showing 8 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardgame type
Baldur's Gate Runecraft (Bioware;Interplay)?adventure role-play Fantasy labelimageminimize
Resident Evil  Capcom (Capcom Entertainment)1996adventure Horror labelimagesubject
Resident Evil 2  Capcom1998adventure Horror labelimagesubject
Diablo  Electronic Arts (Blizzard;Climax Group)1998action/reflex role-play Fantasy Horror labelimagesubject
Parasite Eve  Square1998adventure role-play Horror Science Fiction labelimagesubject
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis  Capcom1999action/reflex adventure Horror labelimagesubject
Crusaders of Might and Magic 3DO2000action/reflex beat 'em up Fantasy labelimagesubject
Darkstone Take 2 Interactive (Delphine Software)2001action/reflex role-play Fantasy labelimagesubject