showing 26 - 75 of 340 gameschevron_leftchevron_right

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yeartags
Bard's Gold author2015 commercial customengine desura download indie indoors license-proprietary steampowered subterranean ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
BARE BONES  author2017 dungeon subterranean tic80 labelminimizeminimize
Basement HalfbusTBA commercial download license-proprietary steampowered subterranean ubuntu unity-engine labelminimizeminimize
Battlepaths Digerati Distribution (Key17 Games)2014 combatmode commercial download indoors license-proprietary monsters obscurerelease opengl outdoors steampowered subterranean ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
BDASH University of North Carolina1993 boulderdashlike digging subterranean labelminimizeminimize
Beast Lords NintendoTBA achillesheelfoes bossbattles disappearingplatforms fantasyworld fictionaluniverse flatterrain humanoidprotagonist indevelopment inventory jumping magic meleeweapons monsters serious subterranean swords walking labelminimizeminimize
Blocaria  author2014 commercial constructionpuzzle crafting customengine desura download indie license-proprietary monsters subterranean labelminimizeminimize
BoboBot New Breed Software1999 bossbattles clanguage download earth egyptian-theme harmfultouch jumping langinsignificant license-gpl lives mandriva monsters movingplatforms mummies primateprotagonist redhat robotprotagonist robots sdl secrets sparc subterranean swimming ubuntu walking x11 x86 labelimageminimize
Boulder Dash author? boulderdashlike digging subterranean labelminimizeminimize
Boulderdash BD4 author? boulderdashlike digging subterranean labelminimizeminimize
Bridge Constructor Headup Games (ClockStone STUDIO)2013 bridge canyon commercial constructing constructionpuzzle customengine download explosives humblebundle jumping langchinesesimpl langchinesetrad langturkish license-proprietary limitedsupplies lutris missionbased naturalistic physics realistic river sandbox shadermodel2 steampowered structuresupports subterranean trucks ubuntu wasteland x86 labelminimizeminimize
Bridge Constructor Medieval Headup Games (ClockStone STUDIO)2014 bridge canyon commercial constructing constructionpuzzle customengine download explosives humblebundle jumping langchinesesimpl langchinesetrad langturkish license-proprietary limitedsupplies missionbased naturalistic physics realistic river sandbox shadermodel2 steampowered structuresupports subterranean trucks ubuntu x86 labelminimizeminimize
Bridge Constructor Playground Headup Games (ClockStone STUDIO)2015 bridge canyon commercial constructing constructionpuzzle customengine download explosives humblebundle jumping langchinesesimpl langchinesetrad langturkish license-proprietary limitedsupplies missionbased naturalistic physics realistic river sandbox shadermodel2 steampowered structuresupports subterranean trucks ubuntu x86 labelminimizeminimize
BS Zelda author2015 achillesheelfoes actionadventure amoeboids ancientenemy autosavepoints bombs bossbattles bows cartoon cemetery currency dataonly did doors fangame fantasyworld fictionaluniverse forest foundmaps gunblades heads healingstations healthwarning humanoidprotagonist illequipped inventory inventory-indisposable keys lethalobjects limitedcapacity meleeweapons monsters mountain rescue rewardingvandalism ruins secrets serious shopping stereo stonemen stunning subterranean swords trees unlicensed upgrades-abilities upgrades-health upgrades-other upgrades-permanent walking wasteland watercraft-small zelda-universe zeldaclassicengine labelimagesubject
Camelot Warriors El Remake  author2007 arthurianmyth fenixlang harmfultouch medieval meleeweapons monsters oopitems subterranean swords underwaterdiving walking labelminimizeminimize
Cargo Games author2010 mollusk subterranean labelminimizeminimize
Cave Story  Studio Pixel2007 amnesia androidprotagonist controllablehelplessness deadlydecor difficultyspike dragons evilgenius flyingislands flyingjellyfish friendshipbeatdown jokeitems leporoids magic metroidvania multipleendings mystics retro robotprotagonist robots sdl silentprotagonist slavery subterranean town ubuntu labelimageminimize
Cave Story+ Nicalis (Studio Pixel;Nicalis)2011 amnesia androidprotagonist commercial controllablehelplessness deadlydecor desura difficulty-punishing difficultyspike download dragons earlyending enhanced flyingislands friendshipbeatdown humblebundle jokeitems leporoids license-crossplatform license-proprietary magic metroidvania multipleendings nodrm projectilelimit robotprotagonist robots sciencefantasy silentprotagonist slavery subterranean walking weaponkickback labelminimizeminimize
CAVEZ of PHEAR author2003 boulderdashlike claiming clanguage digging explosives grid grid-square leveleditor license-gpl license-gpl3 licensechange lives monsters ncurses score subterranean tilebased walking x86 x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
Chaos Caverns Dan's Remakes? asphyxiation claiming cpplanguage disappearingplatforms falldamage harmfultouch instantdeath lives score subterranean timelimit walking labelminimizeminimize
Chasm Bit Kid2018 actionadventure adv-static aircontrol amoeboids automap bossbattles bossmeter commercial crowdfunded damageinfo deadlydecor demo difficulty download elevators explosiveobjects floatingeyes gianteyeball harmfultouch healingitems healthpickups humblestore humblewidget interactivetriggers inventory keys ladders leveluprestoration license-proprietary lutris magic mapgenerator meleeweapons metroidvania militantprotagonist mine monsters movingplatforms netframework npcgenerators npcspawning oneeyedcreatures outdoors permadeath pixelated retro rewardingvandalism shopping sorcery subterranean town traproom trivialresearch ubuntu underwaterdiving walking xp-kills labelminimizesubject
ClassiCube ClassiCube Team2019 bizarreenvironments blockbased blocky buildingdesigning city commercial constructing crafting destructibleenvironment destructibleworld download exploration flatterrain forest indie license-proprietary linux lowpoly mapgenerator openworld openworldsurvivalcrafting resourceharvesting resourceprocessing roughterrain sandbox steampowered subterranean terraindeformation tilebased undefinedelements undirected walking wilderness labelminimizeminimize
Clonk Rage RedWolf Design2007 aerostat autosavepoints bartering birds burning burrowers carts catapults chainreactions clonkseries crafting demo digging elevators explosives fog gold group hotairballoons humans inventory jumping license-proprietary licensechange liquidphysics mapgenerator mine minecarts mountain naturalistic playerprofiles prospecting resourceharvesting sailing saveanywhere shopping snakes sourcecodeavailable subterranean swimming tutorial ubuntu underwater underwaterdiving walking watercraft watercraft-small weather windmills wintery labelimagesubject
Codex of Victory AKPublish (Ino-Co Plus)2016 commercial download grid grid-hex indie indoors license-proprietary outdoors steampowered subterranean ubuntu labelminimizeminimize
Colossal Cave Adventure - Icicle Edition author2016 clickadventure dialog-keywords download dwarves earth elves freelook indie interactivefiction kentucky magic-rare northamerica quitsave subterranean trolls usa walking weefolk x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
Concave author2012 capacity-slots capacity-toolslots hackandslash inventory license-gpl limitedcapacity magic mapgenerator outdoors subterranean labelminimizeminimize
Cornerstone: The song of Tyrim author2016 actionadventure alphafunding bludgeons castle chargedattack commercial crowdfunded desura download enemyhealthdisplay forest free gog indie indoors interactivetriggers inventory license-proprietary meleeweapons metroidvania monsters openworld outdoors secrets steampowered subterranean swimming swords ubuntu unity-engine walking wasteland watercraft labelminimizeminimize
Crust Nordic Mobile Labs2012 artillery caveflyer caveflying commercial debian demo destructibleenvironment difficulty download energyweapons healthpickups langinsignificant license-proprietary naturalistic overheating pixelterrain spacecraft subterranean tractorbeams ubuntu unlimitedammo weaponkickback x86 x86-64 labelimageminimize
Crypt of the NecroDancer Brace Yourself Games2015 1life alphafunding automap bombs chiroptera commercial currency dancepad defensebreaking destructibleworld difficulty digging download dragons dungeoncrawler enemyhealthdisplay femaleprotagonist firearms-early fungus-mushrooms gamepad giantanimals glowingeyes gog grid grid-square keyboard knives license-proprietary lineofsight lives loot-random meleeweapons minimap monsters mouse music-custom music-edm music-theme netranking nodrm nosaves permadeath realtimecombat retro roguelike screenshake shopping skeletons steampowered stonecreatures subterranean swords tactical upgrades-permanent upgradesystem labelminimizeminimize
Crypt of the NecroDancer: AMPLIFIED Brace Yourself Games2016 1life alphafunding automap bombs chiroptera commercial currency dancepad defensebreaking destructibleworld difficulty digging download dragons dungeoncrawler enemyhealthdisplay femaleprotagonist firearms-early fungus-mushrooms gamepad giantanimals glowingeyes gog grid grid-square keyboard knives license-proprietary lineofsight lives loot-random meleeweapons minimap monsters mouse music-custom music-edm music-theme netranking nodrm nosaves permadeath realtimecombat retro roguelike screenshake shopping skeletons steampowered stonecreatures subterranean swords tactical upgrades-permanent upgradesystem labelminimizeminimize
Cryptrover author2008 asphyxiation clanguage escape healingitems license-gpl naturalistic roguelike spiders subterranean labelminimizeminimize
Crystal Kingdom author2013 acrobatics automap backstabbing bees bodyarmor bows capacity-toolslots chickens currency diaries download dualwielding fetching giantrats indoors inventory knives limitedcapacity loot-random magic magicrings meleeweapons monsters mp-cooperative noalternatives npcgenerators optionaltasks outdoors premadeprotagonist prospecting quickkeys radar resourceharvesting shopping spawners stealth subterranean swarmers swords throwingstars ubuntu upgrades-abilities upgradesystem wildcardeqslots labelminimizeminimize
Cube Trains author2012 constructionpuzzle deb railway subterranean labelminimizesubject
D2X-Rebith  author2010 6dof armcpu captives cpplanguage debian descent drone firstpersonshooter indoors license-gpl3 license-proprietary licensechange map-3d mercenaryprotagonist opengl physfs robots sdl subterranean swrender ubuntu vorbis x86 x86-64 labelimageminimize
Dark Quest Brain Seal Entertainment2013 axes commercial crates doors download dwarves fogofwar goblinoids gridmove group humanprotagonist humans keys license-proprietary lineofsight magic meleeweapons mummies mystics orcs recruiting skeletons sorcery subterranean swords tilebased town traps ubuntu undead labelminimizesubject
Dawning entropixel2013 backtracking commercial desura doors download grid-visible indie indoors inventory jumping keys ladders langinsignificant license-proprietary limitedpalette loveframework movingplatforms nodrm opengl outdoors pixelated subterranean walking labelminimizeminimize
Deadly Rooms of Death RPG: Tendry's Tale  Manifesto Games (Caravel Games)2008 adv-objects automap autosavepoints bonusstages commercial currency demo download drod gog gore healingitems humanoidprotagonist insects interactivetriggers keys leveleditor license-proprietary light meleeweapons monsters scavenging secrets shields steampowered subterranean swords tutorial ubuntu uvl-searchelp walking labelimageminimize
Deity Quest Fancy Fish Games2014 abilitydependencies angels apples bees beholders centaurs chiroptera citybuilding commercial customengine deities demons desura download dragons elves fae femaleprotagonist fungi genderchoice ghosts godlingprotagonist group-subset indoors insects license-proprietary magic maleprotagonist outdoors potions recruiting sauroids shopping spiders steampowered subterranean ubuntu undead upgrades-abilities upgradesystem labelminimizeminimize
Deliantra author2001 angels ants automap bees beholders birds bludgeons bows builders castle charactercreation chickens chiroptera circadiancycle classbased cpplanguage crafting crossbows demons disease dwarves elves energycreatures fantasyworld femaleprotagonist flyingislands fogofwar genderchoice ghosts giantspiders goblinoids goblins grid grid-square healthregen-moderate hunger interactivepurgatory inventory keys lineofsight magic maleprotagonist mmog monsters opengl pirates potions rats religion safepowers sheep shopping similliteracy sorcery spiders sprites stealing subterranean summoning swords swrender thieves tileblending toxins traps tutorial ubuntu undead upgradesystem vampires walking weaponcustomization weaponupgrades weefolk x86 x86-32 x86-64 xp-literal labelimageminimize
Delver Priority Interrupt2018 amoeboids blood bodyarmor bows chiroptera commercial currency dark dissolvingcorpses doors download dungeon dungeoncrawler firstpersonshooter floatingeyes giantinsects giantspiders gibs humans hunger indie indoors inventory java keys knives ladders license-proprietary magic malfunctioning mapgenerator meleeweapons mystics opengl opengl-2-0 outdoors permadeath physics pixelated potions randomstartgear retro roguelite skeletons skulls spiders splatter steampowered subterranean swimming swords ubuntu undead wands worms labelminimizeminimize
Demon Master Chris  Nyaatrap;MangaGamer (Nyaatrap)2013 commercial demo download eroge homosexuals license-proprietary magic nudity opengl renpy subterranean ubuntu x86 x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
Descent II  author? 6dof captives cpplanguage debian descent desura drone firstpersonshooter indoors license-contradictory license-gpl3 license-proprietary licensechange map-3d mercenaryprotagonist opengl physfs robots sdl subterranean swrender ubuntu vorbis x86 labelimagesubject
Digger Remastered AJ Software (Windmill Software)1998 clanguage digging langinsignificant riscos sdl subterranean ubuntu uvl-platform-limitation walking labelminimizeminimize
Ditchers Blaf? digging sdl subterranean tank tanks labelminimizeminimize
Double Dash author2004 boulderdashlike digging langinsignificant license-lgpl subterranean labelminimizeminimize
Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tome of Ice Muteki Corporation (Choice Provisions)2016 adv-static amoeboids axes bizarrecreatures bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles captives castle chiroptera classbased combatmode commercial customengine download dragons encounters-random fantasyworld fictionaluniverse floatingeyes forest ghosts giantinsects giantscorpions group humans illequipped indie inventory knives license-proprietary magic meleeweapons menus merfolk monsters mystics nunchucks openal opengl pirates retro robots ruins sharks shields shopping skeletons sorcery staves steampowered subterranean swords tombstones town toxins ubuntu undead unicorns walking watercraft werewolves wolves xp-kills zombies labelminimizeminimize
Dragon Fantasy: The Volumes of Westeria Muteki Corporation (Choice Provisions)2013 adv-static amoeboids axes bizarrecreatures bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles captives castle chiroptera classbased combatmode commercial customengine download dragons encounters-random fantasyworld fictionaluniverse floatingeyes forest ghosts giantinsects giantscorpions group humans illequipped inventory knives license-proprietary magic meleeweapons menus merfolk monsters mystics nunchucks pirates retro ruins sharks shields shopping skeletons sorcery staves steampowered subterranean swords tombstones town toxins ubuntu undead unicorns walking watercraft werewolves wolves xp-kills zombies labelminimizesubject
Dragon Hunt  author? 1life ants gentoo giantinsects insects inventory meleeweapons monsters otherworld potions pygame pythonlanguage saveanywhere shopping snakes spiders subterranean swords town ubuntu walking labelimageminimize
Dragon Warrior 64 UniKorn ProDucKions2020 adv-perks adv-static alternatefailures amoeboids animateobjects axes bizarrecreatures blankprotagonist bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles captives chiroptera combatmode dragons encounters-random encounters-set encounters-unseen forest ghosts giantscorpions healthregen inventory knights langearlymodernenglish lightbridges meleeweapons menus monsters mystics neutralnpcs noalternatives playerprofiles premadeprotagonist protagonistnaming qb64 ruins shopping skeletons sorcery sourcecodeavailable subterranean swords town toxins ubuntu undead walking werewolves wolves xp-kills zombies labelminimizesubject
Dreams of Yesterday author2004 achillesheelfoes actionadventure amoeboids boomerangs bossbattles bows chosenone currency dataonly doors download fangame forest free2play giantfungi humanoidprotagonist interactivefiction inventory keys ladders license-proprietary meleeweapons monsters mountain mycoids noncanon outdoors rewardingvandalism secrets shopping subterranean swords traproom ubuntu walking zeldaclassicengine labelminimizeminimize
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