showing 15 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Witches  author? firstpersonshooter langinsignificant magic opengl sdl swrender witches labelminimizeminimize
Conquest of Elysium II  Illwinter Game Design;Shrapnel Games (Illwinter Game Design)2001 archers autumnal ballistae classbased coe-series commercial currency demo download dragons dwarves elves fogofwar forest fungi gentoo goblins grid grid-square humanoids humans license-proprietary licensechange magic monsters mystics necromancers orcs shopping siegeweapons sorcery spears summery summoning taxes tileblending trolls ubuntu vernal walking warriormystics weefolk wintery witches labelimagesubject
CrossFire author2001 acid adv-static alternatesolutions amoeboids angels animateobjects animateweapons antipk ants axes basilisks bees beggars beholders bigcats birds bludgeons bodyarmor bows capacity-stacks capacity-weight captives charactercreation cheapdeath chickens children chiroptera city currency currency-split cyclopes dancers dedicatedclient demons dialog-keywords dialog-progressive discriminatingcustomers disproportionalworld dogs doors dragons dragons-eastern dragons-other dragons-western dungeoncrawler dwarves earth elementals elites elves encounters-literal encounters-respawn encounters-seen europeanfae femaleprotagonist fungi gargoyles genderchoice genderneutral ghosts ghouls giantinsects giantrats giants giantsnakes giantwolves giantworms gnolls gnomes goblinoids goblins golems gryphons gtk heads healthregen-moderate hirelings host-dedicated humans hunger imps insects interactivedialogs inventory itemidentification itemlock keys keys-disposable knights knives kobolds larvae license-gpl liches limitedcapacity lockpicking loot-random lunatics magic maleprotagonist mapgenerator medieval meleeweapons mice mmog mollusk monsters mycoids mystics neutralmonsters neutralnpcs ninja nofailstate noncombpenalty nonlinear nudity nudity-inhuman ogres opengl openworld-restricted orcs pirates presetmaps primates protagonistnaming pve pvp racechoice rats rpm safezone scavenging scorpions sdl serverbrowser shopping skeletons snakes spawners specieschoice spectres stonecreatures swords tangibleabstracts theunnamed thieves trading treants trees trolls ubuntu undead unicorns unlimitedlives ursines vagrants vampires weefolk witches wolves worms wyverns x11 x86 x86-64 xp-deeds xp-kills xp-literal zombies labelimagesubject
Stendhal Arianne2005 achievements amazons amoeboids angels anuroids apples archaicweapons arianne-engine axes barbarians bartering beavers beholders bludgeons bodyarmor books bows cannibalism captives cards carrots cattle centaurs cervids cheese cherries chickens chiroptera clergy crabs crocodiles crossbows currency cyclopes death demons dice download dragons dragons-western dwarves elementals elephants elites elves europeanfae exoticweapons femaleprotagonist fish fishing flowers forest foxes free2play fungus-mushrooms gargoyles garlic gems genderchoice ghosts giants gnomes goblins gold goldbars goldnuggets golems horses humans hydrae imps inventory java jewelry jinn keys knights knives kobolds leprechauns license-gpl lions magic magicrings maleprotagonist map marriage meleeweapons mice minotaurs mmog monsters mummies murinoids mutants mystics naga naturalweapons ninja nymphs ogres orcs outlaws pandas pegasus penguin pickaxe pigs polearms potions primates prospecting rangedweapons rats roses samurai scientists scrolls scythes sdl shopping skeletons snakes soldiers spears spectres spiders staves stealing subterranean swords thieves throwingstars thrownweapons tigers trading treants trolls ubuntu undead unicorns ursines vampires walking weefolk werewolves witches wolves zombies labelimagesubject
Conquest of Elysium III  Illwinter Game Design2012 archers autumnal ballistae classbased coe-series commercial currency demo desura download dragons dwarves elves fogofwar forest fungi gentoo goblins grid grid-square humanoids humans license-proprietary magic monsters mystics necromancers orcs shopping siegeweapons sorcery spears steampowered summery summoning taxes trolls ubuntu vernal walking warriormystics weefolk wintery witches labelimageminimize
Wizard Chess Digital Transfusion2013 chess commercial download dualism forethoughtrequired grid grid-square license-proprietary magic mystics naturalistic perfectinformation traditional trolls ubuntu witches labelminimizeminimize
Darklands Retroism (MPS Labs)2014 15thcentury commercial demons dosbox download finiteammo germany gog handdrawn heretics holyromanempire humanprotagonist license-proprietary mintlinux nonnative notnative steampowered templar ubuntu witches labelminimizeminimize
Conquest of Elysium 4  Illwinter Game Design2014 archers autumnal ballistae classbased coe-series commercial currency download dragons dwarves elves fogofwar forest fungi goblins grid grid-square humanoids humans license-proprietary magic monsters mystics necromancers orcs shopping siegeweapons sorcery spears steampowered summery summoning taxes trolls ubuntu vernal walking warriormystics weefolk wintery witches labelminimizeminimize
Mystik Belle Last Dimension2015 actionadventure actionrpg adv-undefined capacity-slots commercial desura download femaleprotagonist gamemaker humblewidget indie inventory license-proprietary limitedcapacity magic metroidvania mysticprotagonist nodrm sorcery steampowered ubuntu witches xp-kills labelminimizeminimize
Anna's Quest Daedalic Entertainment2015 childprotagonist clickadventure commercial download dragons femaleprotagonist foxes gog grimmsfairytales handdrawn interactivedialogs inventory license-proprietary magic mintlinux nodrm rewardingvandalism steampowered teddybears telekinesis torture trolls ubuntu unicorns witches labelminimizeminimize
Secrets of Grindea Pixel Ferrets2016 2hmeleeweapons adv-ptdistr adv-static alphafunding amoeboids animals bludgeons bossbattles bossmeter bows capacity-unlimited chickens commercial crafting crates csharplanguage damageinfo download enemyhealthdisplay fasttravel-points grinding healthdrops indevelopment inventory itemget leveluprestoration license-proprietary loot-random loot-unexpected magic monsters mp-cooperative npcspawning plantcreatures protagonistdesigning pumpkin rewardingvandalism santaclaus shields sorcery steampowered swords tasktracker town ubuntu vanityitems witches xnaframework xp-deeds xp-kills xp-shared labelminimizeminimize
WITCHEM UP  author2017 tic80 witches labelminimizeminimize
Yooka-Laylee  Team17 Digital (Playtonic Games)2017 ♫teddybearpicnic anthroprotagonist ants bees birds bossbattles boxed clams commercial crabs crowdfunded demo download drm fish forest giantants giantinsects giantspiders gog hermitcrabs license-proprietary moles music-bluegrass naturalweapons nodrm npcstrife plantcreatures pumpkin sharks skeletons spiritualsuccessor steampowered subterranean teleport titularcharacter tutorial unarmedfighting undead walruses witches labelminimizeminimize
Conquest of Elysium 5  Illwinter Game Design2021 archers autumnal ballistae classbased coe-series commercial currency download dragons dwarves elves exploration fogofwar forest fungi goblins grid grid-square humanoids humans license-proprietary magic monsters mystics necromancers opengl orcs roguelike shopping siegeweapons sorcery spears steampowered summery summoning taxes trolls ubuntu vernal walking warriormystics weefolk wintery witches x86-64 labelminimizeminimize
Lenna's Inception Chucklefish (Bytten Studio)TBA achillesheelfoes actionadventure alphafunding amoeboids blood bombs bows chickens chiroptera claiming commercial compositefoes crates currency download flipscreens gore hard heads limitedpalette mapgenerator meleeweapons mode-challenge monsters music-chiptune nodrm permadeath pets pixelated presetmaps randomseed reapers retro rewardingvandalism screenshake shopping swords tasktracker witches labelminimizeminimize