showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Baldur's Gate Runecraft (Bioware;Interplay)? activepause adnd adv-static baldursgate bhaalspawn bloodlines bows cancelled caninoids capacity-slots charactercreation cheapdeath city classbased classbasedeq containers crossbows darts dicemechanics dnd doors dwarves elves encounters-random familiars fatigue forest forgottenrealms genderchoice gnolls goblins godlingprotagonist golems group hazardouspowers highfantasy hitchance homingboulders identitycrisis infinityengine inventory karma limitedcapacity lockpicking magic magic-delayed medieval mythmagnet orphanprotagonist prerenderedbackgrounds protagonistnaming prototype pseudorealtime ragtaggang randomchance resting romance rooting sewers sharedsetting sorcery spellbooks spellmemory tombstones traps undead unusualprotagonist uvl-tiein vendortrash voicechoice weefolk wyverns xp-deeds xp-kills xp-levelmatch xp-shared labelimageminimize
Hercules  Sony Computer Entertainment (Eurocom Developments)1997 bonusstages bossbattles centauroids centaurs chargedattack disappearingplatforms disney fauns forest godlingprotagonist grecoroman grecoromanmythology harmfultouch healthpickups heracles hydrae ledges lives magic meleeweapons movie platformer platinum polycephalids rating-esrb-e rating-sell-tp savepassword secrets shallowwater sorcery superstrength swords title-animated titularcharacter unarmedfighting walking labelimagesubject
Disney's Tarzan Sony Computer Entertainment (Eurocom Developments)1999 africa disney feralchildren forest platformer tarzan tropic labelimagesubject
Crusaders of Might and Magic 3DO2000 actionadventure adv-static ardon-mm blocking bludgeons capacity-slots castle chosenone difficulty dwarves elementals energyregen forest hackandslash healingitems insectoids interlinkedlevels inventory jumping limitedcapacity magic magicartefacts map mapdeficient medieval meleeweapons mightandmagic militantprotagonist mine nogps obsoletedassets ogres potions premadeprotagonist reduced rewardingvandalism sciencefantasy shadowmaps shields skeletons sorcery subterranean swords tutorial undead walking warriormystics warriorprotagonist weefolk labelimagesubject
Chrono Cross  Square2000 aliens axes beach bludgeons boomerangs chrono-series clowns cyborgs dogs dragons dragons-other dwarves earlyending fae felinoids firearms fistloads forest hydrae island jungle luchadores mansion merfolk multipleendings mycoids newgameplus oddappliances parallelworld pirates premadeprotagonist prerenderedbackgrounds prerenderedcinematics rating-esrb-t recurrence-character scientists sewers silentprotagonist skeletons stagemagic staves swords swordstaffs teenprotagonist town underwater watercraft-location watercraft-medium labelimagesubject
Darkstone Take 2 Interactive (Delphine Software)2001 actionrpg adv-undefined bludgeons bows capacity-slots chickens diablolike dungeon energyitems forest healingitems itemgenerator jewelry limitedcapacity magic meleeweapons optionaltasks rating-esrb-t restorativegluttony safezone sorcery swords unknownpast xp-kills labelimagesubject
Final Fantasy Origins Square2003 adv-static aerodyne airship amoeboids axes bigcats birds bizarrecreatures bludgeons bodyarmor bossbattles bows carnivorousplants castle classbased classbasedeq combatmode demons dialog-keywords dinosaurs dragons dragons-eastern dragons-western dwarves eagles elves encounters-random exoticweapons fantasyworld fictionaluniverse finalfantasy fish floatingeyes forest friendlyfire frog ghosts ghouls giantinsects giants giantworms goblins golems group hapticfeedback harpies illequipped insectoids inventory jewelry knights knives magic mandatoryloss meleeweapons menus merfolk mixedcreatures monsters mystics neutralnpcs noalternatives nunchucks ogres pirates polearms premadeprotagonist protagonistnaming rakshasa rapidmovementplants rating-sell-tp riding roses-other rotorcraft sharks shields shopping skyships sorcery staves subterranean suicideattackers swords testudines timetravel tombstones town unarmedfighting undead unicorns unrootedplants vampires walking watercraft watercraft-large weefolk wolves xp-kills xp-literal zombies labelimagesubject