showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagspop.
Ultima VII: The Black Gate  author (Origin)2001 ♫flightofthebumblebee ♫rulebritannia 3.5disk alcohol aliens apples axes ballistics bees blackpearls bludgeons bows capacity-stacks capacity-volume capacity-weight captives carts cdrom chapel cheese chosenone city cooking cpplanguage crafting crates crteffects dancepad demons domesticcats download drills-rig drugs engineremake eviloverlord femaleprotagonist fictionalelement firearms firearms-early forest fromanotherworld garlic genderchoice giantinsects goldbars goldnuggets group group-subset hypocrites ineptveteran jewelry juggernauts knives lagomorphs license-gpl license-proprietary limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magicrings magicweapons mandriva meleeweapons mice monsters multipleendings npcschedules nudism opengl otherworld parrots pirates polearms present prostitutes pumpkin refwizardofoz riding ruins sdl seamlessworld sheep shopping sorcery subterranean svgalib swords thrownweapons town trash ubuntu ultima ultima7-engine ultimaageofarmageddon unicorns virtualglitching whips willowisps x11 x86 x86-64 xp-deeds xp-kills
Link to Tortuga Freedom2005 17thcentury actionadventure birds bossbattles dataonly did earth parrots pirates realworld rescue secrets swords ubuntu zeldaclassicengine
Starship Titanic  Nightdive Studios; Completely Unexpected Productions (The Digital Village)2018 birds clickadventure nonnative parrots robots spookitalkengine