showing 31 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame typedescription
BatClient  Balanced Alternative Techniques ry?action/reflex role-play Fantasy labelminimizeminimize
UO/Linux  author?role-play Fantasy UO/Linux is project that is both an unofficial client for Ultima Online and a server for UO clones and other homebrew games.

It is worth noting that shortly after the initial release of Ultima Online, the server portion of the game was ported to Unix and an as of yet undisclosed database system in an attempt to eliminate technical, reliability, stability, scalability issues of their cluster of Solaris servers, Oracle Enterprise Database, and the unexpected rapid growth to 100,000 players. This was done on-the-fly without time to plan it well. Many early gameplay changes were thought to be reactionary to the numerous social based problems that manifested. However, the majority of these changes were actually a result of getting the server being ported as quickly as possible. As time past, the servers migrated again, but with more careful planning. By 2003 UO was running exclusively on Red Hat Linux. The open-sourceness of Linux allow Electronic Arts to make changes to their server software to fix problems rather than making changes in the game that would be noticed by players. After 2003 three, all changes were gameplay driven rather than technical workarounds. Since 2003 a variety of Linux distros have been used on various servers but Red Hat remains the majority solution. The database software used is unknown but most certainly is one of the Linux database solutions that allowed for snapshotting in 2005. Since EA has made contributions to Red Hat for the purposes of improving their product, it seems likely they would also choose an open source solution for their database.
Second Life Linden Research2003role-play Client source code can be obtained from here:
Dwarf Fortress  Bay 12 Games2006simulation manag./econ. strategy adventure role-play Fantasy labelminimizeminimize
EVE Online CCP Games2007simulation role-play Science Fiction Initially the company invested the time and expense of creating a native Linux port and collected a set of Linux users for their investment. But they decided to waste that effort, ditching their Linux port and their hard earned Linux customers by throwing WINE in their face.***[b]Minimum:[/b]
* 32 or 64 bit Ubuntu 7.04 or higher, Linspire 6 or higher, OpenSuSE 10.2 or higher
* 2.6.20 or newer kernel
* XFree86 4.0
* 1.1 GHz CPU
* 512 MB RAM
* 64 MB VRAM
* 6 GB HD space

* XFree86 4.3 or Xorg
* 1.5 GHz CPU
* 1 GB RAM
* ALSA soundcard
Minetest  author2010platformer role-play Minetest provides a simple single player and multiplayer experience by default. But it is really considered a base for world creators to build upon. Fortunately once minetest is up an running, you can connect to servers offering more complex gameplay. labelminimizeminimize
Minecraft Mojang2011role-play Fantasy Cartoon [media=youtube]oG8ar_ieu7Y[/media]***GPL license is likely wrongly applied to this:
[quote]Do not distribute anything I've made. This includes the client and the server software for the game. This also includes modified versions of anything I've made.[/quote] source: [url][/url]

Also on the former DRM tag:
[quote]Once you've bought the game, it's yours. No DRM.[/quote] source: [url][/url]***Unlike the Windows and Mac versions, the Linux version is distributed as plain Java runtime (.jar archive) which is not Linux specific at all and can be run on any other platform with Java VM.***Go prospecting for materials to build game world bricks and more advanced items (such as minecarts). Fend off enemy creatures. Also grow crops if you like.***Online play is free, offline play requires purchasing online play. The game is GPL and source code is freely available (so paying is not strictly required for anyone who modifies and compiles the code themselves. This is perfectly legal, though somewhat inconvenient)
Harvest: Massive Encounter Oxeye Games2012strategy Fantasy labelminimizeminimize
KUB Xenddorf2013role-play Fantasy Cartoon labelminimizeminimize
SteamWorld Dig: A Fist full of Dirt Image&Form2013platformer Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize
Generic Space Shooter LionSword2014shooter Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize
Infinite Pixels Somniare2014shooter flight role-play Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize
You Have To Win The Game Minor Key Games2014platformer labelminimizeminimize
Voxelands  Darkrose Community2014platformer role-play A fork of Minetest with minimal system requirements and a tighter focus on a complete end-product.

Minimum requirements:
CPU: Pentium 1
Internet speed: 14.4KB (for online multiplayer)

Recommended requirements:
CPU: Dual Core
Video: OpenGL & GPL Drivers (Legacy Intel included)
Internet speed: 128k (for online multiplayer)
Goat Simulator Coffee Stain Studios (Icculus)2014simulation Humorous labelminimizeminimize
Mountain Double Fine (author)2014simulation role-play Fantasy The announcement
[media=youtube]FpObFKcyLJ8[/media]***At first I read the information on the web about this game and it sounded as if it a neglected niche market that was before tamagochi players and after pet rock owners. I figured a 16K UHD (8640p) 48 inch Electrophoretic Color Display (when these became affordable) framed and hung in my living room would be the best place for it.
However, after seeing [url=]David OReilly's presentation[/url] I realized the product has interaction, there are features to unlock, causes to effect. It is on the outside definition of a game. But it is still more of a game than [game=#162665]Narcissu[/game] (which is often accepted as such). And it's minimally subversive (kind of an artistic necessity). I couldn't tell you exactly what, but this guy has probably started something at least as noteworthy as [game=#19073]Kings Quest[/game], [game=#34]Centipede[/game], [game=#173178]Passage[/game], or [game=#107889]Seven Cities of Gold[/game]. However, I'm still looking forward to decorating my wall with this first of the new. "You only live once, buy Picassos whenever possible." Right? $1 is way more than possible for me.
Goat Simulator: GoatZ Coffee Stain Studios (Icculus)2015simulation Humorous labelminimizeminimize
Pixture author2015platformer role-play labelminimizeminimize
Truecraft author2015role-play Fantasy Cartoon Created by reverse engineering Minecraft beta 1.7.3. It is Minecraft with all the basic features. Dig up resources, cultivate resources, craft stuff, and things. labelminimizesubject
Freeminer author2015platformer role-play labelminimizeminimize
Salem Mortal Moments (Mortal Moments;Seatribe)2015role-play Fantasy labelminimizeminimize
Terraria author (Re-Logic)2015action/reflex Several fans have unofficially ported the game to Linux. All of these ports are quite playable.

Re-Logic is developing an official port.
SteamWorld Heist! Image & Form2016strategy turn-based Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize
Signs of Life Sweet Dog Studios2017platformer labelminimizeminimize
SteamWorld Dig 2 Image&Form2017platformer Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize
SteamWorld Heist: The Outsider Image & Form2017strategy turn-based Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize
ClassiCube ClassiCube Team2019role-play labelminimizeminimize
PlanetSide 2 Sony Online EntertainmentTBAshooter Science Fiction labelminimizeminimize
Seedling aurthorTBArole-play labelminimizeminimize
Hearthlands ArtefactGames (ArtefactGames;Sergio & Simon)TBA strategy Fantasy labelminimizeminimize
VOX AlwaysGeekyTBA role-play labelminimizeminimize