showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagsdescription
Nuts & Scrap DevilishGames? 2160s 22ndcentury 3rdmillennium actionadventure beos commercial demo earth future license-proprietary prerenderedbackgrounds robots sdl labelminimizeminimize
WildRide3D  ?1997 3ormoreplayers beos demo landvehicle leveleditor license-proprietary motorracing ppc labelimageminimize
Axia Wildcard Design1998 arenashooter asteroidslike beos currency demo download langinsignificant license-proprietary ppc shopping space spacecraft x86 In this high-speed action space shoot-em-up, you're Max Dellamorte, a bounty hunter, passing through the Auburn Planetary System. The local government has been losing trading convoys passing through the asteroid belt that surrounds the system, and has contracted with you to help hold off the unknown enemy until help from The Federation can arrive.

You start the game in a single-shot fighter spacecraft, with the ability to upgrade your armament as you collect bounties on each enemy ship (as well as asteroids) you destroy. Every five waves you automatically return to the Auburn weapons shop where you can buy your upgrades.

The BeOS-x86 version executable is 'axia.x86', the BeOS-ppc version is 'axia.ppc', and the DOS version is 'axia.exe'. There is also an install program (install.exe) and a sound setup program (setup.bat) for DOS. More instructions and troubleshooting guides can be found in the game itself.
Dark Corona  Algomedia Software1999 beamweapons beos commercial currency demo haikuos license-proprietary ppc x86 Dark Corona PEGASUS is a scrolling action arcade game. As a space
jockey in the Andromeda System, making a living can be tough. Your
mission is to battle space pirates, rebels, and the occasional cranky
freighter boss to prevent Keldor, the Emperor of Morag, from
activating the Iconia Device.
The registered version comes with 16 levels of gameplay and half an
hour of original music...
Corum III: Chaotic Magic Gobe Software (Next Generation Entertainment)2000 beos commercial demo license-proprietary ppc x86 Welcome to the world of Corum III. In this fantasy Role Playing Game (RPG), newly ported to BeOS by Next Generation Entertainment, you play the wandering knight Kaien Baist. Solve mini-quests, battle opponents, and cast spells as you unlock the secrets of this land of Chaotic Magic.

The World of Corum

Eight Dark Lords wish to wield ultimate power over the land, but to achieve their ends, they require the power of the ninth Dark Lord. They send three Crayn magicians to seek the power of this lost Dark Lord, not realizing that the Crayn are themselves ambitious, and less than loyal to their masters. How do you fit into these world-shaking events? Journey forth, and learn...

Game Features

Journey through the lands as 3 characters over the course of the game.
Upgradable attacks, including unlimited combination attacks.
Adventurer's Guilds, featuring many sub-quests to solve.
Joystick and gamepad support for fast and easy game control.
User's Guide

Corum III comes with a printed User's Guide containing:

Corum background, concepts, and history.
Installation and configuration instructions.
Notes on game play, including combat and magic.
Quick Reference to commands (in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Norwegian, and Kanji)
System Requirements

Recommended system requirements (minimums in parentheses).

Processor: P200 (P120) x86, 200 MHz (150 MHz) PPC.
Free Disk Space: 600 MB (5 MB for run-off-the-CD installation).
Memory: 64 MB (32 MB).
CD-ROM: 24x (4x).
Peripherals: Mouse and Keyboard required, Gamepad recommended.
No Gravity  Realtech VR2005 beos demo difficulty haikuos licensechange sdl space vorbis labelminimizeminimize
Underworld Adventures ?2005 1life adv-undefined authoravatar automap axes bludgeons brains charactercreation containers demo dimensionalportals dimensionaltravel doors doors-breakable dungeoncrawler falselyaccused felinoids floatingeyes freelook fromanotherworld genderchoice giantinsects goblins headless heroprotagonist interactivedialogs inventory jumping knives lua magic magic-precast magic-sigils meleeweapons monsters neutralmonsters neutralnpcs noinvpause sdl serious shopping sorcery subterranean swords swrender thrownweapons titularlocale trash ultima ultimauw unarmedfighting unlikelysentients walking worms xp-undefined zetaos labelminimizeminimize