showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_upwardtagsdescription
Warhammer: Dark Omen Electronic Arts (Mindscape)1998 cavalry control-groups dwarves elites formations infantry leaderparticipation militaryfiction miniaturegame mouse multiphased noreinforcements rating-esrb-t recruiting tactical undead weaponsplatforms weefolk whfantasy A war rages throughout the land, and you're the only one who can bring peace. Play as Commander Morgan Berndhardt of the Grudgebringer mercenaries as he fights for gold and glory. After you position your battalions on the battlefield, the fight begins. If things start to go badly, Bernhardt can issue orders to his troops to turn the tide of battle. After gaining victory, recruit new troops, or buy new weapons and armor for those who survived the last battle. Play WARHAMMER: Dark Omen and earn money from the death of others.***
[32]***8/10 for fanatics of middle-age battles
7/10 for other ones
Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat  SSI;Mindscape (Mindscape)1996 cavalry control-groups elites formations goblinoids infantry leaderparticipation magic militaryfiction miniaturegame minionpermadeath multiphased murinoids noreinforcements npcfleeing persistentminions realitylab recruiting tactical treants upkeep whfantasy Based on Games Workshop's non-electronic series this epic contest casts the player as leader of the Empire's notorious Grudgebringer faction. The dark strife-ridden Warhammer world is under siege from both the barbarian orcs massing at the Empire's gates and agents of chaos represented by the forces of the Horned Rat living within those walls. The player-character is unknowingly drawn into a web of intrigue that leads to the command of a mercenary army and a series of battles which will determine the fate of civilization.***