showing 11 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Fish Fillets -  ALTAR interactive2004 labelminimizeminimize
Fish Fillets - The Next Generation  ALTAR interactive2004A slower paced, but humorous puzzle game.
Packages available for Debian, Red Hat, FreeBSD, Mandriva, Gentoo, Fedora Core, SUSE, and NetBSD

This game is difficult. ALTAR held a 1 year contest, the goal was to find the fastest and most efficient solutions to all the puzzle. At the end of 1 year, only 7 people out of 5,000 copies had finished the game at all.
Fall of Imiryn  author2007 labelimageminimize
Open Surge  Open Sonic Team2008Gimacian the Dark wants to bring darkness to the world. He's kidnapping animals a perpetrating industrial havoc on Sunshine Paradise.
Surge the Rabbit, Neon the Squirrel, and Charge the Badger Battle Gimacian and his underling Sharp the spikey thingy (could be a porcupine, echidna, or *GASP* a hedgehog). Surge, Neon, and Charge must cooperate to undo the damaged caused by Gimacian and Sharp and rescue their victims in this warp speed hop'n'bop with puzzle elements.

Note, older version of the game were an advanced Sonic the Hedgehog clone.
Fish Fillets Clone author2011 labelminimizeminimize
Fish vs. Crabs  Swift Creek Games2013 labelminimizeminimize
Octodad: Dadliest Catch  Young Horses2014 labelminimizeminimize
Above The Waves Cheeseness2015 labelminimizeminimize
Atari Vault Atari (Code Mystics)2016Various trademarks have been changed or removed from many of the games such as "Indy 500" and "Snoopy". labelimageminimize
Coloropus PigselsTBA labelminimizeminimize
Underworld Ascendant Otherside EntertainmentTBA labelimageminimize