange lives machineguns map-3d mercenaryprotagonist missionbased moon opengl robots rockets sdl sequence-timed serious sourcecodeavailable spacecraft-small ubuntu widescreen x86 x86-64 In the year 2012 the Post Terran Mining Company (PTMC) has used save labor to create automated mines on 15 planets and moons of the solar system. The mistreated slaves have rebelled, killed their masters, and claimed the mines as their homes. PTMC hires you to invade these newly claimed homes and perpetrate genocide.

Shoot the robot monsters!***This was a commercially available proprietary game. The source code was later released under the GPL (and proprietary and Public Domain, in other words a proprietary license) but the content remains definitively proprietary.

Mines throughout the solar system have been taken over by the robots built to mine them. Humans have been killed or imprisoned in the mines. It seems to be caused by some sort of computer virus. The owning company has hired a mercenary to rescue the surviving prisoners and destroy the main reactor in each mine, thus destroying the infected robots.
Shoot the robots, get power ups, find the keys, find the reactor, rescue the humans, destroy the reactor, escape the exploding mine.

Any commercial version of Descent can be played on Linux using either the D1X, D2X, DXX-Rebirth, or D2X-XL engines. Yes, That includes the [game=&ftag=descent&fplat=3]PlayStation version[/game]. These are all considered source-ports. All aspects except for movies from the Mac version are preserved. The graphics are enhanced through OpenGL, any resolution, and proper widescreen options. D2X-XL also adds modes, difficulty levels, multiplayer options, graphics effects, faster or slower options, weapons enhancements, massive level design improvements (multiple boss robots can work as a team, robots can carry keys and switches), and an extensive help menu.[spoiler= ; ][/spoiler]

The source code license can be read [url=]here[/url]. It is a fully proprietary license that permits anything except commercial use. The media headline "released Descent's source code (version 1.5) to the public domain for noncommercial purposes." Is totally $#!@&%, as "public domain" prohibits having any restrictions, including non-commercial. The original media remains fully proprietary as well.
Lander: Mission Control Budgie Games2013 caveflying commercial download extraterrestrial fuel lava license-proprietary luna moon mp-cooperative score serious spaceflight ubuntu unity-engine labelminimizeminimize
Duke Nukem 3D  Apogee Software (3D Realms)2014 1life 21stcentury airducts alieninvasion aliens apartmentbuilding armyofone automap bathroom bombs buildengine captives censored city city-losangeles-ca clingers commercial cryogenicweapons destructibleitems difficulty display-vesa doors download dukenukem elevators energyweapons explosiveobjects extraterrestrial firearms firstpersonshooter flood freelook freezing future gamesrepublic gog gore graphicdeaths handguns heroic heroprotagonist hitscan humor-dark humor-toilet impossiblegeometry interspecificconflict invasion inventory jumping jumppack license-gpl license-proprietary licensechange lighthearted luna lutris machineguns macho monsters moon mp-dm multibarrelguns mutants naturaldisasters nonnative noreloading quake realisticshotguns redlightdistrict remotedetonators rockets ruins screenshake shotguns shrinker spacefaringage spacestation suidoids techinnovation ten-service theatre thx-1138 titularcharacter twitchshooter ubuntu walking walkingarmory labelminimizeminimize