showing 5 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Legend of Grimrock Almost Human Games2012 labelimageminimize
Starsector  Fractal Softworks2013[media=youtube]xJMf8gA86IQ[/media] labelminimizeminimize
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings  Namco Bandai Games (CD Projekt)2014Initially provided the Windows version of this game bundle with WINE. As of 2014, september 5th, a native Linux version is available. labelminimizeminimize
The Witcher III: Wild Hunt  CD Projekt (CD Projekt RED)2015 labelminimizeminimize
Kerbal Space Program  Squad;Take-Two Interactive (Squad)2015Tag notes.
Accepting a contract that gives an advance does not even suggest to the player that using that money elsewhere is always unethical and also nearly always illegal. In fact, there is no enforcement; cancellation, completion, or failure of the contract and modification of reputation, science points, and/or funds are the only rules. This makes embezzlement very easy and useful with no consequences (should the contract be fulfilled on time using replacement funds) to the game or the conscience of the protagonist or the actual player (unless the player knows about real embezzlement. Many children and some adults do not, or won't recognize when they are doing it in the game).

An extreme example of locationaldamage in the game would be having a only center connecting part of a rocket explode due to heat from reentry friction. The remaining two rocket parts could continue falling undamaged. They could each land safely if they each had antiquate parachutes or a functioning command module and fueled engine to land softly. The two parts could even reconnect into a sing craft if equipped with compatible docking ports (and if a skillful player could align them _during reentry_).